Select a Version Number:
- Version 5.14.0
- Version 5.13.0
- Version 5.12.0
- Version 5.11.1
- Version 5.11.0
- Version 5.10.5
- Version 5.10.4
- Version 5.10.3
- Version 5.10.2
- Version 5.10.1
- Version 5.10.0
- Version 5.9.3
- Version 5.9.2
- Version 5.9.1
- Version 5.9.0
- Version 5.8.2
- Version 5.8.1
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- Version 5.7.0
- Version 5.6.1
- Version 5.6.0
- Version 5.5.2
- Version 5.5.1
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- Version 5.4.2
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- Version 5.3.2
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Version 5.14.0
Release Date 2/3/25
ADDED: Mobile Batch Picking: A new mobile module which allows users to pick orders which are grouped into batch picks. Batch picks can be created ahead of time via the Batch Picking Assignment server module, or they can be created within Mobile Batch Picking by selecting orders from the Sales Docs lookup. The Fulfillment Option security heavily impacts this module’s processing. When set to Automatic Fulfillment, this module groups line items together by item number and automatically determines which sales documents to fulfill as the user submits. When set to Manual Fulfillment, the user must select which sales document and line to fulfill for each submission. When set to No Fulfillment, this module acts as a staging activity and will not fulfill the line items.
ADDED: Setting: Batch Picking: Document Batch Pick ID Format - Defines the C# string format to use when generating batch pick IDs for groups of sales documents that will be picked together. An example would be BP{0:000000000}, where “BP” is the prefix, “{0}” is the batch pick ID, and “:000000000” pads the ID with leading 0s until it is 9 characters long. Defaults to 'BP{0:000000000}'.
ADDED: Setting: Batch Picking (Scanner): Batch Picking Document Selection Options - Determines which ways users can enter values into the Sales Docs field in Batch Picking. If nothing is selected, then the field will be read only. Defaults to 'Lookup, Scan, and Type'.
ADDED: Setting: Batch Picking (Scanner): Batch Picking From Bin Selection Options - Determines which ways users can enter values into the From Bin field in Batch Picking. If nothing is selected, then the field will be read only. Defaults to 'Lookup, Scan, and Type'.
ADDED: Setting: Batch Picking (Scanner): Batch Picking Item Selection Options - Determines which ways users can enter values into the Item Number field in Batch Picking. If nothing is selected, then the field will be read only. Defaults to 'Lookup, Scan, and Type'.
ADDED: Setting: Batch Picking (Scanner): Batch Picking Lookup Batch - In the Batch Picking screen, the Sales Docs lookup will display only the sales orders matching the specified workflow batch. Mobile Batch Picking's Sales Document Lookup Batch security will override this setting if it has a value for the user's security group. If the security and setting are both left blank, the lookup will not filter by workflow batch. Defaults to nothing.
ADDED: Setting: Batch Picking (Scanner): Batch Picking Post Submit Script - Batch Picking C# script that executes when the submit button is tapped after the transaction is saved. Defaults to nothing.
ADDED: Setting: Batch Picking (Scanner): Batch Picking Pre Submit Script - Batch Picking C# script that executes when the submit button is tapped before the transaction is saved. Defaults to nothing.
ADDED: Setting: Batch Picking (Scanner): Batch Picking Restrict Sales Documents By Batch - If enabled, the Sales Docs field for the Batch Picking screen will only allow documents which are in the batches listed in the 'Batch Picking Lookup Batch' setting. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Setting: Batch Picking (Scanner): Batch Picking Serial Lot Selection Options - Determines which ways users can enter values into the Serial Num and Lot Num fields in Batch Picking. If nothing is selected, then the fields will be read only. Defaults to 'Lookup, Scan, and Type'.
ADDED: Setting: Batch Picking (Scanner): Batch Picking To Bin Selection Options - Determines which ways users can enter values into the To Bin field in Batch Picking. If nothing is selected, then the field will be read only. Defaults to 'Lookup, Scan, and Type'.
ADDED: Setting: Batch Picking (Scanner): Batch Picking UofM Field Read Only - If set to 'True', the Unit of Measure field on the Batch Picking screen will be read only. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Setting: Batch Picking (Scanner): Default Staging Bin - The default value for the To Bin field in Batch Picking. Defaults to nothing.
ADDED: Setting: Batch Picking (Scanner): Forward Documents On Staging Finished Using SalesPad - If set to 'True', Inventory Manager will attempt to forward all sales documents in a group when all documents in the group are fully staged. This setting requires SalesPad Remote Library to be running and accessible by Inventory Manager. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Setting: Batch Picking (Scanner): Forward Documents On Staging Started Using SalesPad - If set to 'True', Inventory Manager will attempt to forward all sales documents in a group after the first submission for the group. This setting requires SalesPad Remote Library to be running and accessible by Inventory Manager. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Setting: Batch Picking (Scanner): Staging Finished Batch - The workflow queue where Inventory Manager will send all sales documents in a group when all documents in the group are fully staged. Defaults to nothing.
ADDED: Setting: Batch Picking (Scanner): Staging Started Batch - The workflow queue where Inventory Manager will send all sales documents in a group after the first submission for the group. Defaults to nothing.
ADDED: Setting: Batch Picking (Scanner): Suggest Next Item To Stage - If set to 'True', the app will suggest the next item to stage. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Setting: Batch Picking (Scanner): Use Custom Get Next Unstaged Line - If set to 'True', Inventory Manager will use the custom stored procedure 'dccpGetNextUnstagedLineItem' to determine the next item number to stage. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Batch Picking: Can Create Batch Picks - When set to true, users will be able to see documents that are not currently assigned to batch picks in the Sales Docs lookup, and they will be able to create batch picks for those documents. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Batch Picking: Can Edit Sales Document UDFs - Determines whether or not User Defined Fields for Sales Documents can be changed on the device. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Batch Picking: Can Edit Sales Line Item UDFs - Determines whether or not User Defined Fields for Sales Line Items can be changed on the device. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Batch Picking: Can View Sales Doc UDFs - Determines whether or not User Defined Fields for Sales Documents are visible on the device. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Batch Picking: Can View Sales Line Item UDFs - Determines whether or not User Defined Fields for Sales Line Items are visible on the device. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Batch Picking: Fulfillment Option - Determines how Batch Picking applies fulfillments to sales documents on submission. No Fulfillment will not create any fulfillments. Automatic Fulfillment will automatically apply fulfillments to the documents in Sales Doc Num order. Manual Fulfillment will require the user to select a specific document and line for each submission. Defaults to 'No_Fulfillment'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Batch Picking: Sales Document Lookup Batch - In the Batch Picking screen, the Sales Docs lookup will display only the sales orders matching the specified workflow batch. This overrides the Batch Picking Lookup Batch setting for this user group. If the security and setting are both left blank, the lookup will not filter by workflow batch. Defaults to nothing.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Batch Picking: Sales Document Quantity Breakout - When set to true, the item quantities needed for each sales document will be listed in the Total Qty To Pick cell once an item has been selected. Defaults to 'True'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Batch Picking: Automatically Assign Picking Groups To Sales Documents - If enabled, when a user loads a Batch Pick ID or submits the first submission for a new Batch Pick ID in the Mobile Batch Picking module, their configured picking group name will be automatically added to the Picking Group field for all sales documents in that Batch Pick ID. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Batch Picking: Automatically Assign Picking Users To Sales Documents - If enabled, when a user loads a Batch Pick ID or submits the first submission for a new Batch Pick ID in the Mobile Batch Picking module, their username will be automatically added to the Picking User field for all sales documents in that Batch Pick ID. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Batch Picking: Restrict To Assigned Picking Group - Only Assigned Group restricts users to only see sales documents in the Sales Docs lookup if their user group is assigned as a Picking Group for them, and they can only add those sales documents to a Batch Pick ID for picking. Only Assigned Group And Unassigned Docs still restricts users to sales documents that are assigned to their group but also includes sales documents that are not assigned to any Picking Group. No Restriction provides access to all applicable sales documents regardless of Picking Group assignment. Defaults to 'No Restriction'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Batch Picking: Restrict To Assigned Picking User - Only Assigned User restricts users to only see sales documents in the Sales Docs lookup if they are assigned as a Picking User for them, and they can only add those sales documents to a Batch Pick ID for picking. Only Assigned User And Unassigned Docs still restricts users to sales documents that are assigned to them but also includes sales documents that are not assigned to any Picking User. No Restriction provides access to all applicable sales documents regardless of Picking User assignment. Defaults to 'No Restriction'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Picking: Automatically Assign Picking Groups To Sales Documents - If enabled, when a user loads a sales document in the Mobile Picking module, their configured picking group name will be automatically added to the Picking Group field for that document. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Picking: Automatically Assign Picking Users To Sales Documents - If enabled, when a user loads a sales document in the Mobile Picking module, their username will be automatically added to the Picking User field for that document. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Picking: Restrict To Assigned Picking Group - Only Assigned Group restricts users to only see documents in the sales document lookup if their user group is assigned as a Picking Group for them, and they can only load those documents for picking. Only Assigned Group And Unassigned Docs still restricts users to documents that are assigned to their group but also includes documents that are not assigned to any Picking Group. No Restriction provides access to all applicable sales documents regardless of Picking Group assignment. Defaults to 'No Restriction'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Picking: Restrict To Assigned Picking User - Only Assigned User restricts users to only see documents in the sales document lookup if they are assigned as a Picking User for them, and they can only load those documents for picking. Only Assigned User And Unassigned Docs still restricts users to documents that are assigned to them but also includes documents that are not assigned to any Picking User. No Restriction provides access to all applicable sales documents regardless of Picking User assignment. Defaults to 'No Restriction'.
ADDED: Setting: General Options: Date Fields Allow Manual Text Entry - Enable this setting to allow manually typing the date for all date fields in the mobile app. Tapping a date field outside its text area will still show the date picker. Disable this setting to only allow using the date picker. Defaults to 'True'.
UPDATED: Picking: From Bin is now a required field for inventory and discontinued items in multibin companies.
UPDATED: Picking: Users can now select a From Bin before selecting an Item Number.
UPDATED: Picking: The app will sort the sales document lookup by Directed Picking Sales Document Priorities if they are configured to apply to the lookup sort order.
UPDATED: Picking: The app will suggest a sales document based on Directed Picking Sales Document Priorities if they are configured to apply to the suggested item cell.
UPDATED: Picking: The app will auto populate the Doc Num field based on Directed Picking Sales Document Priorities if they are configured to auto populate the sales document number.
UPDATED: Picking: The app will sort the bin lookup by Directed Picking Bin Priorities if they are configured to apply to the lookup sort order.
UPDATED: Picking: The app will suggest a bin and item based on Directed Picking Bin Priorities if they are configured to apply to the suggested item cell.
UPDATED: Picking: The app will auto populate the From Bin field based on Directed Picking Bin Priorities if they are configured to auto populate from bin.
UPDATED: Picking: The app will auto populate the Item Num field based on Directed Picking Bin Priorities if they are configured to auto populate item number.
UPDATED: Picking: The app will sort the serial lookup by Directed Picking Serial Priorities if they are configured to apply to the lookup sort order.
UPDATED: Picking: The app will suggest a serial number and bin based on Directed Picking Serial Priorities if they are configured to apply to the suggested item cell.
UPDATED: Picking: The app will auto populate the Serial Num field based on Directed Picking Serial Priorities if they are configured to auto populate serial numbers and the selected item is serial-tracked.
UPDATED: Picking: The app will auto populate the From Bin field based on Directed Picking Serial Priorities if they are configured to auto populate the from bin and the selected item is serial-tracked.
UPDATED: Picking: The app will sort the lot lookup by Directed Picking Lot Priorities if they are configured to apply to the lookup sort order.
UPDATED: Picking: The app will suggest a lot number and bin based on Directed Picking Lot Priorities if they are configured to apply to the suggested item cell.
UPDATED: Picking: The app will auto populate the Lot Num field based on Directed Picking Lot Priorities if they are configured to auto populate the lot number and the selected item is lot-tracked.
UPDATED: Picking: The app will auto populate the From Bin field based on Directed Picking Lot Priorities if they are configured to auto populate the from bin and the selected item is lot-tracked.
FIXED: Transactions: Suggested Item text boxes can be scrolled, and their text can be selected and copied. (Introduced: 5.4.0)
ADDED: Batch Picking Assignment: New screen allows grouping sales documents into batch picks. Users can manually group sales documents together, automatically group sales documents together via the Bulk Assignment Options section, and manually change or remove batch picking assignments.
ADDED: Directed Picking Configuration: New screen allows configuring picking priorities for sales documents, bins, lot numbers, and serial numbers.
ADDED: Picking Assignment: New screen that has tabs for the Picking Assignments, Picking Configuration, and Picking Automatic Assignments screens.
ADDED: Picking Assignment: Picking Assignments: New screen allows assigning pickers and picking groups to sales documents, both manually and via balanced assignments which take capacity and complexity constraints into account.
ADDED: Security: Picking Assignments: Can Assign Documents - Allows the user to assign and unassign documents to pickers/groups. Defaults to 'True'.
ADDED: Security: Picking Assignments: Can Disable Picker Capacity Warnings - Allows the user to disable the warning that appears when they try to assign a document that does not meet the picker/group's capacity constraints. Defaults to 'True'.
ADDED: Security: Picking Assignments: Can Move Documents In Workflow - Allows the user to send documents to certain queues in workflow. Defaults to 'True'.
ADDED: Security: Picking Assignments: Picker Capacity Checks - Controls how picker capacity checks are handled. Restrict will prevent assignments that fail a capacity check. Warn will inform the user of the failed capacity check and proceed with assignment. None will allow assignments regardless of capacity without warning the user. Note that the Picker Capacity Warnings checkbox is only interactable when this is set to Warn. Defaults to 'Warn'.
ADDED: Picking Assignment: Picking Configuration: New screen allows flagging users as pickers, creating picking groups, assigning pickers to groups, and configuring capacity and complexity constraints for pickers and groups.
ADDED: Security: Picking Configuration: Can Create Groups - Allows the user to create new picking groups. Defaults to 'True'.
ADDED: Security: Picking Configuration: Can Delete Groups - Allows the user to delete picking groups. Defaults to 'True'.
ADDED: Security: Picking Configuration: Can Update Groups - Allows the user to update picking group configuration fields. Defaults to 'True'.
ADDED: Security: Picking Configuration: Can Update Picker Group Assignments - Allows the user to update which users are assigned to which picking groups. Defaults to 'True'.
ADDED: Security: Picking Configuration: Can Update Pickers - Allows the user to update picker configuration fields. Defaults to 'True'.
ADDED: Picking Assignment: Picking Automatic Assignments: New screen allows configuring automatic assignments for pickers and groups based on specific rules. These rules are used by SalesPad’s Picking Assignment workflow plugin and Picking Assignment Automation Agent job to automatically assign sales orders to pickers as they become ready to pick.
FIXED: PO Receiving: Receiving a lot-tracked item in a non-base unit of measure will not sometimes result in a "The Serial/Lot Quantity in the POP10330 does not match the Quantity Shipped in the POP10500" error when submitting a transaction.
FIXED: Print Putaway Report: Putaway report will now print to the selected printer instead of always printing to the default printer.
Version 5.13.0
Release Date 11/4/24
BREAKING CHANGE: Setting: General Options: List Backordered Items In Lookups - This setting was replaced with the List Backordered Items In Picking Item Number Lookup setting. Both settings work the same when set to True, which is the default value for both settings. If List Backordered Items In Lookups was set to False, the new setting will default to False.
ADDED: Setting: Picking (Scanner): List Backordered Items In Picking Item Number Lookup - When set to False, the mobile Picking module's Item Number lookup will not show sales line items which cannot be picked due to their remaining quantity being backordered. Defaults to 'True'.
FIXED: Picking: Users will not get “The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value” error when picking lot-tracked items. This fix applies to scanned lots only; lots selected from the lot lookup were not affected. (Introduced: 5.10.5)
REMOVED: Picking: The “Scanned Unit of Measure does not match Unit of Measure on Document. Use Scanned Result?” prompt is no longer shown when scanning an item with a unit of measure that is different from the sales line unit of measure.
UPDATED: Picking: A “Scanned unit of measure is invalid.” warning is now displayed when a scanned unit of measure does not exist for the selected item.
FIXED: Picking: The Auto Submit feature now works when the Picking unit of measure is updated in the Scan Parse Script.
FIXED: Stock Counts: Scanning into the Item Number field will no longer give a “No field available for scanner input” error after the app auto-submits a transaction. (Introduced: 5.11.0)
UPDATED: App: Increased the iOS SDK version in order to optimize compatibility for devices running iOS 18.
FIXED: Lookups: Long text will now properly word wrap and will no longer sometimes overlap with other text or controls.
FIXED: Database Update: A first time install to a database that does not have SalesPad installed will no longer result in an "Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ') " error for the spLicensePlate table.
Version 5.12.0
Release Date 9/30/24
UPDATED: App: Various error messages in the app around failing to communicate with the service are now slightly different.
FIXED: Transactions: When the Increment Quantity By Scan option is enabled and the scan parse script is not blank or disabled, the scan parse script will now be executed on each scan instead of being skipped for scans after the first quantity increment.
FIXED: Transactions: The Item Description and Item Tracking Option fields will now clear when the Item Number field clears. (Introduced: 5.3.0)
BREAKING CHANGE: App: The minimum iOS version is now 12.4. Devices running iOS versions prior to 12.4 can no longer install or run the app.
BREAKING CHANGE: Settings: Removed the Prompt to Send Screenshots setting and the Submit Screenshot option in the app-side Settings page because these were seldom-used troubleshooting tools.
UPDATED: App: The app now uses Microsoft.iOS as its framework instead of Xamarin.iOS.
UPDATED: Infinite Peripherals: Infinite Peripherals scanners now use the Quantum SDK.
UPDATED: Koamtac Scanners: The Koamtac SDK is updated to version 3.06.00.
UPDATED: Socket Mobile: The Socket Mobile Capture iOS SDK is updated to version
BREAKING CHANGE: App: The minimum Android version is now 7.1. Devices running Android versions prior to 7.1 can no longer install or run the app.
UPDATED: App: Increased the target Android version to Android 14 in order to optimize compatibility for devices running Android 14.
UPDATED: App: The app now uses Microsoft.Android as its framework instead of Xamarin.Android.
UPDATED: Honeywell Barcode Readers: Honeywell Barcode Readers now use the Honeywell AIDC MAUI Barcode Reader SDK.
UPDATED: Socket Mobile: The Socket Mobile Capture SDK is updated to version
UPDATED: Zebra Scanners: The Zebra Scanner EMDK SDK is updated to version
UPDATED: Zebra Printers: Zebra printers now use version 3.0.3271 of the Zebra Printer SDK instead of the Link-OS Xamarin SDK.
UPDATED: DevExpress: DevExpress has been updated to version 24.1.5.
UPDATED: Application: The ApplicationName that shows in a SQL trace will now use curly brackets “{}” around the username so that filtering on ApplicationName is possible. The previously-used left bracket “[“ is a SQL special character and could not be used for filtering.
FIXED: Licensing: Logging in will no longer give a "Value cannot be null" error when having a license which the console app or IIS service does not explicitly recognize. (Introduced: 5.10.4)
Version 5.11.1
Release Date 6/13/24
FIXED: PO Receiving: When receiving a purchase order line item which has a Landed Cost Group ID, the app will only generate landed costs if the line item is not on the purchase receipt yet. Previously, the app would try to generate landed costs when updating a purchase receipt line item and this would result in errors such as "Landed Cost record already exists" or "Violation of Primary Key constraint PKPOP10700". (Introduced: 5.9.1)
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: When receiving a purchase order line item which has a Landed Cost Group ID, the app will only generate landed costs if the line item is not on the purchase receipt yet. Previously, the app would try to generate landed costs when updating a purchase receipt line item and this would result in errors such as "Landed Cost record already exists" or "Violation of Primary Key constraint PKPOP10700". (Introduced: 5.9.1)
Version 5.11.0
Release Date 5/28/24
ADDED: Settings: General: Sales Document Lookup Additional Field - When a sales document field is selected, that field will be added to the sales document lookup results. This setting applies to the Picking, Picking Confirmation, Packing, Shipping, and Returns modules.
ADDED: Settings: General: Sales Document Lookup Additional Field Character Limit - This setting determines how many characters to display for the value of the field specified in the Sales Document Lookup Additional Field setting. Set this to "0" for no limit.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Packing: Can Delete Packages - Determines whether packages can be deleted on the mobile device. (Default: False)
ADDED: Security: Mobile Picking: Can Delete Packages - Determines whether packages can be deleted on the mobile device. (Default: False)
ADDED: Security: Mobile Picking Confirmation: Can Delete Packages - Determines whether packages can be deleted on the mobile device. (Default: False)
ADDED: Security: Mobile Picking: Sales Document Lookup Batch - In the Picking screen, the Sales Document Lookup will display only the sales orders matching the specified workflow batch. This overrides the Picking Sales Document Lookup Batch setting for this user group. If the security and setting are both left blank, the lookup will not filter by workflow batch.
ADDED: Mobile Picking: The dccpGetNextUnfulfilledLineItem stored procedure now supports the optional @Skip_Item_Suggestion output parameter. When the @Skip_Item_Suggestion parameter is set to 1, the next item to pick will not be suggested and the user will be required to select, scan, or enter the item number.
FIXED: Assembly Entry: BOM item quantity decimals configuration is now respected.
FIXED: Scanning: Scanning quickly while auto submit is enabled will no longer sometimes cause errors or strange states after auto-submitting.
FIXED: Packing: Scanning an invalid value into the Pkg Type field now gives an error.
FIXED: Packing: Submitting now clears any banner messages from the previous submit such as "Package fully packed, starting new package".
