Below is a key for codes that appear in the Status column of SalesPad’s Sales Monitor and Sales Document Mass Update.
BO (Backordered): One or more lines have backordered quantities
EM (Emailed): Document has been emailed
FBO (Fully Backordered): Indicates that the quantity ordered equals the quantity backordered
FPD (Fully Paid): Indicates that the document is fully paid
FP (Fully Picked): All lines have been fully picked
PP (Partially Picked): One or more lines have been fully fulfilled
OPD (Over Paid): Indicates that the document is overpaid
PBO (Partially Backordered): Indicates that the quantity backordered is greater than 0 and the quantity backordered is less than the quantity
PL (Purchased Lines): One or more Purchase Orders are attached to this sales order
DS (Drop Ship): One or more lines are marked as Dropship line items
TRK (Tracking Numbers): One or more Tracking Numbers exist on the document
ZL (Zero Lines): There are no line items on the order
If more than one code applies to a document, multiple codes will appear, separated by a space: