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Warehouse Maintenance - Knowledgebase / SalesPad / Inventory - Cavallo Technical Support

Warehouse Maintenance

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The Warehouse Maintenance module can be used to quickly update and manage company warehouse sites. With the proper security access, users can see all inventory assigned to each warehouse, can update location user fields, or view in-transit transfers.


Select a warehouse ID from the Site dropdown list. After choosing a site, the remaining information can be updated to reflect the desired changes. Information that can be updated includes warehouse Tax Schedule ID, Address, and Contact Info.

Note: The Bin fields can only be edited in environments where multi-bin has been enabled in GP.k1hlPMqsNVYkWEgt8Sj560xRf491Evfl.png?access_token=snx3un-rinwnouuyo-33c2ee043a89dde894aba988b0768280075126ed


The Inventory tab allows for the search of items that are assigned to the selected warehouse.nOu9uSFKppW8dZa1z5iNqhJZX249VTUa.png?access_token=snx3up-dqxsicrepq-cb8a1adde5037aedc12f3d57e4943130c6dfc11f

User Fields

The User Fields tab displays user fields that have been created on the Location business object in User Field Editor.

In-Transit Transfers

This tab allows users to search for in-transit transfer lines related to the selected site. The Order Document ID field can be clicked to open the In-Transit Transfer.hwxS3HLJyRCWCQY7QLfErmhkMvWacDhK.png?access_token=snx3ui-nkxswlzqlm-18c557f3a17292b6e437b5783ca65f079c230cd5


Warehouse Maintenance - Grants users access to the module.

Warehouse In-Transit Transfers - Displays the In-Transit Transfers tab in the Warehouse maintenance module.

Warehouse Inventory - Displays the Inventory tab in the Warehouse Maintenance module.

Warehouse User Fields - Displays the User Fields tab in the Warehouse Maintenance module.

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