The Salesperson feature of SalesPad Cloud allows you to manage the sales associates in your company.
To get started, select Salesperson from the Settings menu.
Navigation Menu
Create a SalesPerson
To create a Salesperson, click the New Salesperson button in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
The Salesperson drawer will appear. Fill out the information fields in this drawer.
For a brief explanation of the different information fields in the Salesperson drawer, click here:
Sales Person - Allows you to give a name to your Salesperson
Email - Displays the email address of your Salesperson
Initials - Allows you to assign initials for the Salesperson
Sales Territory - Assigns a Sales Territory to your Salesperson
Inactive - If checked, this Salesperson is inactive
When you've finished entering your information, click Save.
Edit a SalesPerson
To edit an existing Salesperson, first select the Salesperson from the list on the left-hand side of the Salesperson window.
Once you've selected the Salesperson you want to edit, make your changes in the information fields on the right-hand side of the screen.
When you've finished making your changes, click Save.
See it in Action
Salespersons dropdowns appear in various places in SalesPad Cloud, including in New or Edit Customer drawers.