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Price Maintenance - Knowledgebase / SalesPad / Sales - Cavallo Technical Support

Price Maintenance

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The Price Maintenance module can be used to update prices and costs of items. Items can be updated individually, or all items can be updated at one time.

Updating List Price

Search for the item you wish to update. The new price can either be updated from the List Multiplier column, or a new price value can be entered in the New List Price column.PIyYzdqO3miLatdPvERRpbDhTZxYQhxf.png?access_token=snx3ul-nffathxylq-cf7c23f66e829e904b6a5712eb24c089fde0c1dc

To update list prices for multiple (or even all) items, add a value to the Update List Price Multiplier field and click Go.DWycKrAxG5QtquomYMFsmWh88iFMF1yX.png?access_token=snx3ue-oyqgezsckk-8e094699acd26997db5cc46f6f1e511652f329b2

To save any changes made to prices, click on the Save New List Prices button.

Updating Costs

After searching for an item, the new cost can be calculated using a multiplier value. Updating the Standard Cost of multiple items can be done using the Update New Multipliers to: field. After entering a value in this field, click the Go button to update the items.


Price Maintenance - Grants users access to the Price Maintenance Module.

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