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Supported Credit Card Reading Devices - Knowledgebase / LEGACY Products / Miscellaneous - Cavallo Technical Support

Supported Credit Card Reading Devices

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Important Notice

After October 29, 2019, SalesPad will no longer be supporting CardControl. Additionally, the application will cease to be a PA-DSS validated solution as of this date, and therefore CardControl customers would no longer be PCI compliant.

Instead, SalesPad Desktop now offers built-in credit card processing via Nodus PayFabric. If you have questions or want more information on our credit card processing services, please contact your sales rep.

Verified Devices

If a device is listed in this document, it has been verified to be fully functional with CardControl 3.0. If the device is not listed, it is not guaranteed that the device will be functional with CardControl 3.0.

CardControl does not support advanced credit card reading devices with pin pads.

MAGTEK Devices
  • The MAGTEK Mini Reader (PART NO: 21040145 – pictured below) is verified to be fully functional with and supported by CardControl 3.0.

Picture 2

  • The MAGTEK Dynamag Reader (PART NO: 21073062 OR 21073145 – pictured below) is verified to be fully functional with and supported by CardControl 3.0.


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