FIXED: Packing: Selecting a package which is fully packed according to the Max Items Per Package setting will no longer instead create a new package.
FIXED: Packing: The app will handle situations where submitting a packing request mostly succeeds but appears to fail due to a network error or an error in the Packing Post Submit Script.
FIXED: Packing: Selecting or scanning an item which is fully packed will now give an error.
FIXED: Packing: Opening the Package lookup while an invalid sales document number is entered will no longer give an error.
FIXED: Picking: Scanning an invalid value into the Pkg Type field now gives an error.
FIXED: Picking: Submitting now clears any banner messages from the previous submit such as "Package fully packed, starting new package".
FIXED: Picking: Selecting a package which is fully packed according to the Max Items Per Package setting will no longer instead create a new package.
FIXED: Picking Confirmation: Scanning an invalid value into the Pkg Type field now gives an error.
FIXED: Picking Confirmation: Submitting now clears any banner messages from the previous submit such as "Package fully packed, starting new package".
FIXED: Picking Confirmation: Selecting a package which is fully packed according to the Max Items Per Package setting will no longer instead create a new package.
UPDATED: iOS 17: Increased the iOS SDK version in order to optimize compatibility for devices running iOS 17.
UPDATED: Smart Printing: The Item Label report's Barcodes data table will now load Item Barcode Maintenance data. Note that it will still exclude barcode rows which are disabled and rows which explicitly specify a unit of measure which is different from the transaction's or line item's unit of measure.
UPDATED: Print Item Labels: There is now a UOfM column which displays the purchase receipt line item's or inventory adjustment line item's unit of measure.
UPDATED: Print Item Labels: The Barcode column will no longer show barcodes which explicitly specify a unit of measure which is different from the row's unit of measure.
UPDATED: Mobile Item Label Printing: When printing with Trigger Smart Printing checked, the server will look for smart printing configurations which have their location set to either (all) or the warehouse which the mobile user is assigned to in the Security Editor. Previously, only smart printing configurations which have their location set to (all) would work.
FIXED: Smart Printing Config: Configurations which specify a user group instead of a user now work for transaction types which have a space in their name (e.g. Bin Transfer).
FIXED: Service: Trying to log in with the app while the service is running as a Windows service or an IIS service will no longer give a "Cannot obtain a valid license" error on the first login for users who use subscription licenses. (Introduced: 5.10.5)
FIXED: Application: Security is now properly loaded when a user from a different user group logs into the same device.
FIXED: User Fields: Read only user fields are now consistently read only.
FIXED: User Fields: Editing a text user field via its '...' button and then clicking the popup's 'Cancel' button will discard any changes made in the popup.
FIXED: User Fields: File attachment and hyperlink user fields which are read only will allow for the file attachment or hyperlink to be opened.
FIXED: User Fields: Integer and decimal user fields more actively prevent non-numeric input.
Version 5.10.5
Release Date 2/28/24
FIXED: Picking: If a user selects a lot from the lot lookup and does not change the transaction's site or bin, the app will pick that exact lot row rather than any lot row with the same lot number, site, and bin.
FIXED: Bin Transfers: If a user selects a lot from the lot lookup and does not change the transaction's site or bin, the app will transfer that exact lot row rather than any lot row with the same lot number, site, and bin.
FIXED: Stock Counts: If a user selects a lot from the lot lookup and does not change the transaction's site or bin, the app will count that exact lot row rather than any lot row with the same lot number, site, bin, and date sequence number.
FIXED: In-Transit Picking: If a user selects a lot from the lot lookup and does not change the transaction's site or bin, the app will pick that exact lot row rather than any lot row with the same lot number, site, bin, and date sequence number.
FIXED: Bins: Bin lookups will now correctly report whether the displayed quantity is an Onhand quantity or an Available quantity.
UPDATED: Inventory Lookup: If the Item Number field does not have a value, the Qty field in the Bin lookup now shows the bin's total Onhand quantity for all items instead of being empty.
FIXED: PO Receiving: The Serial Lot Scan Parse Script can now consistently set lot attributes.
FIXED: Inventory Adjustments: The Serial Lot Scan Parse Script can now consistently set lot attributes.
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: The Serial Lot Scan Parse Script can now consistently set lot attributes.
FIXED: Picking: If the Item Number lookup fails to load results, the lookup will try to reload results each time it is opened instead of caching the empty results.
FIXED: Packing: If the Item Number lookup fails to load results, the lookup will try to reload results each time it's opened instead of caching the empty results.
FIXED: Bin Transfers: The Bin Lookup Script now has the Item Number field populated when loading data for the To Bin lookup.
FIXED: Bin Transfers: If the Item Number field has a value, the Qty field in the To Bin lookup now shows the Onhand quantity for just the selected item instead of the bin's total Onhand quantity for all items.
FIXED: Picking: Opening the Item Number lookup too quickly after typing in a Doc Num will no longer result in an object reference error.
FIXED: Samsung Devices: While editing a text field, tapping the Done button on the virtual keyboard will commit any changes to the text field instead of discarding them.
UPDATED: Licensing: Licenses now auto-update each day as part of the login process. This allows for new licenses and updated expiration dates to appear in the app without needing to manually click the Refresh Licenses button in the Security Editor.
FIXED: Assembly Entry: Creating an assembly will not overwrite assemblies created in other products.
FIXED: Picking: Batches made via the Pick Finished Batch setting will have their Origin set to Sales Transaction Entry instead of Payables Trx Entry.
FIXED: Receipt Monitor: Trying to forward a receipt will no longer fail with landed cost errors in certain situations.
FIXED: Receipt Monitor: Forwarding will now properly update batch totals.
FIXED: Report Manager: Designing a report multiple times in a row will not result in an object reference error. (Introduced: 5.10.2)
Version 5.10.4
Release Date 12/4/23
FIXED: Packing: Auto Submit will account for the Max Items Per Package setting.
FIXED: Picking: The Max Items Per Package setting will be respected when the Integrate Pick And Pack setting is enabled.
FIXED: Picking Confirmation: The Max Items Per Package setting will be respected when the Integrate Confirm And Pack setting is enabled.
UPDATED: Picking: Package count is no longer performed when the 'Integrate Pick And Pack' setting is disabled in order to improve performance. (Introduced: 5.10.0)
UPDATED: Picking Confirmation: Package count is no longer performed when the 'Integrate Confirm And Pack' setting is disabled in order to improve performance. (Introduced: 5.10.0)
FIXED: Packing: Auto Submit will account for if the item was partially packed.
Version 5.10.3
Release Date 9/19/23
ADDED: Setting: General Options: Display Expiration Date In Lot Lookups - If set to 'True', the expiration date will be shown in lot number lookups. Defaults to 'False'.
FIXED: Transactions: If a transaction has 'Allow Lookup Increment' enabled, selecting a line item will not sometimes give an object reference error. (Introduced: 5.10.0)
UPDATED: Android 13: Increased the target Android version to Android 13 in order to optimize compatibility for devices running Android 13.
UPDATED: User Fields: Image user fields are now displayed with their original aspect ratio.
UPDATED: User Fields: Standard text user fields now have a '...' button which opens an input window for the user field when clicked.
FIXED: User Fields: SalesPad image user fields now display and save.
FIXED: User Fields: SalesPad memo user fields now display as memo fields instead of normal text fields.
FIXED: Customize Layout: The Customize Layout window no longer appears slightly off the screen.
Version 5.10.2
Release Date 8/28/23
ADDED: Packing: Non-inventory items can now be packed.
ADDED: Settings: Packing (Scanner): Can Pack Non-Inventory Items - If set to 'True', non-inventory items can be packed. NOTE: This excludes top level non-inventory exploded kit items. Defaults to 'False'.
FIXED: Transactions: Item Number fields now respect the 'Wrap Item Description Supplementary Info Text' setting.
FIXED: Transactions: Item Number fields no longer have excessive vertical padding if the 'Include Item Tracking Option In Item Number Supplementary Info' setting is set to 'False'.
UPDATED: Application: Inventory Manager will now utilize modified SalesPad eConnect stored procedures if available. The procedures have the 'sppta' prefix and '_SalesPad' suffix.
Version 5.10.1
Release Date 8/14/23
ADDED: Security: Mobile Login: Remember Password - If set to 'True' and the 'Remember Me' toggle is enabled, the app will remember the user's password. Otherwise, only the user’s username will be retained. Defaults to 'True'.
UPDATED: Stock Counts: Starting a stock count now sets the stock count's Doc Date to today.
UPDATED: Stock Counts: Finishing a stock count now sets the Last Stock Count Date and Time for each item and warehouse combination on the stock count.
FIXED: Packing: If a package already has items and its package type is changed, the package's weight will be properly updated instead of being reset to the new package type's weight plus the newly packed item's weight.
Version 5.10.0
Release Date 7/24/23
ADDED: Setting: Picking: Serial Lot Number Text Field Is Scan Only - If set to 'True', the serial/lot number text field in the picking screen will not accept keyed-in data, forcing users to scan the serial/lot number. Lookups override this function. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Picking Confirmation: Non-tracked items can now be confirmed in non-multibin environments.
UPDATED: User Fields: Hyperlink user fields are now supported.
FIXED: Picking Confirmation: Non-tracked and lot-tracked item quantities will now be displayed in the selling unit of measure to match the sales line. Serial-tracked item quantities are unaffected.
FIXED: Picking Confirmation: Sales document audit entries now display the correct quantity and unit of measure for non-tracked and lot-tracked items. Unit of measure has been removed from audit entries for serial-tracked items since those items are confirmed individually.
FIXED: Increment Qty By Scan: Scanning barcodes or QR codes which have different values but correspond to the same item number will now still increment the quantity.
FIXED: Increment Qty By Scan: License Plates now fully ignore Increment Qty By Scan, since license plates are only meant to have 1 quantity.
FIXED: Stock Counts: Entering a Stock Count ID or Site will now refresh the current line items. Previously, line items would sometimes not refresh and cause errors such as "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" in situations such as entering a lot number.
FIXED: Stock Counts: When auto-submitting a new line item, the confirmation prompt will have Yes and No buttons.
FIXED: PO Receiving: The next field to scan into will now work as expected after auto-generating serial numbers.
FIXED: Shipping: Qty Confirmed, Qty Ordered, and Qty Fulfilled fields now take item quantity decimals into account.
FIXED: Stock Counts: Selecting a lot from the lot lookup will now take the lot date sequence into account, allowing users to submit a count for that specific lot record.
UPDATED: Accessories: Koamtac: The KDC SDK for Xamarin iOS is updated to version 1.2.4.
UPDATED: iOS 16: Optimized compatibility for devices running iOS 16.
FIXED: App: The navigation bar at the top of most screens now consistently has a green background.
FIXED: Transactions: Selecting a text field will no longer occasionally cause the keyboard to flicker or lose focus from the text field.
BREAKING CHANGE: Workflow Setup: This screen now requires a beta license.
UPDATED: Inventory Lookup: Improved license plate loading performance for related documents after an item is selected.
UPDATED: Picking: Improved package count performance when sales document is selected for picking.
UPDATED: DevExpress: DevExpress has been updated to version 22.2.5.
UPDATED: Receiving: Purchase Line Item User Fields are now searchable if enabled in the Configure Search module.
UPDATED: Serial Lot Attributes: Item Serial Lot Attribute User Fields are now searchable if enabled in the Configure Search module.
UPDATED: User Field Editor: Hyperlink Editor is now an option for Control Type.
FIXED: User Fields: SalesPad User Fields which have "Field is a Hyperlink" enabled will no longer result in "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" errors.
FIXED: Receiving: PO Number and Vendor ID are now only auto-selected as search columns when opening Receiving if there are no search columns selected.
FIXED: Picking: The spwms.PickMultibin_Update stored procedure has been updated to prevent over-fulfillment of non-tracked items.
FIXED: Login: Fixed a possible cause of the "DataTable Internal Index Corrupted" error.
REMOVED: Help Menu: The 'Updates' button in the '?' menu is no longer available since it did not work.
Version 5.9.3
Release Date 4/10/23
ADDED: Setting: Display Counted Quantity In Stock Count Item Lookup - When enabled, the counted quantity will be displayed in the item lookup. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: New Package Type: Freight Class has been added as a field.
ADDED: New Package: Freight Class has been added as a field, and Packing Material and Packing Medium drop downs now work properly.
ADDED: Package Setup: Freight Class has been added to the grid.
Version 5.9.2
Release Date 3/14/23
ADDED: Setting: PO Line Lookup Additional Field: When a PO Line field is selected, that field will be added to the item lookup screen in PO Receiving.
ADDED: Setting: PO Line Lookup Additional Field Character Limit: This setting determines how many characters to display for the value of the field specified in the PO Line Lookup Additional Field setting.
UPDATED: Transactions: When typing into a quantity field which has not been changed from its default value, the newly typed value will automatically replace the default value without needing to delete the default value.
ADDED: Setting: License Plate Columns To Include In Audit: License Plate columns that will be audited. If no columns are selected, no auditing will be done.
ADDED: Setting: License Plate Detail Columns To Include In Audit: License Plate Detail columns that will be audited. If no columns are selected, no auditing will be done.
UPDATED: Print Item Labels: The grid shows more rows than in versions 5.1.0 and above, but still less rows than in versions 5.0.1 and below. This may result in serial numbers and lot numbers appearing in the grid multiple times if the number has entered inventory multiple times. However, these extra rows will always have some intended purpose unlike in versions 5.0.1 and below.
UPDATED: DevExpress: DevExpress has been updated to version 21.2.7.
UPDATED: Database Update: SQL commands will not time out until 120 seconds have elapsed. This limit can be modified by changing the DatabaseUpdateCommandTimeout setting in the exe.config file.
REMOVED: User Email Accounts: The User Email Accounts module is no longer accessible. This module was removed because the email accounts set up in this module are not usable anywhere else in the application.
REMOVED: Email Template Editor: The Email Template Editor module is no longer accessible. This module was removed because the email templates set up in this module are not usable anywhere else in the application.
FIXED: Print Item Labels: Searching by the PO Number, Receipt Number, or Adjustment Number fields will now display accurate data instead of incomplete or potentially random data. (Introduced: 5.1.0)
FIXED: Print Item Labels: The Barcode column will show the most recently created active barcode for the item instead of a random barcode. (Introduced: 5.1.0)
FIXED: Print Item Labels: The List Price column will show the home currency's List Price instead of a random list price. (Introduced: 5.1.0)
FIXED: Print Item Labels: The PO Number and Receipt Number columns will not show in-transit inventory transactions.
FIXED: Print Item Labels: The Adjustment Number column will not show adjustments which remove inventory from the system.
FIXED: Stock Counts: Trailing white spaces that are part of the lot number will get trimmed upon submission to prevent the primary key exception on the Stock Count Serial Lot (IV10302) table. This applies to Windows Mobile scanners only.
Version 5.9.1
Release Date 1/3/23
ADDED: Setting: Can Pack Service Items: If set to 'True', users can pack service type items, such as misc. charges, services, and flat fee items. Defaults to 'False'.
FIXED: Packing: Sales Document User Fields are now secured by the 'Can View Sales Doc UDFs' and 'Can Edit Sales Document UDFs' security settings in 'Mobile Packing' instead of using 'Mobile Picking' security settings.
UPDATED: Picking: Over Picking: The 'Can Over Pick Using SalesPad', 'Allow Over Pick When Exceeding Percentage Threshold', and 'Over Pick Percentage Threshold' security settings are now respected.
UPDATED: Assembly Entry: Scanning or entering a value into the Item Number field will now show a spinner while the app validates the item.
FIXED: Lot Numbers: Selecting a lot while 'Group Lots On Lot Lookup' is set to 'True' will not clear the Bin field.
FIXED: Lot Numbers: If 'Group Lots On Lot Lookup' and 'Display Date Received In Serial Lot Lookups' are both set to 'True', lot lookups will show the received date if there's only one received date in the group or '-' if there are multiple received dates.
FIXED: Selection: Values for the right-side column will always be right-aligned.
UPDATED: User Fields: When editing an image UDF, users can choose to either select an existing image from the Photo Library or to take a new picture with the device's camera.
UPDATED: Android 12: Optimized compatibility for devices running Android 12.
FIXED: Accessories: Socket Mobile: Socket Mobile cordless hand scanners now work on devices running Android 11 and above. (Introduced: 5.6.0)
ADDED: Setting: Site Transfer Pre Submit Script - C# script that executes after the submit button is clicked and before the transaction is saved. Defaults to nothing.
ADDED: Setting: Receiving (Scanner): Maintain Item Number Until Fully Received - If set to FALSE, the item number field will be reset every time a transaction is submitted. If set to true, the item number will be retained until all lines for that item are fully received. Set this to FALSE if you have Increment Qty By Scan enabled. Defaults to 'True'.
UPDATED: Setting: Receiving (Scanner): Suggest Next Item To Receive - If set to TRUE, the next item to receive will be suggested. If the setting 'Maintain Item Number Until Fully Received' is also enabled, it suggests the next item until all lines for the selected item are received. Cavallo recommends turning off this setting when auto submit is enabled. Defaults to 'False'.
UPDATED: Assembly Entry: Values scanned or entered into the Item Number field now go through standard item barcode parsing as configured in Item Barcode Maintenance, the Scan Parse Script, and relevant custom stored procedures.
FIXED: Packing: Inventory Manager will not allow overpacking when packing items into multiple packages.
FIXED: Packing: An empty package will not be created every time a user gets the 'You cannot pack more than was fulfilled' message.
FIXED: Packing: If the setting 'Can Pack Service Items' is set to 'False', the Doc # field will clear after submitting the last non-service item.
FIXED: Packing: Packing a service, flat fee, or misc charge line item which uses a non-base unit of measure will not result in a "You cannot pack more than was fulfilled" error.
FIXED: Picking: The 'Picking Temporary Bin' setting having a value will not prevent picking service items.
FIXED: Picking: Over Picking: Improved support for over picking non-tracked, serial-tracked, lot-tracked, services, misc. charges, and flat fee items. Previously, only lot-tracked items had adequate support. Kits and kit components are not supported at this time.
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Fixed a scenario where lots that are picked would end up without a date sequence number on the pick document line details.
FIXED: Package Editor: The shipping header will now get automatically created if it doesn't exist when adding packages to a sales document. This will make the shipment and related packages visible on the Shipment tab on the sales document entry screen in SalesPad.
FIXED: PO Receiving: Receiving to an existing purchase receipt will not delete its landed costs.
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: Confirming a receipt will not delete its landed costs.
Version 5.9.0
Release Date 10/31/22
ADDED: Setting: Picking (Scanner): Require Package Number When Picking - If set to 'True' and 'Integrate Pick And Pack' is set to 'True', the Package Number field must be filled out before submitting a Picking transaction. If set to 'False' and the Picking Number field is left blank, the sales document will not be packed. Defaults to 'True'.
ADDED: Setting: Picking Confirmation (Scanner): Require Package Number When Confirming - If set to 'True' and 'Integrate Confirm And Pack' is set to 'True', the Package Number field must be filled out before submitting a Picking Confirmation transaction. If set to 'False' and the Picking Number field is left blank, the sales document will not be packed. Defaults to 'True'.
ADDED: Setting: Manufacturing Transaction Entry (Scanner): Can Finalize Pick Documents - Determines if individual pick documents or all pick documents on a manufacturing order can be finalized after picking. A custom 'spwms.dccpFinalizeMFGPickDocument' stored procedure must be present in the database in order to finalize pick documents. Defaults to 'None'.
UPDATED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Pick documents are now finalized by tapping the (i) button on the Pick Number field instead of getting finalized automatically when a new manufacturing order is selected or the module is closed.
UPDATED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Added a 'Document Is Fully Picked' message to the MO Number field after selecting a manufacturing order that has been fully picked. Applies only to Issue transactions.
UPDATED: App: DataCollection is now called SalesPad Inventory Manager in most places.
FIXED: License Plate Maintenance: Create New LP Action: License plate user fields will now get displayed correctly on the License Plate Report when creating a new license plate.
UPDATED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Added a Qty Remaining read-only field which displays the remaining quantity that needs to be picked. Applies only to Issue transactions.
FIXED: PO Receiving: If Receipt Type is not a visible field, the app will set the purchase receipt's Receipt Type to the first valid value in the 'Receipt Types Allowed' setting instead of always setting the Receipt Type to Shipment.
FIXED: PO Receiving: The app will not ignore the Receipt Type field when 'Enable Classic Receiving' is set to 'True'.
FIXED: PO Receiving: The app will not crash if there is an invalid value in the 'Receipt Types Allowed' setting.
FIXED: Picking: Sales documents are now filtered by the sales batch when multiple batches are set in the 'Picking Sales Document Lookup Batch' setting.
FIXED: Packing: Setting the Package Number field via a scan parse script will not result in some information from a previous transaction's package leaking to the new package.
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: The 'To Site' and 'From Site' fields are now enabled or disabled based on the selected transaction type.
FIXED: Inventory Lookup: Fields other than Item Number can now be populated from the scan parse script.
FIXED: License Plate Maintenance: The serial/lot number field can now be populated from the scan parse script.
FIXED: Picking: Unit of measure updates via the scan parse script are now refreshing the 'Qty To Pick' and 'Total Qty To Pick' fields correctly.
FIXED: Stock Counts: The 'Unfinished Count Warning' setting will be respected regardless of whether serial UDFs are enabled. (Introduced:
FIXED: User Field Editor: Scanning barcodes into user fields will not populate core fields.
BREAKING CHANGE: Extended Warehouse: Extended Warehouse is no longer a separate program. Extended Warehouse modules such as Warehouse Manager and Safety Stock Warehouse Exemption are now accessible from the main Inventory Manager program if the user has a valid Extended Warehouse license.
ADDED: Setting: Picking (Scanner): Mark Picked License Plate As Historical - If set to 'True', the license plate will be marked as historical after it is picked. Defaults to 'True'.
ADDED: Setting: In-Transit Transfers (Scanner): ITT Maintain Item Number Until Fully Picked - If set to FALSE, the item number field will be reset every time a transaction is submitted. If set to true, the item number will be retained until all lines for that item are fully picked. Defaults to 'True'.
UPDATED: Picking: The entire license plate transaction will now get rolled back if there is an error during picking.
UPDATED: Bin Transfer: The entire license plate transaction will now get rolled back if there is an error during bin transfer.
UPDATED: Transaction Log: The TransactionLog table now has a clustered index on its ID column, which makes writing new rows to the table faster.
UPDATED: Bin Transfers: Lot Tracked Items: The stored procedure spwms.LotNumberDetailedInventory_Update now has custom stored procedure support.
UPDATED: Activity Locks: Sales document locks are now handled by the spwms.SalesDocumentLock_Update and spwms.SalesDocumentLock_Delete stored procedures.
UPDATED: Receipt Processing: Print Receipt Labels: There is now a checkbox labeled 'Use Receipt UofM' which determines whether the labels grid uses the base UofM or the receipt line UofM.
UPDATED: Windows Service: The Windows service is now called SalesPad Inventory Manager instead of SalesPad.DataCollection.
UPDATED: Inventory Manager Server: The DataCollection Server module was renamed to Inventory Manager Server.
UPDATED: Inventory Manager Server: When opening this module, if the SalesPad.DataCollection Windows service is still running from an older install on the same computer, Inventory Manager will ask to uninstall the SalesPad.DataCollection service.
UPDATED: Uninstaller: The uninstaller will only stop and uninstall the Windows service if it is running from the folder which the program is being uninstalled from.
UPDATED: Installer: Stopping and uninstalling the Windows service is now an optional step of the install process unless you install into the folder that the Windows service is currently running from. The option is named Uninstall Service and is enabled by default on each install.
FIXED: Print Putaway Report: The 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error will not be thrown when printing non-inventory items with blank Bin Number (BINNMBR) or Purchase Receipt Bin (PORECEIPTBIN) columns in the Item Quantity Master (IV00102) table.
FIXED: Site Transfers: EConnect errors will not be masked by a "The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error" message or a "String or binary data would be truncated" message.
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: The picking quantity is now processed correctly when components are picked in a non-base unit of measure.
FIXED: Uninstaller: The uninstaller will handle situations where the files in the install folder are currently locked better and will show an error if it can't be automatically resolved instead of silently not deleting many files.
Version 5.8.2
Release Date 6/6/22
iOS/Android/Win Mobile/Console
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: When entering a Scrap, the quantity available to scrap for each component will be consistent with Dynamics GP's Manufacturing Component Transaction Entry's Items tab.
UPDATED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: The From Bin field can now be edited when entering a Scrap or Reverse Scrap for a lot-tracked or serial-tracked item.
UPDATED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: When selecting a serial number via the serial lookup, the app will update the bin field to match the serial's bin.
FIXED: PO Receiving: When the Receipt Types Allowed setting does not include Shipment, choosing a PO will now properly set the Receipt Type for the transaction to the first configured allowed receipt type instead of defaulting back to Shipment.
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: The From Bin field is no longer required when entering a Scrap or Reverse Scrap.
Win Mobile
UPDATED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Trying to open the Original Pick Number lookup without an Item Number entered will now display an "Enter an Item Number" error instead of showing a lookup with no results.
ADDED: Setting: Custom Get Next Unfulfilled Line Parameter Input - If set to TRUE, Inventory Manager will supply the last submitted line's Line Num and Component Seq Num values as parameters when calling the custom stored procedure 'dccpGetNextUnfulfilledLineItem'. It is expected that the custom procedure will set both of these values to 0 when the document is fully picked so that it will process as a fully picked document.
UPDATED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Scraps and reverse scraps now log additional fields to the transaction log. These transactions write their From Bin to Field 4, Lot Number or Serial Numbers to Field 8, Manufacturing Order Number to Field 9, and To Site to Field 10.
FIXED: License Plate Maintenance: When viewing or editing license plate user fields, users will not get the 'Element contains data from a type that maps to the name LicensePlateRequest. The deserializer has no knowledge of any type that maps to this name.' error.
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Submitting a Scrap or Reverse Scrap will not give an "Invalid column name 'Available_To_Rev_Issue'" error. (Introduced: 5.8.0)
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: When entering a Reverse Scrap, the quantity available to reverse scrap for each component will be consistent with Dynamics GP's Manufacturing Component Transaction Entry's Items tab.
Version 5.8.1
Release Date 5/18/22
ADDED: Setting: Manufacturing Transaction Entry (Scanner): Automatically Populate Issue Quantity - If set to 'True', when selecting, scanning, or entering an item for an Issue transaction the app will automatically set the quantity field to the picklist line's remaining quantity to issue. If set to 'False', the quantity field is set to 0 instead. Defaults to 'True'.
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: The quantity field will not be set to a negative number when selecting a picklist line item which has been overissued.
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: When selecting a lot number via the lot lookup, if the quantity field's value is greater than the lot's quantity, the app will decrease the quantity field's value to match the lot's quantity.
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: The From Site and To Site fields will not get set to the manufacturing order draw and post site if there is an error during submission, such as when the pick document is locked.
FIXED: License Plate Maintenance: Selecting a UofM will not give a "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values" error.
UPDATED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: When selecting a lot number via the lot lookup, the app will update the bin field to match the lot's bin.
ADDED: Setting: Manufacturing Transaction Entry (Scanner): Can Resume Pick Documents - If set to 'True', when submitting a manufacturing transaction and the Pick Number field is empty, the server will check for open pick documents which have the same MO Number and Transaction Type. If the server finds a pick document matching that criteria, it will use that document for the current manufacturing transaction. Defaults to 'True'.
ADDED: Setting: Manufacturing Transaction Entry (Scanner): Include Backflushed Items - If set to 'True', users can issue, reverse issue, scrap, and reverse scrap backflushed items. Defaults to 'True'.
ADDED: Setting: Manufacturing Transaction Entry (Scanner): Issue Lot Priority - When entering an Issue transaction for a lot tracked item, if there are multiple lots with the same Lot Number, From Site, and other explicitly entered data, this setting determines which lot to use. Defaults to 'FIFO'.
FIXED: Picking: Picking license plates will not give errors or fail to fulfill everything it should fulfill in scenarios where the sales line items and license plate details aren't entirely in base unit of measures.
UPDATED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Issues and reverse issues now log additional fields to the transaction log. These transactions write their From Bin to Field 4, Lot Number or Serial Numbers to Field 8, Manufacturing Order Number to Field 9, and To Site to Field 10.
UPDATED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: When submitting a Manufacturing transaction, the server will auto-capitalize the From Bin field.
Version 5.8.0
Release Date 4/20/22
UPDATED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Pick Number is now an available field. It indicates which pick document the items are being added to.
UPDATED: Site Transfers: After submitting a transaction, the resulting message which states the item transfer number is now prefixed with 'Created' or 'Updated'.
FIXED: Transactions: If a pre-submit script leaves the response's 'Successful' property as 'False' and doesn't specify a Message, the app will display the message "The request failed for an unspecified reason" instead of failing to notify the user.
UPDATED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: After submitting a transaction, the created or updated pick number will be displayed near the top of the module in addition to being shown as a toast message.
UPDATED: PO Receiving: After submitting a transaction, the created or updated receipt number will be displayed near the top of the module in addition to being shown as a toast message.
UPDATED: Site Transfers: After submitting a transaction, the created or updated item transfer number will be displayed near the top of the module in addition to being shown as a toast message.
UPDATED: Inventory Adjustments: After submitting a transaction, the created or updated item transaction number will be displayed near the top of the module in addition to being shown as a toast message.
UPDATED: Assembly Entry: After submitting a transaction, the created or updated assembly document number will be displayed near the top of the module in addition to being shown as a toast message.
UPDATED: Transactions: Several error messages in the app are now displayed via prompts instead of header messages or toast messages.
FIXED: Transactions: Header messages (messages near the top of the screen with a yellow background) now word wrap correctly.
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Reverse issuing, scrapping, and reverse scrapping items which are from phantom BOMs will update the pick document correctly and not result in errors such as "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ITEMDESC'".
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: When entering a Reverse Issue, the quantity available to reverse issue for each component will be consistent with Dynamics GP's Manufacturing Component Transaction Entry's Items tab.
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Fixed an issue where multiple pick documents would be created for a single manufacturing order (MO) if the MO number coming from the scanner was lowercase and didn't match the MO number in Dynamics GP.
UPDATED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: When submitting an issue transaction results in the manufacturing order being fully picked, the resulting message now includes the pick document number.
UPDATED: Smart Printing: Added additional logging to the System Log.
UPDATED: Smart Printing: Added additional checks to avoid potential null reference exceptions.
Version 5.7.0
Release Date 4/5/22
ADDED: Setting: Confirm Packages In Shipping - Shipping Confirmation will confirm Packages instead of Item Numbers if set to true. This will not allow confirmations of both Item Numbers and Packages. This setting applies only to iOS and Android devices. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: The "Suggested Item" field has been added to suggest the next item to pick. The data displayed here can be controlled using a script.
ADDED: Setting: Picking (Scanner): Automatically Populate Quantity - When enabled, the quantity field will be automatically populated with the remaining quantity to pick.
FIXED: Receiving: Lot attribute dates will now be saved correctly when they are populated using a scan parse script.
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: This transaction now uses its own transaction type instead of Picking when loading serials and lots from the server.
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: The Item Number cell will now properly display the Item Description for the currently selected item.
FIXED: Serial Tracked Items: If a user attempts to select more serial numbers from a serial lookup than the current transaction allows, the app will display a "Serial count exceeds quantity" message instead of adding the selected serial number.
UPDATED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Instead of getting locked during the first pick and unlocked after the module is closed, the pick document will now get locked every time the pick is submitted and unlocked immediately after the pick transaction is completed.
UPDATED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Scrap and reverse scrap transactions will now be locked during processing.
UPDATED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: The app will now create one pick document per manufacturing order. This is to prevent the creation of a new pick document every time a user exits the module or restarts the application.
UPDATED: Lookups: Lookup screens throughout the app now allow reverting the list to the original sort order provided on load by tapping on the lookup column headers. The first tap of a column header will now sort by that column in ascending order, the second tap will sort by that column in descending order, and the third tap will revert to the originally loaded sort order.
ADDED: Setting: Scanner: Wrap Item Description Supplementary Info Text - When enabled, the item description displayed in the supplementary info (below the item number field) will wrap to additional lines if longer than one line. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Setting: Scanner: Include Item Tracking Option In Item Number Supplementary Info - When enabled, the item tracking option for an item will be displayed in the supplementary info beneath the item number field on all screens containing an item number field. Defaults to 'True'.
ADDED: Item Label Printing: The Item Label Printing module is now available. This module allows users to print item ZPL labels with Zebra printers.
FIXED: Accessories: Zebra Printer: The app will not slow down when its configured to use a Zebra printer.
UPDATED: Accessories: Zebra Printer: The Zebra SDK is updated to the latest version.
UPDATED: Accessories: Zebra Printer: iMZ series, QLn series, RW series, P4T series, RP4T series, ZQ500 series, and ZQ300 series Zebra printers are now supported.
ADDED: Setting: Order FEFO Lot Numbers Without Expirations Last: Determines whether or not lot numbers that do not have a specified expiration date are ordered in sequence after lot numbers that have expiration dates when sorting by FEFO (First Expired First Out). If false, lots without expiration dates will be listed first in FEFO order, if true lots without expiration dates will be listed last. (Default: True)
ADDED: Setting: Manufacturing Pre Submit Script: Manufacturing C# script that executes when the submit button is clicked before the transaction is saved.
ADDED: Settings: Lot Lookup Script - Adds a script hook to allow customization of the visible lot items in lot lookups throughout the mobile application.
FIXED: Stock Counts: Having large note indexes will not cause "Value was either too large or too small for an Int32" errors when interacting with stock counts.
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Fixed a possible "Violation of Primary Key constraint" error when picking lot tracked items.
FIXED: PO Receiving: Fixed an issue where receipt numbers would get skipped when new receipt creation is started from the 'Receipt #' field.
UPDATED: PO Receiving: Added the ability to assign custom receipt numbers in the Receiving Pre Submit Script.
UPDATED: Setting: Lot Lookup Sort: Added FEFO (First Expired First Out) option.
UPDATED: Bin Replenishment: The Expiration Date field is now populated for lot numbers when the generate bin replenishments button is clicked.
UPDATED: Activity Locks: Added the ability to clear pick document locks.
Version 5.6.1
Release Date 2/3/22
ADDED: Security: Mobile Packing: Can View Sales Doc UDFs - Determines whether or not User Defined Fields for Sales Documents are visible on the device. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Packing: Can Edit Sales Document UDFs - Determines whether or not User Defined Fields for Sales Documents can be changed on the device. Defaults to 'False'.
UPDATED: Mobile Layout Manager: Packing: Document Number Field: Can View UDFs and Can Edit UDFs can now be enabled per layout.
FIXED: Packing: Script messages will now be properly appended to the transaction success messaging for display to the user.
UPDATED: Scanning: If a user scans a barcode before the app has finished processing the previously scanned barcode, the scan's value will go into the next field instead of being discarded or going into the same field which the previous scan went into.
UPDATED: Lot Attributes: If a date field is set to January 1, 1900 and you edit that date, the date picker defaults to today's date.
UPDATED: Lot Attributes: Editing date fields is now consistent between iPhones and iPads and uses a combination of their features. When editing a date, a date picker appears at the bottom of the screen and displays which field it is for. The date field updates while scrolling through its date picker. The date picker can be dismissed with a Cancel button, a Done button, or by tapping outside of it. Tapping outside of the date picker will keep whatever the date field is currently set to. The Done button will update the date field to the date picker's current value. The Cancel button will revert the date field to whatever date it had before opening the date picker.
ADDED: Settings: Packing Post Submit Script - Adds a script hook that fires after the Packing transaction has submitted successfully.
FIXED: Bin Replenishment: 'Ares.Data.PrimaryKeyException' errors will not occur anymore when generating bin replenishment suggestions for non-tracked items.
FIXED: Inventory Adjustment: Users will not get an 'EConnect error executing taIVTransactionLotInsert: The Lot is expired - expiration date must be supplied (8678)' error when submitting a negative (out) inventory adjustment for an expired lot.
FIXED: Packing: Picking a sales document using a license plate will not prevent packing the sales document.
FIXED: Packing: License plates will not appear in the Package Number lookup.
FIXED: Packing: Trying to pack items to a license plate instead of a package will give an error message.
FIXED: UDFs: When trying to save UDFs in the app, if the UDFs fail to save due to a SQL error, the error will appear in the app and the user will stay on the UDF edit screen.
FIXED: User Field Editor: Closing the User Field Editor without logging out will not cause user field value save errors.
FIXED: Sales Document Lite Audit: Calling the Audit method on a Sales Document Lite object will now store the Audit On as the current date instead of the current UTC date, for consistency with the Sales Document audits that are made during transaction processing.
FIXED: Bin Transfers: Transferring serial tracked items is now faster. (Introduced: 5.5.0)
FIXED: Login: Logging in with the app is now faster.
UPDATED: Scripts: Screen Info Scripts are now cached.
UPDATED: Scripts: When a user logs into the app, the service's script cache will only be cleared if any scripts have changed.
UPDATED: Subscription Licensing: Users can now use an unlimited number of warehouses.
UPDATED: Settings: Packing Pre Submit Script - Adds the Package Info as a parameter to the script.
Version 5.6.0
Release Date 12/6/21
UPDATED: Setting: Scan Parse Script - The transaction's warehouse and bin are now available to the Scan Parse Script.
FIXED: PO Receiving: Fixed the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when receiving non-tracked items in a non-multibin environment.
FIXED: Transactions: The app is less likely to crash due to "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute" errors.
ADDED: Accessories: Integrated scanning is now compatible with most Honeywell Barcode Readers. For a list of supported devices, please refer to our System and Hardware Requirements article.
UPDATED: Android 11: Optimized compatibility for devices running Android 11.
ADDED: Setting: Scan Parse Script For Blank Item Number - If set to 'True', the Scan Parse Script will trigger on entry of other fields when the Item Number is blank. Defaults to 'False'.
FIXED: Packing: Selecting an Item Number will not give "The multi-part identifier could not be bound" errors when there are no Sales Line Item UDFs. (Introduced: 5.4.2)
UPDATED: Installer: The shortcuts which the installer creates are now called SalesPad Inventory Manager instead of DataCollection.
Version 5.5.2
Release Date 10/27/21
FIXED: Inventory Lookup: If the user has a Scan Parse Script and the script does not set the Site or Bin fields (or sets them to null or an empty string), the app will not clear the Site and Bin fields when entering an Item Number.
FIXED: Inventory Lookup: Having a Scan Parse Script will not stop users from changing the selected Site and Bin.
FIXED: Serial Tracked Items: If there are only two fields that require input, and one of the fields is the Serial Num field while the other field currently has scan focus, manually selecting or typing a value into the other field will give scan focus to the Serial Num field.
FIXED: Picking: When submitting a license plate picking request, the app will not crash or silently fail. (Introduced: 5.5.0)
UPDATED: License Plate Maintenance: Now filtering Item Number by selected bin.
FIXED: PO Receiving: When receiving items to license plates, previously added items will not get added again after each new submission.
FIXED: PO Receiving: License plate details will now get created when receiving non-tracked items in non-multibin environments.
FIXED: PO Receiving: License plate details will now get created when receiving non-inventory items.
Version 5.5.1
Release Date 9/28/21
ADDED: Setting: Forward Document On Pack Finished Using SalesPad - If set to 'True', DataCollection will attempt to forward the sales document using SalesPad workflow after it has been fully packed. This setting requires SalesPad Remote Library service to be running and accessible by DataCollection. Defaults to 'False'.
Version 5.5.0
Release Date 9/27/21
UPDATED: PO Receiving: Added the Job Number field.
BREAKING CHANGE: FIXED: Settings: System Settings are now saved as multiple rows based on their associated DLL to ensure the preservation of settings if a build without the DLL in question is installed and saves their settings. A side effect of this change is if you install a build with this fix, and then downgrade to a build without the fix, you will have to manually delete the SystemSetting rows which do not have "Spllc" as the Settings_Name before upgrading again to a build with this fix for any setting changes in the older build to appear in the newer build.
ADDED: Settings: Receiving: Enable Receipt Caching: If set to 'True', the receipt will get cached to improve performance during receiving. Defaults to 'False'. The receipt caching functionality was introduced in, but this setting allows users to enable or disable it.
ADDED: Security: Inventory Lookup: Search for Inactive Items - If set to 'True', allows for searching of inactive items. Defaults to ''True''.
ADDED: Settings: Users can now import and export application settings.
FIXED: PO Receiving: Fixed the 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error after partially receiving a purchase order with one user (for example, ''sa'') and then attempting to receive it with the same user with different case sensitivity (for example, 'Sa') or trailing whitespace.
FIXED: Bin Transfer: Added bin transfer validation for both invalid serials and serials that have already been fulfilled on a sales document.
FIXED: Receiving: Partially receiving a non-inventory item will not silently fail.
UPDATED: System Information: Added a right-click context menu to the Ignored Files grid to allow users to quickly and easily remove entries from the Ignored Files list.
UPDATED: Print Item Labels: Inactive items are now filtered more efficiently when the 'Search for Inactive Items' security is enabled.
UPDATED: Database Update: Additional error information, such as stack trace and inner exception, will now be displayed if there is an error during a database update.
Version 5.4.2
Release Date 9/9/21
ADDED: Setting: Display Date Received In Serial Lot Lookups: If set to "True", the date received will be shown in the serial number and lot number lookups.
ADDED: Setting: Lot Lookup Sort: Select how lot numbers will be sorted in the lot number lookup. FIFO - First In First Out - The lot with the earliest date received will appear first. LIFO - Last In First Out - The lot with the latest date received will appear first. Serial Lot Number - The list will be ordered by the lot number.
ADDED: Setting: Serial Lookup Sort: Select how serial numbers will be sorted in the serial number lookup. FIFO - First In First Out - The serial with the earliest date received will appear first. LIFO - Last In First Out - The serial with the latest date received will appear first. Serial Lot Number - The list will be ordered by the serial number.
FIXED: PO Receiving: Leaving the 'Auto Assign Serials / Lots' page will not crash the app.
FIXED: Packing: If a sales document has multiple line items with the same item number, scanning or typing that item number will select the first matching line item which isn't fully packed.
FIXED: MFG Transaction Entry: The 'Incorrect Syntax near '='' error will not occur when submitting a transaction. This applies to Windows Mobile devices only.
FIXED: PO Receiving: Non-inventory items with the quantity ordered with at least one decimal place will not get rounded to the nearest whole number after being entered or selected from a lookup.
FIXED: License Plate Maintenance: License plate Created On, Created By, Updated On, and Updated By fields are now updated correctly when creating, updating, and deleting license plates in DC console and DC mobile. This includes adding and removing items from a license plate.
FIXED: License Plate Maintenance: When printing a license plate label, users will not get the 'You should use BusinessObjList.New() to create new objects that will be added to the collection' error.
Version 5.4.1
Release Date 8/12/21
FIXED: Picking: Fixed a crash that could occur depending on the ordering of the picking layout.
FIXED: Picking: Sales batch information, such as the number of transactions and batch total, is now updated correctly after the sales document is fully picked.
UPDATED: Picking: Improved sales document loading after scanning a sales document number, especially in databases with numerous license plates/packages.
Version 5.4.0
Release Date 7/29/21
ADDED: Setting: Suggest Next Item To Confirm - If set to 'True', the next item to confirm will be suggested. If the setting 'Maintain Item Number Until Fully Confirmed' is also enabled, it suggests the next item until all lines for the selected item are confirmed (we recommend turning off this setting when auto-submit is enabled).
ADDED: Setting: Maintain Item Number Until Fully Confirmed - If set to 'False', the item number field will be reset every time a transaction is submitted. If set to 'True', the item number will be retained until all lines for that item are fully confirmed. Set this to 'False' if you have Increment Qty By Scan enabled.
ADDED: Receipt Confirmation: Suggested Item Info text box to mobile layouts.
ADDED: Setting: User Fields: User Fields Load Script - This script hook provides the ability for scripting whenever User Defined Fields are loaded in the mobile app. Defaults to nothing.
ADDED: Setting: User Fields: User Fields Pre Submit Script - C# script that executes before user fields are saved for any transaction on the device. Defaults to nothing.
ADDED: Setting: General Options: Serial Lot Scan Parse Script Trigger for All Entry Types - Enables triggering the Serial Lot Scan Parse Script when the Serial/Lot Num field is manually entered or selected, instead of only when it is scanned. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Setting: In-Transit Transfers: ITT Picking Pre Submit Script - In Transit Transfer Picking C# script that executes when the submit button is clicked before the transaction is saved. Defaults to nothing.
ADDED: Setting: In-Transit Transfers: ITT Picking Post Submit Script - In Transit Transfer Picking C# script that executes when the submit button is clicked after the transaction is saved. Defaults to nothing.
ADDED: Setting: In-Transit Transfers: ITT Receiving Pre Submit Script - In Transit Transfer Receiving C# script that executes when the submit button is clicked before the transaction is saved. Defaults to nothing.
ADDED: Setting: In-Transit Transfers: ITT Receiving Post Submit Script - In Transit Transfer Receiving C# script that executes when the submit button is clicked after the transaction is saved. Defaults to nothing.
ADDED: Setting: Receiving (Scanner): Enable Updating SalesPad Future Serial User Fields - If set to 'True', the service will update SalesPad serial user fields for serials that are not in the system yet. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Setting: Serial Lot Lookup: Serial Lot Lookup Script - C# script that executes immediately after entering a serial or lot number into the lookup screen. Defaults to nothing.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Receiving: Can View Receipt UDFs - Determines whether or not User Defined Fields for Receipts are visible on the device. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Receiving: Can Edit Receipt UDFs - Determines whether or not User Defined Fields for Receipts are editable on the device. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Receiving: Can View Receipt Line Item UDFs - Determines whether or not User Defined Fields for Receipts lines are visible on the device. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile Receiving: Can Edit Receipt Line Item UDFs - Determines whether or not User Defined Fields for Receipt lines are editable on the device. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile In-Transit Picking: Can View ITT Order UDFs - Determines whether or not User Defined Fields for Service Transfers are visible on the device. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile In-Transit Picking: Can Edit ITT Order UDFs - Determines whether or not User Defined Fields for Service Transfers can be changed on the device. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile In-Transit Picking: Can View ITT Line Item UDFs - Determines whether or not User Defined Fields for Service Transfer Lines are visible on the device. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile In-Transit Picking: Can Edit ITT Line Item UDFs - Determines whether or not User Defined Fields for Service Transfer Lines can be changed on the device. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile In-Transit Receiving: Can View ITT Order UDFs - Determines whether or not User Defined Fields for Service Transfers are visible on the device. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile In-Transit Receiving: Can Edit ITT Order UDFs - Determines whether or not User Defined Fields for Service Transfers can be changed on the device. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile In-Transit Receiving: Can View ITT Line Item UDFs - Determines whether or not User Defined Fields for Service Transfer Lines are visible on the device. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Security: Mobile In-Transit Receiving: Can Edit ITT Line Item UDFs - Determines whether or not User Defined Fields for Service Transfer Lines can be changed on the device. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Mobile Serial Lot Lookup: This new mobile app screen displays item and location information for serial or lot tracked items that have a serial or lot number matching the search value.
ADDED: Licensing: Users can use a new set of subscription licenses to login to the console and app.
FIXED: Decimal UDFs: User Defined Fields of type ‘Decimal’ will now only allow numbers to be entered instead of being free-text.
FIXED: Decimal UDFs: User Defined Fields of type ‘Decimal’ that have at least one decimal place will now allow entering the decimal places on the device.
FIXED: In-Transit Picking: Failed submissions will no longer automatically clear all entered data.
FIXED: In-Transit Receiving: Failed submissions will no longer automatically clear all entered data.
FIXED: Receiving: Messages returned from the scripts will now be appended to the message displayed in the toast notification that appears on successful submission.
FIXED: Receiving: Serial Number Autogeneration: Obtaining the next serial sequence to be used for serial autogeneration will now use the proper table locking to ensure that no race conditions can allow multiple concurrent processes to obtain the same next number. This process has also been optimized so that when generating multiple serial numbers, instead of incrementing the next sequence in memory or hitting the database for each serial, it will increment the next number in the database by the number of serials it is generating, and then apply those sequentially in memory.
FIXED: Settings: Unformatted Serial Numbers: The unformatted serial number is no longer getting reset to the serial number that was set in the scan parse script when this setting is enabled.
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: Fixed an issue where the Receipt Number field was not able to be re-ordered.
UPDATED: In-Transit Picking: Suggested Item Info is now a field and can have its value set by a Screen Info Script.
UPDATED: In-Transit Receiving: Suggested Item Info is now a field and can have its value set by a Screen Info Script.
FIXED: Serial Tracking: If a scanned serial is found to be invalid, then logic will no longer trigger to increment the Qty cell’s value by one.
FIXED: Inventory Adjustment: Bin Lookup: When the adjustment mode is the ‘In’ type, all bins will be displayed instead of limiting down to only bins with inventory available.
FIXED: PO Receiving: Scanning or typing an item number after a different item was selected will not incorrectly give an "Item number not found on Purchase Order" error.
FIXED: Packing: Typing an item number after a different item was selected will not incorrectly give an "The Item is not on the document" error.
FIXED: Picking Confirmation: Typing an item number after a different item was selected will not incorrectly give an "The Item is not on the document" error.
UPDATED: Localization: Spanish translations throughout the app have been updated.
UPDATED: Receiving: When viewing PO UDFs, if the user has access to both PO and Receipt UDFs, a prompt will display asking for which UDFs the user wants visible. If the user only has access to one of the two, the appropriate one will open without a prompt. If the user has access to neither, an icon is not made visible for tapping.
UPDATED: Receiving: When viewing PO line UDFs, if the user has access to both PO line and Receipt line UDFs, a prompt will display asking for which UDFs the user wants visible. If the user only has access to one of the two, the appropriate one will open without a prompt. If the user has access to neither, an icon is not made visible for tapping.
UPDATED: Receiving: The UDF Editor screen will now display an appropriate title based on which UDFs are being displayed.
FIXED: iOS 14: Tapping on a date field's "i" button will display a functional date selector.
FIXED: Transactions: Supplementary text such as "Backorders exist for this item" will not overlap with item descriptions. (Introduced: 5.3.0)
ADDED: Accessory: Zebra printers are now supported and have a Setup screen within the Accessories screen. Zebra printers are currently only used in Receiving after submitting a transaction when the service is configured to send a print request to the app.
UPDATED: Transactions: Item Number cells no longer have excessive amounts of padding for their item description and item tracking option section, which allows for users to see more of the item description.
UPDATED: Picking: Added support for Sequential Serial entry.
UPDATED: Receiving: Added support for Sequential Serial entry.
UPDATED: Site Transfer: Added support for Sequential Serial entry.
UPDATED: Inventory Adjustment: Added support for Sequential Serial entry.
UPDATED: Bin Transfer: Added support for Sequential Serial entry.
ADDED: PO Receiving: Implemented missing and improved existing log4net logging that can be used to troubleshoot issues during receiving.
ADDED: Mobile Layout Manager: Mobile layouts can now be imported and exported.
FIXED: PO Receiving: PO number is now passed to the scan parse script as the docNum parameter.
FIXED: Picking: Quantities in license plates are now taken into account when picking items from a bin.
FIXED: License Plate Maintenance: The selected UofM is now taken into account when calculating if there is enough quantity to put into the license plate.
FIXED: Print Item Labels: Serials that have both a posted receipt and adjustment document will no longer display multiple rows. Only the most recent transaction will be displayed.
FIXED: License Plate Maintenance: The correct barcode value will now be loaded into the Barcode field after a license plate is selected on the Update LP screen.
FIXED: PO Receiving: Purchase orders which have canceled line items will not display duplicate line items in the Item Number lookup. (Introduced: 5.1.0)
FIXED: Mobile Layout Manager: When deleting a layout with no Description, the deletion prompt will no longer display " - " after the Layout ID.
FIXED: Mobile Layout Manager: When deleting a layout, the assignments for that layout will now be deleted as well.
FIXED: Mobile Layout Manager: When saving, pending changes within the Layouts and Transactions grids will now be saved.
FIXED: Mobile Layout Manager: When copying a layout, that new copy layout will now be automatically focused in the Layouts grid.
FIXED: Mobile Layout Manager: When updating a layout, that layout will now remain focused in the Layouts grid.
FIXED: Mobile Layout Manager: When updating the default layout, it will now refresh automatically in its updated state.
FIXED: Mobile Layout Manager: When updating a layout, all Transactions and Fields will now be compared with the default layout and updated appropriately instead of only comparing the total count of the Transactions and Fields.
FIXED: Mobile Layout Manager: When launching the Screen Info Script editor window after switching between multiple layouts, the window will now only appear once instead of launching multiple times.
UPDATED: User Field Editor: Now includes spxPurchaseReceipt for viewing and editing Receipt UDFs.
UPDATED: User Field Editor: Now includes spxPurchaseReceiptLineItem for viewing and editing Receipt Line UDFs.
UPDATED: Print Item Labels: This screen now allows searching by Receipt Number and Adjustment Number, and it now includes the Adjustment Number as a column in the results grid.
UPDATED: Scripting: Scripts will now support the use of custom references.
UPDATED: Mobile Layout Manager: The Layouts grid will now default to showing the Layout ID, Description, and Created By columns.
UPDATED: Mobile Layout Manager: The Assignments grid will now default to showing the Layout ID, Name, and Assignment Type columns.
UPDATED: Mobile Layout Manager: Searching, Saving, Copying, and Updating Layouts will now display a loading indicator for the cursor icon.
Version 5.3.2
Release Date 6/18/21
FIXED: Stock Counts: Prompt to add a new item to an existing stock count was not correctly adding the item.
FIXED: PO Receiving: Prevented an issue where clicking 'submit' quickly could result in duplicate receiving transactions.
FIXED: Bin Replenishment: Bin replenishment suggestions with a blank From Bin field will not be generated for items with no records in the Item Site Bin Master (IV00112) table.
FIXED: PO Receiving: Purchase orders with returned items (Replace Returned Goods option selected in GP) will not be treated as fully received and can be received again.
Version 5.3.1
Release Date 4/26/21
ADDED: Setting: Bin Lookup Script: C# script that controls how bins are displayed in the bin lookup. Defaults to nothing.
FIXED: Receiving: Lot attributes on auto-assigned lot numbers can be edited. (Introduced: 5.2.0)
FIXED: Smart Printing: When receiving multiple purchase orders to the same purchase receipt, smart printing will no longer print the wrong line item.
FIXED: Assembly Entry: Transactions with doc dates that have a time component will no longer fail to save.
Version 5.3.0
Release Date 3/30/21
ADDED: Setting: Bin Transfers (Scanner): Bin Transfer From Bin Text Field Is Scan Only: If set to 'True', the From Bin text field in the bin transfer screen will not accept keyed-in data, forcing users to scan the From Bin. Lookups override this function. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Setting: Bin Transfers (Scanner): Bin Transfer Item Number Text Field Is Scan Only: If set to 'True', the Item Number text field in the bin transfer screen will not accept keyed-in data, forcing users to scan the Item Number. Lookups override this function. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Setting: Bin Transfers (Scanner): Bin Transfer Serial Lot Number Text Field Is Scan Only: If set to 'True', the Serial/Lot number text field in the bin transfer screen will not accept keyed-in data, forcing users to scan the Serial/Lot Number. Lookups override this function. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Setting: Bin Transfers (Scanner): Bin Transfer To Bin Text Field Is Scan Only: If set to 'True', the To Bin text field in the bin transfer screen will not accept keyed-in data, forcing users to scan the To Bin. Lookups override this function. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Setting: Picking Confirmation (Scanner): Picking Confirmation Item Number Text Field Is Scan Only: If set to 'True', the Item Number text field in the picking confirmation screen will not accept keyed-in data, forcing users to scan the Item Number. Lookups override this function. Defaults to 'False'.
ADDED: Setting: Picking Confirmation (Scanner): Picking Confirmation Serial Lot Number Text Field Is Scan Only: If set to 'True', the Serial/Lot Number text field in the picking confirmation screen will not accept keyed-in data, forcing users to scan the Serial/Lot Number. Lookups override this function. Defaults to 'False'.
FIXED: In-Transit Picking: The scan parse script now gets executed after scanning a barcode into the Item Number field.
FIXED: In-Transit Receiving: The scan parse script now gets executed after scanning a barcode into the Item Number field.
UPDATED: All Modules: Item Number Field: The Item Number Field now dynamically updates to include its tracking information as well as the item description. This supplementary information will appear within the item number cell with a gray background.
ADDED: Analytics: SalesPad will now send anonymous user tracking information. This data will be used to help determine areas in SalesPad that need work, as well as how our users are using SalesPad day-to-day. The data sent back contains screen information. No company, customer, vendor, or individual identifying user information is sent.
UPDATED: Menu: 'Confirm Receipt' is now called 'Receipt Confirmation'.
FIXED: Picking: Items with backordered quantities will no longer appear as fully packed. (Introduced: 5.1.0)
FIXED: Stock Counts: Counting a lot number that was not on the stock count will not give an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error.
FIXED: Bin Transfer: The error "Not enough quantity outside of license plates" will no longer be shown incorrectly.
FIXED: Reports: Label reports will display their watermarks when printed.
Version 5.2.2
Release Date 2/4/21
FIXED: Picking: Scanning into the Doc Num field will no longer cause random crashes.
ADDED: Smart Printing: In-Transit Transfers Picking and Receiving can now be configured to trigger smart printing.
Version 5.2.1
Release Date 1/8/21
Android/iOS/Win Mobile
FIXED: Picking: Picking item lookup results will no longer duplicate lines when kit items or non-inventory items are present on the document.
FIXED: Picking: Additional item lookup results no longer attempt to load info for kit or non-inventory items.
FIXED: Returns: Returns no longer load duplicate results when kit items are present on the document.
UPDATED: App: Many Bin lookups now load faster.
ADDED: Smart Printing: License Plate Labels can now be used in Smart Printing from Receiving, Bin Transfers and License Plate Maintenance.
ADDED: Setting: 'Treat Keyboard Entry As Scan For Item Number' is a new setting that affects each screen on mobile devices. The item number field triggers the Scan Parse Script setting to run, unless a scanner is used as the input, only the item number can be updated from the script. By enabling this setting, keyboard input will also allow other fields to be updated from the script.
FIXED: Transactions: Item number fields on all screens now correctly display the item number if it changes due to a script.
Win Mobile
UPDATED: Serial Lot Scan Parse Script: Windows Mobile client will now provide the document number to the serial lot scan parse script.
Version 5.2.0
Release Date 12/7/20
FIXED: App: Typing a search value into an Item Number field and then immediately opening the field's lookup will not give "Item does not exist" errors and it will no longer fail to filter the lookup.
FIXED: Bin Transfers: Transferring a license plate will no longer try to validate that there is available inventory outside of the license plates in order to complete the transfer.
FIXED: Packing: Package UDFs will remain persistent on the device when reopening the UDF screen.
FIXED: PO Receiving: When receiving a serial or lot tracked item, if a user taps the "Auto Assign" button then types or scans into the Serial or Lot Number field, the app will cancel the auto-assign process and will use the entered serial numbers or lot number instead.
FIXED: Stock Counts: Stock Counts will no longer state valid submissions are not on the schedule.
UPDATED: Bin Transfers: From Bin search results will now filter out empty bins.
UPDATED: Demo: If the app version is significantly older than the demo server version, the app will show an appropriate warning message when trying to log into the demo.
UPDATED: Global: When the setting 'Validate Serial Numbers' is on, entering a serial number will automatically populate the bin field if it's blank.
UPDATED: License Plate Maintenance: Adding items from mobile will now allow inventory from other bins to be added to a license plate. This completes a bin transfer of the requested inventory into the license plate's bin.
UPDATED: Toast Alerts: Toast messages indicating a failure/error will now be color-coded red.
UPDATED: Toast Alerts: Toast messages indicating success will now be color-coded green.
BREAKING CHANGE: UPDATED: .NET Framework version 4.7.2 is now required. Please refer to Microsoft .NET framework system requirements for OS limitations.
FIXED: License Plate Maintenance: Adding serial items to a license plate will now filter the serial list to the correct location of the license plate.
FIXED: Service: Additional optimizations have been made to prevent hanging transactions, which cause a SQL process in DataCollection to block other SQL processes.
Version 5.1.0
Release Date 10/27/20
FIXED: Bin Transfers: Serial tracked items will now correctly be allowed to transfer when not in license plates.
FIXED: Inventory Adjustments: License plates with multiple items can now be adjusted out.
FIXED: In Transit Picking: Picking a transfer that has the same item on multiple lines will correctly apply license plate inventory to all lines.
FIXED: In Transit Receiving: Receiving a nested license plate with serial items will now correctly validate all serials and allow the receipt to be created.
FIXED: In-Transit Receiving: When receiving a license plate, the app will receive the correct line item in scenarios where two or more line items use the same item master.
FIXED: Mobile Layout Manager: The site field options "Clear on Submit" and "Clear on Clear Pressed" will now properly clear the site field during each scenario. This change affects all available transaction modules within the mobile layout manager.
FIXED: Picking: The doc ID field's supplementary text will update correctly upon selecting/scanning a new document.
FIXED: Picking: Item Lookup: Items will now display the correct quantity ordered for lines having a quantity canceled amount.
FIXED: Shipping Module: Selecting an already fully confirmed item number will no longer display an object reference error in the header section of the screen. (Introduced 5.0.0)
FIXED: Stock Counts: If a serial tracked line item was already counted once, counting additional serial numbers for that line item will save properly and warn if the same serial numbers were counted a second time properly.
UPDATED: App: Many Item Number lookups now load faster.
UPDATED: Miscellaneous: Periodic iOS and Android Toast/Notification messages will no longer flicker briefly after selection or submission, and it will have a more uniform duration (2.5 - 3 seconds).
FIXED: Shipping Module: Scanning an already confirmed item number will now display a proper notification message to the user rather than a view hierarchy system error message. (Introduced 5.0.0)
FIXED: UDFs: Tapping an image UDF and selecting the 'Camera' option will not give an error.
UPDATED: Android 10: The app is better optimized for devices running Android 10.
ADDED: Setting: Stock Counts (Scanner): Show Previously Counted Serial Numbers: If set to 'True', the 'Added Serial Numbers' screen in Stock Counts will show serial numbers which have already been counted for that stock count line item. Defaults to 'False'.
FIXED: License Plate Maintenance: Item details will correctly be deleted from a license plate.
UPDATED: License Plate Maintenance: Updated the messages returned when attempting to work with a license plate that is not assigned to a bin when using multi-bin.
Version 5.0.2
Release Date 9/14/20
Android/iOS/Win Mobile
FIXED: Stock Counts: Counting multiple lots on a stock count will no longer double the counted quantity.
UPDATED: Inventory Lookup: Related purchase orders will now remove quantity posted from related documents lookup, and lines with 0 remaining quantity to receive will no longer show as a related PO.
FIXED: In-Transit Transfer Picking: To Bin Lookup: When fulfilling an In-Transit Transfer document using a license plate, the To Bin lookup will no longer show all bins, but only those related to the license plate's warehouse. (Introduced 5.0.0)
FIXED: Picking: Correctly clearing previous item information when loading a license plate and vice versa.
UPDATED: Bin Transfer Screen: Selecting a serial number from the serial lookup will populate the 'From' bin field with its corresponding bin value (if applicable).
UPDATED: Site Transfer Screen: Selecting a serial number from the serial lookup will populate the 'From' bin field with its corresponding bin value (if applicable).
FIXED: General: Large text boxes for fields such as 'Notes' and 'Suggested Item' are now placed below their field name instead of to the right of their field name. This fixes an issue where the text box and field name could overlap on smaller devices.
FIXED: Warehouse Configuration: Discarded bin item attribute changes will no longer be treated as unsaved changes when closing the form.
UPDATED: Warehouse Configuration: When switching the warehouse or bin with unsaved bin item attributes, pressing "x" to close the prompt will no longer discard the changes.
UPDATED: License Plate Maintenance: Updated parent license plate to a dropdown selection.
Version 5.0.1
Release Date 8/21/20
Android/iOS/Win Mobile
FIXED: Inventory Adjustments: Adjustments In will no longer check existing available quantity outside of license plates.
FIXED: Receiving: Submitting receiving transactions on two or more devices at around the same time will not result in time outs, SQL transactions staying open, or purchase receipt batches staying locked.
BREAKING CHANGE: UPDATED: Licensing: Device IDs are now based on hexadecimal IDs, instead of the device's name or model. If the DataCollection service is updated before the app is updated, the service will update the Device IDs on existing mobile license records as users login with the app. If users login with an updated app before updating the service, an administrator will have to manually delete mobile license records using the old Device IDs in the Mobile License Manager after updating the service.
FIXED: General: When connected to a server whose version is older than, the app will not time out on every server request after login. Note that it's still highly recommended that the first 2 digits of the server version and app version match. (Introduced;
FIXED: License Plate Maintenance: Remove Items Action: The License Plate Maintenance screen will now properly filter license plate details on the item lookup during license plate removal.
FIXED: License Plate Maintenance: When creating a new license plate and setting UDF values, the values are properly restored when opening the editor multiple times.
FIXED: Receiving: Autogenerate serials screen no longer shows the submit button.
FIXED: Receiving: Having the setting 'Suggest Next Item To Receive' set to 'False' will no longer cause the Site, Bin, Comment, and Receipt Type fields to clear on submit if they aren't configured to clear on submit in the Mobile Layout Manager.
FIXED: Scanning: If the 'Serial Lot Scan Parse Script' encounters an error, the app will show the error instead of crashing. (Introduced:
FIXED: License Plate Maintenance: Correctly detecting whether the company has multibin enabled.
FIXED: Receiving: Attempting to receive a license plate with no items in it will no longer throw an error.
UPDATED: All: Bin and Site lookup results will correctly display the number of decimals per item.
UPDATED: All: Read-only fields will no longer use grey text, this should result in better readability.
UPDATED: Packing: Item lookup results will use color to represent status. Green text means the item is fully fulfilled and packed. Red means the item has not yet been fulfilled or packed.
UPDATED: Site Transfers: The From Bin is no longer required to be populated before selecting a lot.
UPDATED: Site Transfers: Upon selecting a lot number, the From Bin field will populate based on the selected lot's bin.
UPDATED: Bin Transfers: When attempting a transfer without sufficient available quantity, the returned message will not state license plates are the reason.
UPDATED: Settings: Updated the 'MO Statuses For Which Picking is Allowed' setting to be a multi-select list for easier entry.
UPDATED: Web Service: License plate transaction endpoints now ensure packages are not used when not applicable.
FIXED: iOS 13: The date selector on date fields will no longer be missing 'Cancel' and 'Done' buttons on iPhones and iPods running iOS 13.
FIXED: Receiving: Tapping the 'Submit' button too early will show a prompt stating which fields must be populated instead of crashing the app. (Introduced: 5.0.0)
Version 5.0.0
Release Date 6/22/20
ADDED: License Plating: DataCollection now supports license plating. See documentation for more details.
UPDATED: DataCollection now uses DevExpress version 19.2.4.
Release Date 6/19/20
ADDED: Setting: General Options: Allow Unfiltered Bin Lookups: If set to 'False', if opening a bin lookup in the iOS or Android apps would load all bins for a warehouse or company, the app will display an error message instead. Defaults to 'True'.
ADDED: Setting: General Options: Allow Unfiltered Item Lookups: If set to 'False', if opening an item lookup in the iOS or Android apps would load all active items in the company, the app will display an error message instead. Defaults to 'True'.
FIXED: Inventory Adjustment: Fixed an issue where the adjustment mode would get reset after submitting the initial adjustment transaction even though it originally defaulted to In. The mode now remains whatever value was selected previously.
FIXED: Inventory Adjustment: Fixed an issue where the Reason Code field would remain selected after submitting an inventory adjustment transaction. This would lead to the invalid reason code error after scanning another item.
UPDATED: PO Receiving: Lot Auto Generation: Scan focus will update to the next scannable cell upon selecting the lot auto generation option.
UPDATED: PO Receiving: Serial Auto Generation: Scan focus will update to the next scannable cell upon exiting the serial auto generation screen.
FIXED: Database Update: Will no longer fail when using GP 2010. (Introduced:
Release Date 6/1/20
Android/iOS/Win Mobile
FIXED: Manufacturing: Manufacturing transactions will never write to a pick document that has a line item belonging to a different manufacturing order.
ADDED: Settings: Created a new setting for setting iOS and Android device timeout duration.
FIXED: Login: If 'Remember Me' is disabled, the username and password for the selected connection will be cleared out after login.
FIXED: Login: If 'Remember Me' is disabled, usernames will not be remembered.
UPDATED: Receiving: Optimized a portion of the save process for receipts that should lead to a small performance increase.
UPDATED: Receiving: Receiving now respects the setting 'Allow Auto Generate Serial Lot'.
Win Mobile
FIXED: Packing: Selecting an item from the item lookup won't fail on the first attempt due to 'Force Rescan On Item' being set to 'True'.
FIXED: Picking: Selecting a bin from the bin lookup won't fail on the first attempt due to 'Force Rescan On Bin' being set to 'True'.
FIXED: Picking: Selecting an item from the item lookup won't fail on the first attempt due to 'Force Rescan On Item' being set to 'True'.
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: Selecting a bin from the bin lookup won't fail on the first attempt due to 'Force Rescan On Bin' being set to 'True'.
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: Selecting an item from the item lookup won't fail on the first attempt due to 'Force Rescan On Item' being set to 'True'.
FIXED: Receiving: Selecting a bin from the bin lookup won't fail on the first attempt due to 'Force Rescan On Bin' being set to 'True'.
FIXED: Receiving: Selecting an item from the item lookup won't fail on the first attempt due to 'Force Rescan On Item' being set to 'True'.
Release Date 5/7/20
Android/iOS/Win Mobile
ADDED: Procedure: UnpickMultibin_Update - Added optional Sequence Number parameter for unpicking part of a multi-bin non-tracked line item.
FIXED: Stock Counts: The 'Notes' field in mobile stock count transactions now saves to the stock count's notes.
FIXED: General: DataCollection should no longer experience an exception related to the keyboard.
UPDATED: Accessories: The Socket Mobile SDK has been updated to provide better support for those devices.
Release Date 4/9/20
Android/iOS/Win Mobile
FIXED: Manufacturing: When entering a manufacturing transaction in a multi-bin company, partially fulfilling a serial/lot tracked item will now allocate and fulfill the line as expected.
FIXED: Scripts: If a transaction type has a 'Pre Submit Script' and a 'Post Submit Script' specified, the 'Post Submit Script' will no longer be skipped.
UPDATED: Manufacturing: Scan Parse Script will know the transaction type when triggered by manufacturing.
UPDATED: Packing: Scan Parse Script will know the transaction type when triggered by packing.
UPDATED: Packing: Sales documents will not be moved to the 'Pack Finished Batch' unless the document is fully packed and fully fulfilled. This was already the case if the setting 'Integrate Pick And Pack' was set to 'True'.
UPDATED: Receiving: The GL account within GP will now be respected when changing a site during receiving.
ADDED: Settings: Added 'Package Item Prefix' setting, which can be used to filter out SalesPad package items and exploded kits from some transactions.
FIXED: In Transit Picking: 'To' and 'From' bins now populate as expected based on the selected 'Via' or 'To' site.
FIXED: In Transit Receiving: 'To' and 'From' bins now populate as expected based on the selected 'Via' or 'To' site.
FIXED: Picking Confirmation: Confirming multiple serials at once will no longer fail to find suitable fulfillments.
FIXED: Receiving: Fixed a condition that incorrectly allowed items to be over-received.
FIXED: Shipping: Item lookup no longer considers exploded kit items when shipping.
FIXED: Zebra Scanner: Fixed an issue where the application would crash on startup when using a Zebra Scanner device.
FIXED: Accessories: Connection to certain Infinite Peripherals devices will no longer cause a crash.
FIXED: iPod Touch: Fixed an issue that caused the app to fail/crash on startup (introduced in
Release Date 2/21/20
Android/iOS/Win Mobile
FIXED: Stock Counts: Improved support for 'Overwrite Quantity Counted' setting with lot tracked items.
FIXED: Stock Counts: Finishing a stock count that contains serial items with no variance, will now complete as expected.
UPDATED: Receiving: Reduced time taken to save receipts to better handle large numbers of item tracking numbers.
ADDED: Picking Confirmation: Added sales document audit and transaction log entry when using picking confirmation.
ADDED: Settings: Added setting 'Picking Confirmation Finish Batch'. This setting defines the batch that documents are moved to when the picking confirmation module detects that all items have been confirmed.
FIXED: Picking Confirmation: Non-tracked items in a multibin company will correctly confirm fulfillments from multiple bins.
ADDED: Accessories: Socket Mobile cordless hand scanners are now supported.
FIXED: System Information: Fixed a crash when opening the system information screen.
Win Mobile
UPDATED: Packing: Optimized network calls and SQL queries during packing to attempt to speed up process time.
FIXED: Database Update: The columns for "spAssembly" will now be created correctly when SalesPad Desktop is not installed, so that the procedure "Assembly_Update" can be created correctly (introduced:
Release Date 1/14/20
ADDED: Accessory: Added the ability to accept a scan from DataWedge.
Android/iOS/Win Mobile
FIXED: Packing: The 'Quantity Packed' field within the item lookup will now update correctly upon a successful submission.
UPDATED: Packing: Shipping method will now be copied to the shipment header when packing.
Release Date 12/6/19
FIXED: Stock Counts: Fixed an issue where lot numbers would not populate on the screen to be counted.
ADDED: Module: In-Transit Picking: A new in-transit transfer module was added that allows users to manually pick/fulfill in-transit transfer documents on the mobile device.
ADDED: Module: In-Transit Receiving: A new in-transit transfer module was added that allows users to receive items from an in-transit transfer document on the mobile device.
ADDED: Module: Assembly Entry: A new assembly module was added that allows users to create and edit assembly/distribution BOM documents on the mobile device.
Release Date 11/15/19
Android/iOS/Win Mobile
FIXED: Smart Printing: Printing a receipt label through smart printing when 'Print One Label for Non-Tracked Items' is enabled, will now provide the entered receiving line quantity, rather than the sum total quantity received from the PO line. (Introduced:
FIXED: Receiving: Auto-assigning a large amount of serial numbers will be less likely to cause timeout errors.
UPDATED: Stock Counts: When using 'Auto Submit' & 'Increment Qty By Scan', scans of new items will automatically load on the screen. Scanning a new item, while focus is on the item number field (or the serial/lot field), will result in the previous item/count data being submitted, and the new item being loaded into the item field.
Win Mobile
FIXED: Receiving: If 'Increment Qty By Scan' is enabled when the user submits a partially received item, and the item field does not clear on submit, the item field will now show the previous item number and will not give a "Item Number does not match previously scanned item" error if a different item is entered.
Release Date 10/16/19
Win Mobile
FIXED: Packing: Scan Parse Script: If a scan parse script supplies a package number, the app will not encounter a "Value cannot be null" error when trying to submit a transaction.
UPDATED: Packing: Scan Parse Script: The docNum field, instead of being empty, now contains the sales document number of the document the user is currently packing.
Release Date 9/27/19
Android/iOS/Win Mobile
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Picking a non-tracked item in a non-multibin database will no longer cause a SQL error. (Introduced:
FIXED: Packing: Sales document validation no longer limits documents to Picking batches.
FIXED: Picking: With the 'Picking Temporary Bin' setting enabled, serial-tracked items will now be picked correctly.
FIXED: Returns: Sales document validation no longer limits documents to Picking batches.
FIXED: Packing: Packing will correctly handle serial and lot numbers returned from a scan parse script.
Win Mobile
FIXED: Lookups: Validation will no longer fail when a row is checked but not highlighted. (Introduced:
FIXED: Picking: The Bin field will be automatically populated when a serial number is selected using the checkbox. (Introduced:
Release Date 9/11/19
Android/iOS/Win Mobile
BREAKING CHANGE: REMOVED: UDF Table: Package_X has been removed. UDFs here will need to be recreated in LicensePlate_X.
ADDED: UDF Table: LicensePlate_X has been created to be compatible with the package structure shared with SalePad Desktop and ShipCenter.
FIXED: Packing: Package UDFs will now be saved correctly.
FIXED: Scripting: Disabled scripts will no longer cause errors. (Introduced:
UPDATED: Packing: Packing now calculates the package weight based on items submitted.
FIXED: Package Editor: Package UDFs can now be viewed in the Package grid.
FIXED: Stock Counts: The required fields check will now function correctly. (Introduced:
Release Date 8/16/19
FIXED: Service: Optimizations have been made to prevent hanging transactions, which cause a SQL process in DataCollection to block other SQL processes.
FIXED: Scanning: The 'Force Rescan On Item' setting will only require a single re-scan for each time a new item number is scanned into the Item Number field. If both 'Increment Qty By Scan' and 'Force Rescan On Item' are enabled, the increment scans will not require re-scans.
UPDATED: Scanning: If 'Increment Qty By Scan' is enabled and a user scans a barcode which is not the current item number into the Item Number field, a message will appear briefly at the bottom of the screen, explaining that the barcode does not match the item number. The message will also mention which field the scanned barcode went into, if there was another scan-able field. If there isn't another scan-able field, then this message replaces the "No field available for scanner input" prompt.
UPDATED: Scanning: If 'Increment Qty By Scan' is enabled and the first barcode scanned into the Item Number field is a barcode which corresponds to an Item Number instead of the actual item number, that barcode's value can be used for incrementing quantity.
UPDATED: Scanning: When the 'Force Rescan On Item' setting is enabled, the "Please rescan item number for verification" message will appear briefly at the bottom of the screen, rather than as a prompt.
Android/iOS/Win Mobile
FIXED: Picking: When attempting to validate the sales document number, errors from the service will no longer cause the application to crash.
FIXED: Receiving: Lot attributes pulled in from existing lots will now be applied correctly when receiving additional quantity.
Release Date 8/9/19
ADDED: DataCollection for Android is now available.
ADDED: Mobile Layout Manager: Fields may now be marked as Read Only.
UPDATED: Mobile Layout Manager: The Qty/UofM field was split into a Quantity field and a UofM field in the Stock Counts mobile screen.
UPDATED: Settings: The descriptions for the 'Suggest Next Item' settings now mention that you should not enable them when auto-submit is also enabled.
iOS and Windows Mobile
UPDATED: Mobile Layout Manager: The Qty/UofM field was split into a Quantity field and a UofM field in the Stock Counts mobile screen.
Release Date 7/22/19
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Manufacturing orders with an invalid status can no longer be picked.
FIXED: Receiving: Support for the 'Receiving Backorder Alert' setting was fixed.
FIXED: Serial Lot Entry: Scanning a serial or lot number with a disabled serial lot scan parse script will no longer cause the app to crash.
UPDATED: Manufacturing: A prompt was added for when attempting to unlock a document, if the app previously closed while in the middle of a transaction.
iOS and Windows Mobile
FIXED: Manufacturing: A calculation that was resulting in over-allocating items on issues was corrected.
FIXED: Manufacturing: Submitting multiple times for the same item will combine the new data as a detail on existing lines.
Release Date 6/13/19
iOS and Windows Mobile
UPDATED: Service: All scripts are now cached after first compilation to increase performance.
Release Date 6/5/19
FIXED: Receiving: A possible null reference exception that occurred when loading purchase line item information was corrected.
iOS and Windows Mobile
ADDED: Receiving: Non-inventory items are now able to be received.
UPDATED: Manufacturing: Bin is now a required field for component transactions, when working in a multi-bin company.
Release Date 5/24/19
FIXED: Manufacturing: A calculation that was resulting in over-allocating items on issues was corrected.
Release Date 5/14/19
ADDED: Support for Infinite Peripheral's Infinea and Linea scanner product lines was added.
FIXED: Receiving: When receiving without a purchase order, receiving serial-tracked items will no longer error out.
FIXED: Site Transfer: If Binary Stream MEM is enabled, when scanning in the To Site, the Facility ID that is used will be based on the user's current facility.
UPDATED: Site Transfer: If Binary Stream MEM is enabled, the To Site lookup will now display the Facility ID.
UPDATED: Login: Layouts with transaction types or field names that are undefined will no longer prevent the user from logging in.
UPDATED: Receiving: Item information loading on receiving was optimized to improve speed.
Win Mobile
UPDATED: Login: Layouts with transaction types or field names that are undefined will no longer prevent the user from logging in.
FIXED: Item Label: When printing an item label for a serial or lot-tracked item with no inventory, the rest of the information will now still appear on the label.
Release Date 4/9/19
ADDED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Phantom BOM components can now be picked correctly.
UPDATED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Phantom BOM lines no longer show up in the Item lookup.
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: A sequence number is now set correctly, fixing an issue with allocated quantities after posting a component transaction.
Release Date 3/29/19
FIXED: Integrated Pick and Pack: Leaving shipping number blank no longer yields an Object Reference error.
FIXED: Manufacturing: An issue which caused "Specified cast not valid" messages was fixed.
FIXED: Packing: Leaving shipping number blank no longer yields an Object Reference error.
FIXED: Picking: An issue which caused a scan parse script to be evaluated twice was fixed.
FIXED: Receiving: Intermittent crashes after removing a serial number will no longer occur.
Release Date 3/13/19
FIXED: Putaway Report: The report no longer shows duplicate backordered lines when multiple purchase order lines for the same item are selected.
FIXED: Packing: Selecting serial numbers to pack for a document will now restrict to those that were picked for the document.
FIXED: Picking: The Picking screen's Suggested Item field now populates when a pick is submitted and a new item is suggested.
FIXED: PO Receiving: MEM Facility ID will be correctly set on the PO Receiving request object.
Win Mobile
FIXED: Site Transfer: If Binary Stream MEM is enabled, when scanning in the To Site, the Facility ID that is used will be based on the user's current facility.
UPDATED: Picking: The 'Clear Document Number When Fully Picked' setting now also affects the Windows Mobile application.
UPDATED: Site Transfer: If Binary Stream MEM is enabled, the To Site lookup will now display the Facility ID.
Release Date 1/28/19
FIXED: Bin Transfers: Transfering into a bin which has negative quantity will not give a "The available qty in the TO BIN would be negative" error.
ADDED: Setting: Append Bin To Serial Number - If enabled, the bin name will append to the serial number lookups in multi-bin environments.
Release Date 11/1/18
ADDED: Packing: Packages can now be associated with a SalesPad Desktop Shipping header. This will allow the packages to be viewed in SalesPad Desktop.
FIXED: Installer: Custom modules are no longer included in the base DataCollection installation.
FIXED: Audits: Username will properly populate in the sales document audits.
FIXED: Stock Counts: The inventory and variance accounts are now correctly set when adding new items to the stock count. (Introduced:
UPDATED: Settings: Scan Parse Script: PO Number is passed in via docNum parameter.
UPDATED: Settings: Scan Parse Script: Successful responses with a message from a scan parse script will now display the message.
Release Date 10/9/18
FIXED: Stock Counts: When adding a serial tracked item to a started stock count, all of the serial numbers for that item and bin will be added to the stock count, with missing serial numbers marked as Not Found.
FIXED: Stock Counts: The sum of the variance quantities for serial numbers will now match their line item's variance quantity.
FIXED: Receiving: Submitting consecutive transactions with serial tracked item no longer throws econnect errors.
FIXED: Receiving: When configured to print on submit, labels printed through Smart Printing will no longer be missing data.
FIXED: Receiving: The scan parse script will now return its values correctly when scanning in an item number.
FIXED: Bin Transfer: When performing a bin transfer in DataCollection iOS, if a user selects serial numbers and then opens the From Bin lookup, the bin will show the correct quantity for that item.
FIXED: Bin Transfer: When performing a bin transfer in DataCollection iOS, if a user selects serial numbers and then opens the From Bin lookup, the lookup will not give an "No bin found that contains all of the selected serials" error incorrectly, if other items have the same serial numbers.
ADDED: Setting: Picking Restrict Sales Document By Batch - If enabled, the Sales Document field for the Picking screen will only allow documents that are in the batches listed in the 'Picking Sales Document Lookup Batch' setting.
UPDATED: General: Improvements were made to prevent the system from locking.
Release Date 8/29/18
BREAKING CHANGE: FIXED: Login: When Use Windows Authentication is checked on the Login screen, DataCollection will no longer ignore the SQL Connection Setup when connecting to the database. This may cause issues if the security in SQL for the user in the connection setup and the Windows user is different.
FIXED: IIS: Various actions in the app will not give a "Serializer Not Found" error. (Introduced:
FIXED: Packing: The 'Pack Finished Batch' setting properly forwards orders with Kit items.
FIXED: Site Transfers: Submitting without a document number will automatically pull the next inventory transfer number from Dynamics GP.
Release Date 8/15/18
FIXED: Login: Users logging in from different time zones will no longer cause other users to be logged out.
FIXED: Settings: The 'Module Default Bin Label and Indicator' setting will correctly save and load all module settings.
FIXED: Receiving: Manually scanning more than one serial number for serial-tracked items in non-base UofM will no longer be prevented.
FIXED: IIS: Screen Info scripts will now run properly when using IIS to host the server.
Release Date 7/25/18
FIXED: Site Transfer: Sales Transfer entries are now loaded in DataCollection, even if they were not created using the SalesPad DC default batch.
Release Date 6/21/18
FIXED: Various Screens: Crashes no longer occur when trying to open screens in certain situations.
FIXED: Package Editor: The New Package Item pop-up can now be cancelled out of when no item number is selected.
FIXED: Package Editor: In the New Package Item pop-up, the UofM is now populated when you select an item.
UPDATED: Packing: Data required for ShipCenter is now being populated.
FIXED: Packing: Packing a serial-tracked item in non-base UofM will no longer prematurely display the "Fully Packed" message.
Release Date 5/29/18
UPDATED: Error Messages: Additional information is now displayed when an unexpected error occurs.
FIXED: Picking: Unpickable bins are no longer displayed at the bottom of the screen.
FIXED: Receiving: Auto-assigned lot numbers will now have their lot attributes saved correctly when receiving the purchase order line items out of order.
UPDATED: Mobile Logging: Additional information is now logged when mobile logging is enabled.
Release Date 5/16/18
FIXED: Package Editor: When adding new packages, tabbing past the Template ID field will no longer cause an error.
FIXED: Receiving: Items will now be loaded correctly when no purchase order has been selected. (Introduced:
Release Date 4/18/18
FIXED: Shipping: Kit item numbers will no longer need to be confirmed in order to finish the shipment.
Release Date 4/13/18
FIXED: DataCollection Installer: A bug where the Extended Warehouse configuration file wasn't included in the installation has been fixed.
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: The eConnect error for invalid receipt types no longer appears. (Introduced:
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: Changing the item number before submitting will now correctly find the item on the receipt. (Introduced:
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Item Barcode Maintenance functionality will now work properly in the Manufacturing Transaction Entry screen.
Release Date 4/2/18
FIXED: Receiving: Barcodes that need to be formatted using a scan parse script or Item Barcode Maintenance will now work correctly in Receiving. (Introduced:
Release Date 3/19/18
BREAKING CHANGE: UPDATED: Packages: The SQL tables have been updated to be compatible with SalesPad and ShipCenter. If you want your existing packages to be accessible in this build, run the License Plate Maintenance Package Conversion tool in SalesPad Desktop.
FIXED: DataCollection Allocation: Allocation was optimized, and redundant database entries were cleaned up.
FIXED: Bin Replenishment: This process was optimized so that generating bin replenishment no longer freezes DataCollection.
FIXED: Warehouse Configuration: Having multiple users edit the same bin will no longer create duplicate bins.
FIXED: Warehouse Configuration: This process no longer causes errors when editing the same Bin (Item) Attribute across two different instances.
ADDED: Login Restrictions: Multiple users are now allowed to log in to DC Extended Warehouse at the same time.
FIXED: All Mobile Screens: The item information at the bottom of the screens will no longer be cut off in the middle of the screen.
FIXED: Packing: An issue where the 'Suggest Next Item To Pack' setting was not filling in the Item Text field was fixed.
FIXED: Stock Count: Creating a stock count from within Windows Mobile devices will now post to the correct General Ledger account.
Release Date 11/7/17
FIXED: Login: Other users can no longer log in when all licensed seats have been filled.
UPDATED: Receiving: Optimizations were made to make submitting faster.
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Pick Numbers now check existing documents before generating new ones.
FIXED: All Screens: The Serial/Lot field can no longer be edited when a non-tracked item is selected.
FIXED: Shipping: The "Sales Document not found" error upon fully confirming an invoice has been resolved.
Release Date 10/9/17
FIXED: Receiving: The correct receipt number is now generated in a MEM-enabled environment.
FIXED: Site Transfer: The 'Allow Bin Creation' setting is now respected on this screen.
FIXED: Receiving: Receipts now check the vendor document number when determining existing receipts to update.
UPDATED: Receiving: When creating a shipment/invoice receipt, the Create New Receipt button will now take you back to the previous screen to allow you to change the vendor document number.
Release Date 8/22/17
FIXED: Security Editor: A description typo for the Mobile Picking security was fixed.
FIXED: Warehouse Manager: Allocations are recalculated correctly when the ordered quantity changes on a sales document.
FIXED: Item Label Printing: In a non-multibin environment, PO numbers for non-tracked items will now be populated correctly.
FIXED: Login: When attempting to log into DC Mobile using invalid credentials, users will now receive a proper error message.
FIXED: Site Transfer: Site transfers now convert all quantities to the item's base Unit of Measure, due to eConnect limitations, and properly update the associated GP tables.
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: Users are now able to submit serial and lot-tracked items.
ADDED: Setting: Stock Counts: Stock Counts Allow Bin Quantity Override - This setting allows the quantity counted to override the available bin quantity for non-tracked items. Default: False
ADDED: Setting: Inventory Adjustment: Inventory Adjustment Allow Bin Quantity Override - This setting allows the quantity submitted to override the available bin quantity for non-tracked items. Default: False
ADDED: All Mobile Screens: The ability to customize the item info at the bottom of each screen, using scripts in the Mobile Layout Manager, was added.
Release Date 7/14/17
FIXED: Serial/Lot Attribute User Fields Editor: This editor can now be accessed when DataCollection and SalesPad user fields contain fields with the same name.
FIXED: Inventory Lookup: Serial/lot attribute user fields now load correctly.
FIXED: Receiving Select: When the Receipt Types are cleared, the allowed types will still be in the dropdown, instead of also being cleared.
FIXED: Receiving Select: When the handheld is in Spanish, Receipt Types for existing receipts will now be pulled in correctly.
FIXED: Site Transfer: Expired lots can now be transferred.
UPDATED: Receiving: Lot Attributes: User fields for lots with auto-assigned numbers can no longer be accessed before the lot number is generated.
UPDATED: Receiving: When creating a new shipment/invoice receipt, if no Vendor ID was specified for the receipt, the Vendor ID from the purchase order will be used, instead of changing the receipt into a shipment receipt.
Release Date 6/27/17
FIXED: Login: Having DataCollection installed on a machine in a different time zone than the SQL server will no longer result in an immediate time out.
Release Date 6/13/17
FIXED: Quantity Field: When in a local setting which uses a comma as the decimal place symbol, since commas are not allowed in the quantity field, quantity values will now be read correctly when entering a period as the decimal place symbol.
FIXED: All Screens: A few Spanish translations were corrected.
UPDATED: Login: Issues with the Mobile Layout during login now have more detailed error messages.
ADDED: Setting: Receiving: Allow PO To Update MEM Facility ID: When enabled, the Facility ID on the purchase order will update the Facility ID and Site on the handheld, assuming the user is also assigned to that facility.
ADDED: Receiving: Binary Stream MEM is now supported.
Release Date 5/2/17
FIXED: Receiving, Inventory Adjustment, Site Transfer: When the machine hosting the service is not in the English - US locale, there will no longer be numeric-related issues with eConnect.
FIXED: Bin Transfer and Site Transfer: The UofM field now remains populated when the Item Number field is not cleared.
Release Date 4/26/17
FIXED: Warehouse Manager: Allocations will now correctly respect bin and bin item allocation locks.
FIXED: Allocation Details: Allocations from the Warehouse Manager will now be saved with the correct bins.
FIXED: Site Lookup: The lookup's filtering of results based on a selected item's assigned sites has been optimized so that the search doesn't return an excessive number of records.
UPDATED: All Modules: The site lookup now filters based on the item number that is specified on the screen.
Release Date 4/6/17
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Quantities for reverse issues are now handled correctly.
FIXED: Picking: To ensure that they populate correctly, units of measure will now populate before a scan/parse script is called.
FIXED: Picking: After scanning a bar code, the next blank field will be focused.
FIXED: Site Transfers: If the user selects the lookup immediately after scanning an item in, the Serial/Lot field will no longer be cleared out.
Release Date 3/8/17
FIXED: Item Label Printing: Submitting a print request will no longer cause a crash when the Print Qty field is left blank.
FIXED: Smart Printing: The smart printing configuration setting 'Print One Label Per Lot' now works correctly.
FIXED: Receiving: It is no longer possible to over-receive serial-tracked items when over-receiving is not allowed.
FIXED: Stock Count Creation: When using a non-multibin environment, DC Mobile will no longer incorrectly report newly-created GP sites as not existing.
FIXED: Mobile Inventory Lookup: Missing Spanish translations for some labels have been added.
FIXED: Bin Transfer: Bin lookup quantities will again be filtered by the item selected.
UPDATED: Item Label Printing: When Print Via Smart Printing is checked, the Printer, Label, and Print Qty fields will be disabled.
Release Date 2/14/17
ADDED: Putaway Report: The Qty_Posted field will sum up the the quantities on associated posted receipts.
ADDED: Putaway Report: The Qty_Unposted field will sum up the the quantities on associated unposted receipts.
ADDED: Putaway Report: The putaway report can now use the custom procedure dccpPutawayReport to add custom fields to the report.
FIXED: Putaway Report: UDFs will now correctly populate values on the putaway report.
FIXED: Bulk Pick Ticket Printing: The queue search field will now generate available queues properly.
FIXED: Putaway Report: Calculated fields created for the putaway report will successfully reload when re-entering the Report Designer.
FIXED: DataCollection Server: The Uninstall Service button will now prompt the user for confirmation before uninstalling the service.
UPDATED: Menu Ribbon: Setup-related buttons on the Application tab have been moved to the Setup tab.
UPDATED: Installer: The DataCollection installer will now only produce two executables and shortcuts: DataCollection (previously Advanced Console) and DataCollection Extended Warehouse (previously Warehouse Management).
UPDATED: Bin Transfers: When transferring multiple serial-tracked items at the same time, if there is an invalid serial number included in the list, no items are transferred, instead of only part of the list.
UPDATED: Picking: The message logged to the Picking audit and Sales Document audit will now explicitly list which unit of measure is being used for the reported quantity.
UPDATED: All Modules: Optimizations have been made in order to speed up loading.
FIXED: Inventory Adjustment: An inventory decrease will now be correctly allocated when the transaction is created.
Release Date 12/7/16
UPDATED: ZPL Label Maintenance: The ZPL Label Maintenance screen now allows for longer, more complex labels.
FIXED: Smart Printing: Fixed an issue where lot-tracked items on a receipt label would only be printed once.
ADDED: Setting: Smart Printing: Enable Enhanced Smart Printing Logging - Allows Smart Printing to log more detailed information about label data to the spwms.SystemLog table. NOTE: This setting is performance intensive and should only be enabled for troubleshooting purposes. (Default: False)
ADDED: Receiving: SalesPad and Data Collection UDFs can now be added to the column band.
UPDATED: Settings: Default Receiving Bin: The description for this setting now clarifies that its functionality is intended for receiving on the console and has no affect on the Receiving module in SalesPad mobile.
FIXED: Report Manager: Item Labels: Fields in the designer are now correctly linked under ItemLabelInfo so that the correct data for multiple items are shown when printing item labels with Condense Labels checked.
FIXED: Picking: Smart printing runs correctly when the order is fully picked and has remaining back-ordered items.
FIXED: Picking: A blank row will no longer take up space on the screen when 'Integrate Pick and Pack' is set to False and 'Package Number' is set to be visible.
FIXED: Inventory Lookup: The correct quantities are displayed when in a non-multibin environment.
Release Date 11/30/16
FIXED: User Defined Fields: Saving will no longer error out when there are two fields with the same name in two different tables.
FIXED: Sales Document Audit: The fulfilled quantity is now properly calculated and takes into account the base UOfM quantity.
FIXED: Shipping: Quantity confirmed for an item will not be updated if over-packed.
FIXED: Shipping: Duplicate items in a document are now distinguished correctly.
FIXED: Receiving Mobile: Fields are prevented from clearing in a loop when the fields are in a certain order and "Increment Qty By Scan" is enabled.
Release Date 11/3/16
FIXED: Mobile Layout Manager: Editing the Fields grid will now correctly update the fields above it.
Release Date 9/29/16
FIXED: User Field Editor: Error will no longer occur when saving user-defined fields.
Release Date 9/22/16
FIXED: Smart Printing Config: When editing Smart Printing rules for Receiving, the Report and Print Option fields will populate normally again.
FIXED: Bin Transfers: Custom Screen Labels set in Mobile Layout Manager are now applied correctly.
FIXED: Picking: When an order is fulfilled on DC Mobile Picking, the Date Fulfilled and Actual Ship Date in GP are updated properly.
UPDATED: Shipping: When the document is fully confirmed, the fields set to "Clear On Clear Pressed" will be used instead of those set to "Clear On Submit."
Release Date 7/28/16
FIXED: System Log Search: Invalid file extension error will not be thrown when canceling "Export to Excel" dialog.
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: The "receipt number is blank" error will not occur when changing the position of Rcpt # in layout manager.
FIXED: Mobile Layout Manager: Layouts will no longer fail to save in certain situations.
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: The name for Receipt Confirmation is now uniform throughout console and mobile.
FIXED: Packing: Serial Tracked Items now respect the 'Max Items Per Package' setting.
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: The "receipt number is blank" error will not occur when changing the position of Rcpt # in layout manager.
FIXED: Connection Settings: No longer prompts to save when leaving the screen after user manually clicked Save.
FIXED: Mobile: Modules will load correctly when connecting through IIS.
Release Date 6/27/16
FIXED: DataCollection Server: Server Log: Data is localized correctly based on chosen language
FIXED: Security Editor: User field layout properly loads saved layout.
ADDED: Mobile Layout Manager: The Mobile Layout Manager is a console screen that can be used to create or update the screen layout of mobile devices.
REMOVED: Settings: All Field Sequence, Fields to Clear, Auto Submit, and Increment By Scan settings are now deprecated; their functionality has been moved to the Mobile Layout Manager.
FIXED: Line Item Lookup: The 'Qty Ord' column now takes into account back-ordered items. A 'Qty Alloc' column has been added.
FIXED: UDFs: Labels are not cut off by the text box.
FIXED: UDFs: Date/Time does not extend past the text box.
FIXED: UDFs: Integer values are saved properly.
FIXED: Package UDFs: Values are saved properly.
FIXED: PO Line Item UDFs: Values are saved properly.
FIXED: Mobile User Field Editor: Auto-increment UDFs no longer display as a dropdown selection.
FIXED: Mobile Item Label Printing: The Note and Serial/Lot Number fields now populate correctly with item labels printed from the Mobile Item Label Printing module.
FIXED: Confirm Receipt: Receipt number must be entered before scanning an item.
FIXED: Site Transfer: Next suggested document will not be cut off by the end of the screen.
FIXED: Packing: Line info no longer cut off.
FIXED: Packing: Manually entering a package number will no longer cause a crash.
FIXED: Stock Counting: Now checks if the selected item is found in the selected bin.
FIXED: Picking: Line item fulfillment dates are updated properly.
FIXED: Smart Printing: Attempting to use Smart Printing will no longer cause a fatal error to occur.
UPDATED: Bin Transfer: A success message will be displayed on successful transfer.
UPDATED: MFG Transaction Entry: Module will be disabled on mobile if the manufacturing module is not installed for GP.
ADDED: Inventory Lookup: Created new screen for informational purposes. Allows for a variety of inventory lookups to be completed on handheld.
FIXED: Report Designer: Changes will no longer be saved to report when "No" is selected for saving changes.
FIXED: Packing: When the setting 'Serial Lot Entry Is Required' is set to true and the item being packed is serial-tracked, users will no longer be able to modify the quantity field, as the quantity packed is dependent on the number of serials entered.
FIXED: Lookups: When sorting a date column, it now sorts by the actual date value instead of the text.
FIXED: Receiving: EConnect error 2057 (Unit Cost calculation does not match out to Extended Cost) should no longer occur due to rounding.
FIXED: Timeouts: Large timeouts now work properly.
FIXED: MFG Trx Entry: When clearing the screen twice, the Trx Type will no longer be cleared.
FIXED: Picking, Receipt Confirmation, Item Label Printing: Using a scan parse script to populate the serial/lot number no longer clears the serial/lot field afterwards.
UPDATED: Packing: An item is no longer considered "Fully Packed" when there are no fulfillments for the item.
UPDATED: Packing: Quantity Packed in the item information section now correctly shows 0 when fully packed.
ADDED: All Forms: For enabled devices, the device now vibrates when a message is shown.
ADDED: Setting: "Force Error Message Pop Up" will make error messages on the device pop up and prevent the user from doing anything until they acknowledge the message.
ADDED: Lot Attributes Editor: Added support for SalesPad lot user fields on DC mobile. Users can now view and edit lot user fields on mobile screens where lot attributes can be edited.
ADDED: Item Label: Added lot attributes and lot attributes user fields to the Item Label report.
ADDED: Item Label: Added SalesPad serial and lot user fields to the Item Label report.
ADDED: User Fields: Added support for image attachments for SalesPad lot user fields on DC mobile.
Web Service
FIXED: Install As Service: Installing the DC server as a service will now allow you connect from the handheld.
REMOVED: Report Manager: The "Address_Validated" field on address-related tables has been removed.
FIXED: Receiving: For POs that have a partial receipt that was manually posted, we no longer try to reuse that receipt number when receiving the rest of the PO.
Web Service
FIXED: IIS: Fixed an issue where the server running through IIS couldn't find the username of users logging in from Windows handheld devices.
FIXED: Script Editor: In languages other than English, the scripts should compile correctly now.
FIXED: Smart Printing: In the configuration of a smart printing rule, the transaction type field will no longer throw exceptions when selecting certain values.
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Picking non-tracked items now respects the available quantity in the bin.
FIXED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: The application no longer crashes when leaving the screen and the mobile token has expired.
FIXED: Picking: When "Integrating Pick and Pack", the package number will now follow the "Package Number Generation Format" setting.
FIXED: Picking: When "Integrating Pick and Pack", the "Max Items Per Package" is now respected.
FIXED: Inventory Adjustment: Submitting the same item twice no longer produces an Econnect error message.
FIXED: Receiving: Editing user defined fields no longer causes an error.
ADDED: Picking: Added Package Type column to the choosing package screen.
ADDED: Shipping: Users can now change the unit of measure when using the Shipping screen.
UPDATED: Packing: When adding a new package to a sales document with existing packages, the package number generator will now skip over the existing numbers of packages that are completed or have the maximum number of items.
FIXED: Warehouse Configuration: You can no longer add duplicate Bin Item Attributes to a bin.
ADDED: ZPL Label Maintenance: The ZPL Label Maintenance screen now features an integration with the Labelary online viewer tool, allowing users to preview selected ZPL labels. Additionally, the user can now double-click to insert fields from the ZPL Label Editor screen rather than inserting wild cards.
FIXED: Picking: Two new filters have been added for the Batch field - All Filters and No Filters. Choosing All Filters will filter the document lookup by the contents of the 'Picking Sales Document Lookup Batch' field, while choosing No Filters will retrieve a list of all pickable documents.
UPDATED: Picking: The Default Picking Quantity is now filled in when the item is selected.
UPDATED: Stock Count: Scanning in a lot-tracked or serial-tracked item will not trigger auto submit until the serial/lot number has been specified.
ADDED: Picking: DataCollection's Picking module now supports picking against invoice-type sales documents.
FIXED: Modules licensed as 'Alpha' will no longer appear in non-development environments.
FIXED: Warehouse Configuration: Deleting a bin and recreating it should no longer cause multiples of the same bin to appear.
UPDATED: Receiving: Lot manufacture and expiration dates are now pulled in from other receipt lines when the lot is new and the receipt hasn't been posted yet.
FIXED: Inventory Adjustment: Trying to enter a decimal quantity for a serial-tracked item no longer crashes you back to the login screen.
FIXED: Bin Transfers: With "Increment Quantity By Scanning Transferred Item" enabled, the quantity will now only go up by 1 each time.
FIXED: Picking: With "Maintain Item Number Until Fully Picked" enabled, and "Doc#" is a "Picking Field To Clear", you no longer get an error after partially picking an item.
FIXED: Picking: Using the Item Lookup after the form has been cleared will no longer cause a crash.
FIXED: Help Menu: 'Help Topics' links to SalesPad Support, 'Remote Help...' launches SalesPad Remote Help, 'Update' checks for update.
FIXED: Warehouse Manager: Backordered quantities no longer prevent the Warehouse Manager from updating existing quantities.
FIXED: Warehouse Manager: Kits are now allocated correctly through the Warehouse Manager.
FIXED: Sales Restrictions: Should no longer cause Warehouse Manager to crash.
UPDATED: Print Bulk Pick Ticket: Quantity limits are now saved when to close the module and loaded when you open it.
UPDATED: Warehouse Manager: The message "Done" is now shown when the process is finished.
UPDATED: Warehouse Manager: Grid now only displays sales documents that can be allocated with Warehouse Manager, instead of all sales documents.
UPDATED: Warehouse Manager: Quantity requested no longer decreases as allocations are made. Instead, quantity allocated increases.
UPDATED: Warehouse Manager: The Allocated flag is now only set when the line has been fully allocated, not when any part of it has been allocated.
UPDATED: Warehouse Manager: Added more useful default columns to the grid.
FIXED: Bin Transfer: Bin item attribute move locks are now respected.
FIXED: Receiving: Form no longer crashes when no Field Sequence has been specified.
FIXED: Timeouts: Timing out on lookup forms no longer cause the program to crash.
FIXED: Notes: Field now clears when "Note" is listed under "Fields To Clear" settings.
FIXED: Receiving: When receiving to an existing PO, we now correctly display that the receipt was updated.
FIXED: Inventory Adjustment: Require Reason Code setting is now respected.
UPDATED: Receiving: Site is defaulted in when the item number has changed and Site has not been filled in yet.
ADDED: Mfg Trx Entry: Added manufacturing verification label printing using Smart Printing. The label is printed when all items are picked on the pick document and currently applies only for Issue document type.
FIXED: Shipping: Entering an item number without entering a document number first will no longer cause the Shipping screen to crash.
FIXED: Picking: Picking using the Increment Qty By Scan setting and barcodes should no longer throw an error while attempting to submit.
UPDATED: Field Sequence: Settings now have all fields listed correctly.
FIXED: DataCollection: Users can no longer edit the text in popup messages.
ADDED: Main Form: Current date and User to main ribbon.
ADDED: Warehouse Configuration: Added ability to assign user-defined fields to bin attributes.
BREAKING CHANGE: Picking: Added sales line component sequence number to the dccpGetNextUnfilfilledLineItem custom procedure to be able to handle kits. Converted procedure results (line number and component sequence number) to SQL OUT parameters for more efficient handling.
FIXED: Packing: The Packing module will now check for serial numbers that have already been packed, and display an appropriate error message if any are found.
FIXED: Mobile Login: The login screen for DC Mobile will now remember the last connection used, and save it appropriately.
FIXED: Timeout: Timeout time for the application now respects the 'Time Out Minutes' in DC Console.
FIXED: Receiving: Companies with multicurrency disabled should now be able to receive correctly.
FIXED: Packing: The package type is no longer cleared when filling out the item number.
FIXED: Picking: You can now pick more then one time when "Suggest Next Item To Pick" is enabled.
UPDATED: Picking: Item info for the next line to pick now appears after submit.
ADDED: Picking: Added bin suggestions to item information at the bottom of the screen. Bins with most inventory available for picking are shown first. If the user has a Warehouse Management license and has configured forward pick and replenishment bins, then picking bins will be suggested first followed by replenishment bins.
ADDED: Setting: Skip Picking Suggestions User Field - Boolean user-defined field on the sales line that, when set, allows users on mobile to skip picking suggestions or to reset suggestions that were previously skipped.
UPDATED: Workflow Setup: When you reset the grid, it now sorts by "Seq" by default instead of "Workflow Batch".
UPDATED: Receipt Processing: The Barcode column in the Receipts grid now only displays a value if a barcode mapping was used to scan in the item for that receipt.
FIXED: Connection Editor: The import and export functions now include a file extension, allowing for the functions to be used properly.
FIXED: Receiving: You can now receive items with more than one barcode mapping to the same item number in Item Barcode Maintenance.
FIXED: Receiving: The quantity received for non-inventory items are no longer cleared out right after receiving them.
UPDATED: Settings: Removed slashes from the description for "Auto Generate Bin Numbers Format"
FIXED: IIS Installer: Now correctly extracts the needed DLL files to the appropriate folders. You no longer need to manually copy over the DLLs from the zip file.
FIXED: Receiving: Auto Assigning serial/lot numbers no longer prevent you from clicking off of the serial/lot field.
FIXED: Receiving: Auto Submit is now triggered when you Auto Assign a serial/lot number.
FIXED: Receiving: The settings 'Client Auto Assign Serial Number Format' and 'Client Auto Assign Lot Number Format' now correctly influence the format of auto-assigned serial and lot numbers.
FIXED: Picking, Receiving: With "Increment Qty By Scan" enabled, scanning in the last quantity for an item should trigger auto submit (if enabled).
FIXED: Bin Transfer: When "Require Valid Token" is False, and the token has expired, the user name will still be logged into the Bin Transfer History sql table.
FIXED: Picking: With the setting "Picking Increment By Scan" set to True, you can now partially pick a line when scanning the item using a barcode mapping.
ADDED: Mobile Item Label Printing: Smart Printing rules can now be added and configured to work with Mobile Item Label Printing, allowing users to print item labels through Smart Printing using the scanner.
FIXED: System Log Search: The System Log Search should no longer run into OutOfMemory exceptions and eventual crashing when loading large amounts of data.
FIXED: Shipping: The Shipping Fields To Clear setting is now respected.
FIXED: Stock Count Creation: Creating a stock count that would result in the count ID being over 15 characters will now result in the count creation being cancelled and the user being notified.
FIXED: Stock Counts: You can no longer fill out the form for stock counts that have not been started.
FIXED: Picking: Having the "Temporary Picking Bin" setting set in a non-multi-bin environment will no longer prevent you from picking an item.
UPDATED: Bin Transfer: Transferring lot-tracked items with not enough quantity available in the bin no longer transfers as all the available quantity in the bin.
UPDATED: All Screens: Pressing the Clear button twice now clears all fields.
UPDATED: All Screens: "Serial/Lot" and "Note" are now respected in the settings for Fields To Clear.
FIXED: User Field Editor: You are no longer prevented from saving a UDF by the Length field when the Length field is disabled.
FIXED: Receipt Processing: You can now search for individual historical receipts.
FIXED: Receipt Processing: Receipt and PO searches now respect the search fields selected in the search bars.
FIXED: Receipt Card: Line details should now appear correctly for non-tracked items in non-multibin databases.
ADDED: Print Item Labels: Added ability to search by PO number.
FIXED: Database Update: The update will no longer fail if you are running SQL Server 2005 or older.
FIXED: Packing: The Notes lookup can now be used to edit, add and delete notes.
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: You can now confirm receipts when you don't have a "Receipt Confirmation Batch" specified.
FIXED: Receiving: The screen now respects the "Allow Manual Qty Entry With Increment By Scan" setting.
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: Receipt line details for non-serial tracked items now correctly appear as confirmed for the correct lines.
FIXED: Receiving: DataCollection will now calculate the extended cost of a line using Dynamics GP's default decimal places, preventing eConnect 7322 errors when receiving with unit costs that have a greater number of decimal places than the extended cost has.
FIXED: Picking: When selecting a line to pick against using the item lookup, the correct line will be picked against (if the user has two lines with the same item).
FIXED: Picking: When picking a service item, the bin field is no longer required.
FIXED: Licensing: If the mobile license cannot be retrieved from the cache after a transaction is submitted, DataCollection will obtain the license from the database instead of displaying the invalid license message and preventing the user to continue.
FIXED: Picking, Receiving: Fixed serial validation when using a serial/lot scan parse script.
FIXED: Picking, Receiving: When scanning a duplicate serial number and immediately submitting, the form now correctly submits all scanned items instead of the most recent one.
FIXED: Receiving: When submitting and causing an eConnect error, you will now get the actual error message instead of the generic "Invalid object name '..taErrorCode'." message.
FIXED: All Screens: When you select an item through the lookup, the item info at the bottom of the screen is now updated in all situations.
FIXED: Receiving: You can now automatically assign serial numbers again.
FIXED: Picking: The item number no longer gets cleared when you have the "Maintain Item Number Until Fully Picked" setting on.
UPDATED: Receipt Confirmation: You can now confirm receipt lines with a non-base UofM.
UPDATED: ASN Receipt, Picking, Receiving, Receipt Confirmation, Returns: You can now list the document number as a field to clear for these forms, and it won't prevent you from filling out the form.
UPDATED: Mobile Timeout: Mobile timeout no longer depends on system date and time on the handheld. Previously this was causing premature timeouts on certain handhelds.
UPDATED: Picking: Bin is no longer required when scanning in serial-tracked items.
ADDED: Setting: Limit One PO To One Receipt - If set to TRUE, every purchase order is received to its own receipt. (Default: False)
Web Service
UPDATED: Receiving: Changed the way we locked receipts to guarantee that they are unlocked after use.
UPDATED: Tokens: Additional logging to determine the cause of timeouts.
FIXED: Receipt Processing: Entering text in the Search box and pressing the Enter key will now have the same effect as pressing the Search button.
FIXED: Smart Printing: When picking and using Smart Printing to print item labels for non-tracked items, users will now print the correct amount of labels.
UPDATED: Receipt Processing: When printing item labels for a receipt, we no longer take the "Quantity" into account when calculating the amount of labels to print. The number of labels to print now relies solely on the "# of Labels" column.
ADDED: Bin Lookup: Added buttons to create bins and delete them, as long as the bin has no available quantities or pending transactions.
ADDED: Printing: You now have the option to suppress margin warnings when printing.
ADDED: Print Item Labels: New List Price column in the grid.
FIXED: DataCollection Installer: When installing DataCollection for the first time on a new machine, users will no longer run into the "Invalid Column "Visible_On_Mobile" error when using certain screens.
FIXED: Smart Printing: Receipt labels printed via Smart Printing will now have the Bin field populate correctly.
FIXED: Picking: Selecting the 'Bin' field with the setting 'Bin Text Field Is Scan Only' set to True will now close the device's virtual keyboard, preventing users from opening the keyboard on another field and then moving to the bin field.
FIXED: Receiving: Receiving non-tracked items in a non-multibin database will no longer double the quantity received.
FIXED: Receiving, Picking: Fixed serial number field focusing after scanning a serial number that already exists in the system. Instead of focusing on the next available field, serial is highlighted allowing the user to scan a different one without having to manually change focus.
BREAKING CHANGE: Settings: Picking: Changed setting name from Force Rescan to Force Rescan on Item. Default: False
FIXED: Picking: Force Rescan now deletes item number text field
FIXED: Picking: Having a "Picking Temporary Bin" will no longer cause "cached mobile license" errors.
ADDED: Settings: Picking: Changed Force Rescan on Bin Default: False
BREAKING CHANGE: Settings: Picking: Changed setting name from Force Rescan to Force Rescan on Item. Default: False
FIXED: Picking: Force Rescan now deletes item number text field
FIXED: Picking: Having a "Picking Temporary Bin" will no longer cause "cached mobile license" errors.
ADDED: Settings: Picking: Changed Force Rescan on Bin Default: False
FIXED: Receipt Monitor: When using the 'Forward Receipt to Next Batch' button, the Receipt Monitor will no longer clear out checked batches.
FIXED: Bin Replenishments: Changing the frequency of a replenishment will now reset the counter for generating bin replenishments.
FIXED: Picking: When using a scan parse script in a non-multibin database with the settings Auto Submit Picks and Default Picking Quantity enabled, users will no longer run into an infinite submission loop.
ADDED: Smart Printing Config: A new checkbox, called "Print One Label For Non-Tracked Items" has been added that allows for only one label to be printed in the case of non-tracked items, regardless of quantity.
FIXED: Allocations: Bin Allocation Locks are now respected when calculating allocations.
ADDED: Print Item Labels: The 'Condense Labels' checkbox has been added to Print Item Labels. Users can now use this checkbox to print labels on the same sheet, rather than being required to space them out.
FIXED: Receiving: When changing items, either manually or via the Item Lookup, the next blank field will be focused correctly instead of occasionally skipping the serial/lot field.
FIXED: SPLA Licensing: You are able to log in again if you are using SPLA Licensing.
FIXED: Smart Printing Config: Unused Transaction Types can no longer be selected.
ADDED: Putaway Report: There is now a "Default_Bin" field under the category "PurchaseLineItems" that pulls in BINNMBR from IV00102.
UPDATED: Packing: Field focus should now be more predictable when the field sequence is rearranged.
UPDATED: Receiving: "No Open Receipts" error message in Spanish has been updated to make more sense.
FIXED: Receiving, Picking, Stock Counts, Bin Transfers: When scanning Serial Numbers, focus will stay in the Serial field until you manually tab off.
FIXED: Picking: Scanned in Lot Numbers will now work correctly with auto submit.
FIXED: Stock Counts: The Site field has again been removed from the default Stock Count Fields to Clear setting.
UPDATED: Report Manager: Deleted reports are now reflected in the database when the Delete button is clicked, instead of when the form is closed.
ADDED: Report Manager: Selected Report Grid: Barcode search field parameter for Item Label Report Type which allows user to search by barcode in conjunction with the existing search parameters.
ADDED: Report Manager: Report Designer: Barcodes table within the Field List for Item Label Report Type that pulls in the Barcode and Item Number values from the Item Barcode Maintenance table.
ADDED: Print Item Labels Formlet: Barcode column that pulls in barcodes created in Item Barcode Maintenance screen.
ADDED: Print Item Labels Form: Barcode column that pulls in barcode value of selected item.
FIXED: Warehouse Configuration: When you delete a bin, the corresponding bin item inventories are now also deleted.
UPDATED: ASN Lookup: If no default folder path is specified, the last used path will be populated.
UPDATED: Package Editor: Visual improvements have been made to the New Package Item form.
ADDED: Print Bin Labels: The 'Condense Labels' checkbox is now available on the print dialog of the Print Bin Labels screen. Checking this box allows users to condense labels into a single sheet, rather than printing a separate sheet for each label.
UPDATED: Receipt Confirmation: When no Receipt Confirmation Batch is specified, all batches are searched for a receipt instead of none.
UPDATED: All Screens: Tabbing focus no longer ends up on the U of M field.
UPDATED: Picking, Receiving, Stock Counts, and Bin Transfers: When Auto Submit and Increment Qty By Scan are both on, and not all required fields are filled in, the cursor stays in the item field after scanning an item until the item is fully picked/received.
UPDATED: Picking, Receiving, Stock Counts, and Bin Transfers: Field focus should now be more predictable when the field sequence is rearranged.
UPDATED: Picking: Bin field will no longer be filled in with "DEFAULT" when Auto Submit is turned on and the field is blank.
FIXED: Receiving: Auto submit is now triggered when all required fields are filled in, regardless of the order the fields are filled in.
FIXED: Picking: You can now scan in an item regardless of its position in the sales document.
FIXED: Stock Counts: Auto submit is triggered when scanning in an item.
FIXED: Picking, Bin Transfer, Receiving, Stock Counts: Auto Submit will now trigger correctly when editing fields through the label links.
FIXED: Licensing: If the mobile license cannot be retrieved from the cache after a transaction is submitted, DataCollection will obtain the license from the database instead of displaying the invalid license message and preventing the user to continue.
FIXED: Bin Transfer, Inventory Adjustments, Stock Counts, Site Transfers: Form will not crash when you leave the Reason field blank.
UPDATED: Receiving: Changed the way receipts are found when receiving line items. Now, if the Vendor Doc Num column is blank, the system will try to find an existing receipt for the same PO. Otherwise, the system will try to find an existing receipt for the same Vendor Doc Num.
ADDED: Receiving: New check box to force the creation of a new receipt when checked. This functionality is controlled by new user security.
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: Lot-tracked items will now be confirmed correctly.
FIXED: Picking: When invalid data is entered into a Picking field, focus will now return to that field after validation.
FIXED: Receiving: After a document is fully received, focus will now return to the Doc# field.
UPDATED: Stock Counts: Creation screen allows for adding multiple filters to schedule using multiple submits.
ADDED: Stock Counts: Creation screen has an actions menu option for removing lines from a schedule based on a filter.
UPDATED: Bin Replenishments: A warning message is displayed if the license does not include Warehouse Management Console, a requirement for setting up bin replenishments.
UPDATED: Bin Replenishments: Selected Warehouse remains visible in the grid.
UPDATED: Bin Replenishments: Lot tracked items will now take expiration date into account before date received when determining the suggested lot to transfer.
UPDATED: Warehouse Configuration: The bin attribute Sort now displays as Replenishment Sort, to distinguish its purpose.
UPDATED: Warehouse Configuration: Bin Item Attributes are now saved when the Save button is pressed, not immediately.
ADDED: Receipt Card: Users can now delete receipts directly from the Receipt Card. There is a new security setting that controls who has access to this functionality.
ADDED: Warehouse Configuration: Ability to copy and delete bins. Ability to create, copy, and delete bins are controlled by security settings.
UPDATED: Stock Counts: Clicking on the Create Stock Count actions menu option clears screen according to fields to clear setting.
UPDATED: Picking: With "Picking Increment Qty By Scan" set to "True", after scanning an item, the cursor returns to the item field to allow you to immediately scan another item.
UPDATED: Picking: When "Auto Submit Picks" is enabled, the form will automatically be submitted anytime the screen has been filled in, not just when you tab to the Site field.
UPDATED: Bin Transfers: When "Auto Submit Bin Transfers" is enabled, the form will automatically be submitted anytime the screen has been filled in, not just when you tab to the Site field.
UPDATED: Stock Counts: When "Auto Submit Stock Counts" is enabled, the form will automatically be submitted anytime the screen has been filled in, not just when you tab to the Site field.
UPDATED: Bin Transfers: When using Bin Replenishments, the quantity field will now be populated when selecting from the Item Lookup.
FIXED: Receiving: Module will no longer be slowed down as much when the database contains a large number of receiving comments.
FIXED: Picking: With "Picking Increment Qty By Scan" set to "True", after scanning a lot tracked item, the quantity now only increases by 1 instead of 2.
FIXED: Stock Counts: Schedule creation from mobile when Auto Start Stock Count from Mobile setting is false will no longer think a count is in progress when Unfinished Count Warning setting is true.
FIXED: Inventory Adjustment: Reason codes with underscores in them can now be correctly submitted on the transaction.
RELEASE DATE - 9/23/15
FIXED: Package Editor: They layout of the New Package and New Package Item forms now save their layout between sessions. In the New Package Item form, there is no longer get an error when you partially pack an existing packed item. Package user defined fields are now saved correctly.
FIXED: Bin Item Attribute Entry: Clicking on an item in the lookup form will no longer cause Inventory Lookup to appear in the console.
FIXED: Receipt Splitting: Fixed attempting to divide by zero error when splitting non-tracked items.
UPDATED: Package Editor: The New Package and New Package Item forms are now resizeable. In the New Package Item form, you can now select multiple serial numbers of an item at the same time to add to the package.
UPDATED: Grid Reports: Removed the extra print button that was also not functioning.
UPDATED: Inventory Lookup: The Customer Inventory and Restrictions tabs are now only accessible through the Warehouse Manager console.
UPDATED: Warehouse Configuration: Redesigned the default layout of the Bin Attributes fields.
UPDATED: Warehouse Configuration: Label shortened from "Bins and Attributes" to "Bins".
UPDATED: Warehouse Manager: Allocation rows that are not completely allocated now have red text to help differentiate them.
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: Confirmation of lot-tracked items can now find existing receipt lines to match to.
FIXED: Mfg Trx Entry: Original Pick Document field now appears for appropriate transactions.
UPDATED: Receiving: Lessened the number of messages that are generated when fully receiving a PO.
UPDATED: Picking Audit: Item Number column character limit increased to 31 to match the Item Master table.
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: Confirming non-tracked items no longer causes an 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error message to appear.
FIXED: Warehouse Manager: Refresh button now refreshes existing allocation requests instead of running the allocation process. Clicking the Start button disables other controls until the allocation process is complete. Clicking the Stop button stops the allocation process immediately instead of waiting for it to complete (this is especially important if allocation frequency is set to high value, such as 30 minutes). Multiple sales batches can now be set for allocation monitoring. Locked user grid sorting since allocation requests can only be sorted by allocation priority.
FIXED: Grid Reports: Opening a grid report with the autorun checkbox checked no longer causes error messages to pop up.
FIXED: Report Manager: Custom fields are now pulled in when you open a print report, instead of needing to refresh the report first.
FIXED: Miscellaneous: Various entries throughout DataCollection have been localized into Spanish.
FIXED: Picking: When a document is fully picked, the focus will now default to the Doc # field.
FIXED: Receiving: When the setting 'Suggest Next Item to Receive' is set to True, the suggested next item will now populate in the screen's fields instead of just showing in the information box at the bottom of the screen.
UPDATED: Grid Reports: XML errors caused by a duplicate search parameter name are now handled gracefully.
UPDATED: Report Manager: The Receipt Number and PO Number fields have been added to Item Labels.
UPDATED: Receiving: The informational log area is now read-only.
UPDATED: Receiving: Error message for when a bin doesn't exist and "Allow Bin Creation" isn't set has changed to be more helpful.
UPDATED: Report Manager: The Edit Dataset button is disabled if the report doesn't use it.
ADDED: Setting: Auto Start Stock Count From Mobile - Controls whether a count is automatically started when created from mobile. Defaults to False.
ADDED: Setting: Automatically Transfer Serials on Finish - Completes a bin transfer of existing serialized items found in the wrong bin during a count. Defaults to False.
ADDED: Security: Stock Counts: Enable Start Count Button: Enables the Start Count button on the mobile device.
ADDED: Manufacturing Transaction Entry: Added a notification that tells the user when an MO has been fully Issued.
ADDED: Item Label Printing: The Item Label Printing screen allows a mobile user equipped with a portable Zebra label printer to scan Items and create stickered labels. Currently, the Zebra QLn420 is the only supported printer.
FIXED: Stock Counts: Stock Counts cannot be started if there is an existing count active for the same bin/warehouse/item combination.
FIXED: Stock Counts: Lines created in the Create Stock Counts screen will now correctly list the decimal place quantity, lot date sequence number, and IV / IV Variance indexes.
FIXED: Miscellaneous: Various entries throughout DataCollection have been localized into Spanish.
FIXED: Mobile Item Label Printing: Clearing screen will focus first blank control properly.
FIXED: Stock Counts: Form data is now validated on submit and asks to fill in all data before continuing to submit.
UPDATED: Picking and PO Receiving: Fields will no longer clear when there is an error with the transaction.
UPDATED: DC Mobile: Alert sounds due to messages will no longer sound multiple times in a row.
UPDATED: Stock Counts: Added a number of new messages to make the Finish Process more clear.
FIXED: Receipt Processing: Days History field now checks for values too large without throwing a SQL error as well as negative values. These same validations have also been added to the PO side of this same module.
ADDED: Receipt Processing: Added the ability to print Item Label reports. Both Item Label and Receipt Label are now available in the layout chooser.
ADDED: Warehouse Configuration: New button to create bins on the screen.
UPDATED: Bin Replenishment: Screen changed to better reflect what it does. Also did some general formatting to make it look nicer.
UPDATED: ASN Lookup: Reformatted the screen to look better.
UPDATED: ASN Card: Screen now formatted to match other screens in DC.
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: The "fully received" message changed to "fully confirmed" to better describe what happened, the "no receipts found" message no longer repeats twice, and the "Rcpt" info line has been removed to make room for the "Qty to confirm" info line.
FIXED: Returns: The Returns module will now allow users to return non-tracked items in a non-multibin database.
UPDATED: Settings and Security Editor: Fixed some grammatical errors with some of the settings.
UPDATED: Bin Replenishment: Changed the icon to match up with the Bin icon.
UPDATED: Mobile License Manager: Removed the license count button and instead set the count as text in the menu area.
UPDATED: Safety Stock Exemption: Renamed 'Safety Stock Exemption' to 'Safety Stock Warehouse Exemption'.
UPDATED: Bin Item Attributes Entry: Right aligned the Max Lots field to make the same as the rest of the numeric fields on the screen.
ADDED: ASN Lookup: Screen now available on the Advanced Console
ADDED: Warehouse Configuration: Tooltips to the fields on the screen.
ADDED: Serial Lot Attributes: Added the 'Date Seq Num' and 'Received Date' columns to the Serial/Lot Attributes screen.
FIXED: Inventory Adjustments: Fixed an issue where saving with a unit of measure that has special characters (Unité, for example) would cause an eConnect error.
ADDED: User Field Editor: When adding a new User Field and update the database tables, users will now receive a message notifying them of a successful update.
FIXED: Picking: The Picking sales document lookup will no longer attempt to filter by the Batch field when it is disabled via the setting 'Picking Field Sequence.'
FIXED: When the setting 'Allow Bin Creation' is set to false, Inventory Adjustments will now validate whether or not a bin exists rather than creating a new bin automatically.
FIXED: Receiving: Receiving will no longer run into an eConnect error when receiving partial quantities of lot or serial-tracked items.
FIXED: Stock Counts: Stock Counts will no longer throw a 'Reason Code' error when attempting to process a count using GP 2010 and earlier.
FIXED: Safety Stock Exemptions: Users can now create safety stock exemptions without a warehouse. If warehouse is left blank, the exemption will apply to all warehouses in the system.
FIXED: Warehouse Workflow: Adding and deleting warehouse workflow rules now works correctly. An existing rule will not "stick" after it has been deleted.
FIXED: Warehouse Workflow: Deleting existing warehouse workflow rules now works correctly.
FIXED: Warehouse Workflow: Sales document ID and allocation workflow ID fields are not available by default when adding or editing a warehouse workflow rule.
FIXED: Warehouse Workflow: Fixed Optimistic Concurrency Exception when editing existing warehouse workflow rules.
FIXED: Picking: Overpicking and switching to the next line item won't cause an item mismatch message.
ADDED: Workflow Setup: Added drop-down editors to 'Workflow Batch' and 'Forward To Batch' columns allowing the user to select existing batches instead of having to type them in.
UPDATED: Warehouse Workflow: Updated screen layout, fixed overall padding, and added a splitter.
ADDED: Receiving: The ability to Automatically Generate Lot numbers using a custom format when adding lot tracked items has been added.
ADDED: Settings: Inventory Adjustment Batch Format - Defines the format of the batch number to be used for Inventory Adjustments created from the mobile scanner. {0} can be used for user name, {1} is the first 2 letters of user name.
FIXED: Receipt Monitor: Modified the Workflow tree to sort by Sequence.
FIXED: Receipt Monitor: The grid in Receiving batches will auto size correctly when the splitter is repositioned.
FIXED: Packing: Error messages containing the packing object will be properly capitalized.
FIXED: DataCollection Server: When creating a DataCollection Windows Service, the service will no longer throw an error and refuse to start.
UPDATED: Miscellaneous: DataCollection is now compatible with Dynamics GP 2015 R2.
FIXED: Bin Transfer: Bin transfers will now prompt you when successful
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: Confirming a receipt without a PO will now pull in the UOfM.
FIXED: Picking: Package Fields are now congruent.
FIXED: Receiving: When attempting to over receive when the Allow Over Receiving setting is set to False, the message sent back to the user will now correctly display the line total to receive.
FIXED: Site Transfers: Transferring a quantity in a non-base unit of measure will now show correct quantities when viewing the transfer in Dynamics GP.
FIXED: Site Transfers: Removed the unnecessary horizontal scrollbar.
FIXED: Item Label Printing: Fixed an exception from popping up when there are no printers loaded from cache.
FIXED: Bin Transfers: The error message for needing to select a From Bin has been cased correctly.
FIXED: Receiving: Comments will now load normally when the user has Comment listed under 'Receiving Fields to Clear' in the DataCollection Settings.
FIXED: Bin Lookup: Alignment of Search By Fields Bin and Warehouse Code are now aligned properly.
FIXED: Shipping: The Document Number label in Mobile Shipping is now a lookup that can be used to filter documents by the Shipping Confirmation Lookup Batch if one is set.
FIXED: Picking: When AutoSubmit and IncrementQtyByScan are enabled AutoSubmit will work for all item types.
FIXED: Site Transfers: Site Transfers will no longer throw an eConnect error when attempting to submit a transaction with a unit of measure that has an accent mark or other approved special character in it (e.g. Unité.)
UPDATED: Stock Counts: Stock Count transactions will now allowing adding additional items to a schedule in progress after prompting the user.
UPDATED: Stock Counts: Finishing stock counts will now treat unverified lines as missing after a prompt.
ADDED: Setting: Stock Counts (Scanner): Hide Finish Bin Button: Hides the Finish Bin button from Stock Counts. (Default: False)
ADDED: Setting: Stock Counts (Scanner): Bin Read Only While Count In Progress: Makes the Bin Field read only on Stock Counts while a count is in progress. Pressing the Finish Bin button or by having the Bin field in the Fields to Clear setting and clearing will make the field editable again. (Default: False)
ADDED: Setting: Stock Counts (Scanner): Restrict Additional Lines to Existing Bins: Additional lines to the count schedule can be added to the count, but only if the bin already exists on the count for another line item. (Default: False)
ADDED: Setting: Stock Counts (Scanner): Unfinished Count Warning: Displays a warning message when the screen closes if a count is in progress. The message prompt allows the user to Finish Count, close the screen as normal, or cancel the close in order to check the count before attempting again. (Default: False)
FIXED: Warehouse Configuration: New Bin Item Attribute Entries will no longer validate based on Item Class.
FIXED: Mobile Receiving: When submitting vendor receiving transactions, the focus will now always return to the first blank field on the screen.
ADDED: Warehouse Configuration: Bin Attributes: Apply to System Groups field can now be used to set different bin attributes to different user groups. If left blank, the attributes will apply to all system groups. A new set of attributes will appear in the list of bins on Warehouse Configuration if there is not a saved set that applies to all groups; this new set is not a saved set of attributes and is just used to allow creation of multiple entries for the same bin, but different user groups. To create a new set, save and refresh the screen to regenerate a fresh set.
ADDED: Packages: The package business object now supports all standard User Defined Field options.
ADDED: Packing: Package UDFs are accessible on mobile devices on the Packing screen.
ADDED: User Defined Fields: New field type Auto Increment. Automatically generates a new incrementing string value for each time the associated business object is created. To define the format of the generated string, use C# String Formatting rules in the Options field during UDF creation; using {0} will insert the increment number into the string and is required to be in the options in order to save. The generated string will be visible in the Default Value field as a preview.
FIXED: User Field Editor: Control types, system types and SQL data types will now show up properly in localized versions of DataCollection.
FIXED: Inventory Lookup: Selecting the user fields tab without searching will no longer result in an error.
FIXED: Workflow Batches: All fields in the Batch grid will now validate field lengths.
FIXED: Receipt Splitting: Disabling Receipt Splitting in the Security Editor will now also disable the Split Receipt button on the Receipt Card.
FIXED: Safety Stock Exemption: When creating a new exemption and selecting a customer there will no longer be a prompt to select a warehouse until you hit OK.
FIXED: Warehouse Configuration: Validation will now let you enter a new Bin Item Attribute without an item class.
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: Receipt Number lookup now won't show the horizontal scrollbar.
FIXED: Receiving: When receiving on the handheld against a document using a non-standard currency, values will no longer be incorrectly multiplied on the line level.
FIXED: Shipping: Shipping will now allow for barcode scanning in the same way as other modules for both the Item Number and Confirm Item fields.
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: The default layout will adjust to the device screen size and eliminate unnecessary scroll bars.
FIXED: Picking: Quantity now updates correctly with serials entered.
FIXED: Receiving: When using the 'Create New Receipt' button on the handheld, repeatedly pressing the button should no longer skip over multiple receipt numbers.
FIXED: Inventory Adjustments: Quantity will now correctly increment for serial tracked items.
FIXED: Receiving: Invalid submissions will now not clear fields.
FIXED: Packing: The line details textbox at the bottom of the screen is now read only so the user can't free type.
ADDED: Receiving: The ability to automatically generate lot numbers using a custom format when adding lot tracked items.
ADDED: Picking: The Batch Selection field in Picking allows for dynamic filtering of Sales Document Lookup, similar to the filtering provided by the Setting "Picking Sales Doc Lookup Batch" except the user has access to all GP Sales batches. Field is unavailable if that setting is defined.
ADDED: Setting: Stock Count Variance Batch: Defines the batch for variance transactions created when finishing a stock count from DataCollection Mobile.
ADDED: Stock Counts: Finish Stock Count: An Actions Menu option to complete a stock count and create a variance transaction. This method is akin to Process from Stock Count Entry in Dynamics GP.
ADDED: Stock Counts: Security: Enable Finish Stock Count Button: Controls whether the Finish Count button is enabled.
Note: This is a listing of major features added since version
ADDED: Script Editor: Implemented advanced Script Editor for DataCollection script settings.
ADDED: Receipt Monitor: Added a button to Receipt Monitor that will print a selected receipt as a label.
ADDED: Receipt Monitor: Added a button to Receipt Monitor that will forward a selected receipt to its next workflow batch if it has one.
ADDED: Report Manager: Added the Packing Slip report and the ability to print it from DC mobile for picking, packing, and shipping transactions.
ADDED: Report Manager: Implemented custom procedure functionality to purchase order, receipt label, item label, and bin label reports.
ADDED: Grid Reports: Added the ability to add, update, and delete records using a grid report.
ADDED: Grid Reports: Added the ability to print grid reports.
ADDED: Receipt Processing: Added the 'Show History' button to view receipts that are already processed and are marked historical; otherwise by default the search will now only show open receipts.
ADDED: Item Barcode Maintenance: Added the Item Barcode Maintenance screen to DC console to make it easier for users to add, delete, and edit barcodes for their inventory.
ADDED: System Log Search: Added the System Log Search screen to DC console, allowing users to view system log entries outside of their SQL server.
ADDED: DC Mobile: Implemented the ability to save and reset column widths on grid lookups on DC mobile.
ADDED: Picking: Users can now pick against fulfillment orders created in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
ADDED: Packing: Added the ability to define a custom procedure that will run after the transaction is applied if the package is marked as complete.
ADDED: Bin Transfers: Added a Bin Transfer C# script that executes when the submit button is clicked before the transaction is saved.
ADDED: Bin Transfers: Added a Bin Transfer C# script that executes when the submit button is clicked after the transaction is saved.
ADDED: Inventory Adjustments: Added an Inventory Adjustment C# script that executes when the submit button is clicked before the transaction is saved.
ADDED: Inventory Adjustments: Added an Inventory Adjustment C# script that executes when the submit button is clicked after the transaction is saved.
ADDED: Receiving/Inventory Adjustments: Added the ability to parse out lot attributes on the Receiving and Inventory Adjustments screens using a scan parse script. Added transaction type parameter to script handling so each transaction can have its own scan parse script.
ADDED: Manufacturing Trx Entry: Added Manufacturing module to DC mobile.
ADDED: Mobile Print Item Labels: Added the Print Item Labels screen to DC Mobile, allowing users to print standard item labels straight from the handheld.
ADDED: Stock Count Creation: Added the Stock Count Creation screen to DC Mobile, allowing users to create stock counts by warehouse, bin and item from the handheld.
UPDATED: DC Installer: The installer for DataCollection now includes the ability to change the installer language. Additionally, there is now a language selector available in the 'About' screen located in the menu at the top right of the main screen.
Release Date 6/22/15
FIXED: Receiving, Receipt Monitor, Receipt Card: Disabled SalesPad GP user fields will no longer cause crashes when loading or saving information.
ADDED: Mobile Stock Count Creation: The Stock Count Creation screen allows users to create stock counts with the option to filter by bin, item, and warehouse. Accessed from the Create Stock Count button located in the Actions Menu on the Stock Counts screen.
FIXED: Report Manager: New reports now have validation to check for empty names.
FIXED: Security Editor: You can now save a user without a password again.
FIXED: Warehouse Configuration: All fields in the Band Chooser get loaded even if they are not visible in the grid, once you add them the values are already there.
FIXED: Package Setup: The package Grid will validate against negative numbers and show the error message.
FIXED: Activity Locks: 'Clear All' button will now clear all activity locks unless user can only delete their own locks.
FIXED: Smart Printing: Smart Printing will now print properly when 'Receiving' rules are set up, and the duplicate rule category 'PO Receiving' has been removed.
FIXED: Package Setup: The grid will now check for negative numbers and assign a warning.
FIXED: New Safety Stock Exemption: Fixed warehouse validation check when selecting a warehouse.
FIXED: Serial Lot Attributes: Module will now save User Fields correctly.
FIXED: Inventory Lookup: When entering a new customer inventory it will check Customer Num and Name for valid inputs.
FIXED: Receipt Processing: Hitting the print button will now bring up the Receipt and Item Label Reports.
ADDED: Print Putaway Report: Security: Show Cost - Added security to show/hide unit cost on the grid. (Default: False)
ADDED: System Log Search: Added System Log Search screen to DataCollection. Screen can be accessed from Modules -> System -> System Log Search.
UPDATED: Receiving: Non-Inventory Item message removed from items you are not receiving.
UPDATED: DC Installer: The installer for DataCollection now includes the ability to change the installer language. Additionally, there is now a language selector available in the 'About' screen located in the menu at the top right of the main screen.
ADDED: Receiving: A new button has been added to the Mobile Receiving screen's Actions Menu that allows users to force the creation of a new receipt, allowing receipt of a single purchase order to multiple receipts.
ADDED: Miscellaneous: Improved error handling on mobile screens. Users can now choose to save detailed error logs to the handheld. Logs are saved to the ApplicationData -> Volatile directory by default.
ADDED: Settings: Can Pick Service Items - If set to true, it allows users to fulfill service items (misc. charges, services, and flat fee items) using the Picking module.
UPDATED: Miscellaneous: A more helpful message is now shown when the handheld times out.
UPDATED: Receiving: The Create New Receipt button now informs users of the impending creation of a new receipt when pressed. Additionally, it is now possible to cancel creation of a new receipt by clicking the button again.
FIXED: User Field Editor: User fields that contain either 'bin' or 'pallet' as part of their name are now displayed correctly on DC mobile.
FIXED: Picking: Fixed 'Parameter Count Mismatch' error after submitting a pick and having either a pre or post submit script enabled.
FIXED: Smart Printing: Fixed Non-Lot tracked Items from producing a report from Smart Printing.
Release Date 6/5/15
FIXED: Item Labels - The grid in PrintItemLabels will now pull in Receipt_Number and PO_Number.
FIXED: Receipt Monitor: When no receipt/workflow batch is selected, DataCollection will no longer display 'Index was outside the bounds of the array' error if a user selects the 'Forward to Next Batch' button and will instead ask the user to select a receipt.
FIXED: Receipt Monitor: If the screen loads in the last saved checked batches, and they are in one workflow, checking another batch in another workflow will no longer remove the saved batches.
FIXED: Workflow Setup: Added validation for duplicate workflows when adding a new workflow.
FIXED: Package Setup: Added upper validation on the package forms that check for numbers that are bigger than 2,147,483,647 .
FIXED: Picking: DataCollection Mobile will no longer crash infinitely when picking using Integrate Pick and Pack while no package number is entered, and all documents will be forwarded to the correct batch (if set up).
UPDATED: DataCollection: Spanish localization entries throughout DataCollection have been improved for better accuracy.
ADDED: Item Barcode Maintenance: Added Item Barcode Maintenance screen to DC console to make it easier for users to add, delete, and edit barcodes for their inventory.
ADDED: Report Manager: The Report Manager will now prompt users to delete created reports rather than allowing them to delete unverified with a single click.
FIXED: Settings: Default values for 'Packing Fields to Clear' now include package number and package type.
FIXED: Receiving: When receiving an item without a PO in a non-base UOfM the Quantity will now correctly be calculated based on the UOfM.
ADDED: Picking: Users can now pick against fulfillment orders created in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Web Service
FIXED: Picking: Users can now pick against fulfillment orders created in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Web Service
FIXED: Print Item Labels: The quantities for item labels printed has been fixed. Non-tracked items will have one label per item printed, as will serial-tracked items. Lot-tracked items can be set to print either one label per lot, or one label per item.
ADDED: Setting: Print Item Labels: Print Only One Label Per Lot - Allows user to choose whether to print a single label per lot or a label for each item received in the lot. (Default: False)
Release Date 5/29/15
BREAKING CHANGE: Settings: Updated text formatting on the following settings: Receiving Increment Qty By Scan, Picking Increment Qty By Scan, Bin Transfer Increment Qty By Scan, Packing Increment Qty By Scan, and Stock Counts Increment Qty By Scan.
FIXED: Warehouse Manager: The Warehouse Manager now displays all allocation grid values correctly.
FIXED: Security Editor: Users can no longer add empty security groups.
FIXED: Smart Printing: Fixed 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error when attempting to delete a row when auto filter row is enabled.
FIXED: Inventory Lookup: Customer Name column is now populated on the Customer Inventory tab grid.
FIXED: Safety Stock Exemption: When adding a new safety stock exemption by using the customer lookup, the form will now validate after you select a customer from the lookup.
FIXED: Workflow Setup: Fixed the delete prompt message to include which workflow is going to be deleted.
FIXED: Print Bulk Pick Ticket: If no rows are checked but one is selected, it will now print that selected row.
FIXED: Receiving: Splitter position is now saved.
FIXED: Security Editor: Improved the Refresh License button functionality. It will now tell you which licenses are about to get refreshed beforehand. Also the formatting is fixed so the messages are easier to read.
FIXED: Bin Lookup: Fixed general layout issues on the Bin Lookup screen. Added missing splitters, adjusted inconsistent padding, and added missing headers to all grids.
FIXED: Warehouse Configuration: Splitter position saving correctly and default load scheme put into place to take into account different screen sizes.
FIXED: Warehouse Manager: Fixed general user interface issues including padding, splitter, splitter position saving, grouping.
FIXED: Print Item Labels: Fixed grid search, fixed padding issues, and added correct default search options.
FIXED: Print Putaway Report: Fixed groupings, padding, and localization.
FIXED: Receipt Monitor: Fixed screen groupings, header sizes, general padding, and localization.
FIXED: Receipt Processing: Screen will now respect theme changes properly.
FIXED: Package Setup: Fixed the padding on the New Package Type window when adding new package types.
FIXED: Package Editor: Made user interface changes so the screen is easier for the user to see and use.
FIXED: Mobile License Manager: Fixed screen padding and added an icon to the 'Reset Activations' button.
FIXED: Receipt Card - Splitter position will now save and reload and the splitter works correctly now.
UPDATED: Serial Lot Attributes: GP Serial Lot Attribute button is disabled when the screen loads for the first time.
UPDATED: Receipt Card: Fixed alignment of the Receipt Type field under Receipt Properties.
UPDATED: Inventory Lookup: Added a space to the InventoryBins tab caption.
UPDATED: All Printed Reports: Fixed the barcodes from producing unscannable labels.
UPDATED: Settings: Max Buffer Size, Max Buffer Pool Size and Max Received Message Size have new descriptions containing the unit of measure which is bits.
UPDATED: Workflow Setup: Workflow Rules have been temporarily removed from Workflow Setup as their implementation is not yet complete.
UPDATED: Grid Reports: Removed the 'Import', 'Design', and 'Edit DataSet' buttons from the Grid Reports screen to prevent multiple editing of a report at the same time. These buttons are still available on the Report Manager screen.
UPDATED: Report Manager: 'Misc' category will be automatically assigned to new reports if category has not been specified by the user.
ADDED: Receipt Processing: Added 'Show History' button to view receipts that are already processed and are marked historical; otherwise by default the search will now only show open receipts.
ADDED: Print Bulk Pick Ticket: Added functionality to search by pressing ENTER on either of the search fields. This is the same functionality that extends to the rest of the application anywhere a search field is present.
ADDED: Receipt Processing: Added the ability to print Item Label reports. Both Item Label and Receipt Label are now available in the layout chooser.
ADDED: Mobile License Manager: Added a mobile license counter so users can check how many mobile licenses they have available.
FIXED: Picking: The Package Type field will now display next to the Package# field when 'Integrate Pick and Pack' setting is enabled.
FIXED: Stock Counts: Notes are now saved if you do not tab off before a submit. In addition, notes now get cleared when the Clear button is pressed.
ADDED: Setting: Serial Lot Scan Parse Script: Defines a script that should be run whenever a serial or lot number is scanned into any screen on DataCollection Mobile.
Release Date 5/26/15
ADDED: Packing: Added the ability to define a custom procedure that will run after the transaction is applied if the package is marked as complete.
ADDED: Setting: Bin Transfers Scanner: Bin Transfer Pre Submit Script: Bin Transfer C# script that executes when the submit button is clicked before the transaction is saved.
ADDED: Setting: Bin Transfers Scanner: Bin Transfer Post Submit Script: Bin Transfer C# script that executes when the submit button is clicked after the transaction is saved.
ADDED: Setting: Inventory Adjustment Scanner: Inventory Adjustment Pre Submit Script: Inventory Adjustment C# script that executes when the submit button is clicked before the transaction is saved.
ADDED: Setting: Inventory Adjustment Scanner: Inventory Adjustment Post Submit Script: Inventory Adjustment C# script that executes when the submit button is clicked after the transaction is saved.
Release Date 5/18/15
BREAKING CHANGE: Print Bulk PO Report: 'Print Bulk PO Report' has been renamed to 'Print Putaway Report' for accuracy.
FIXED: Receipt Splitting: Non-tracked items on purchase receipts where multibin is turned off can now be split successfully.
FIXED: Report Manager/Grid Reports: Report types for the Report Manager and Grid Reports have been localized, and will display properly in non-English versions of DataCollection.
FIXED: Security Editor: The Refresh Licenses button will now check to see if you have an internet connection before it allows you to start the process of refreshing licenses. If you were to click RefreshLicenses and then drop your internet connection you would still get your licenses dropped. This is only a check for before the button is pressed.
FIXED: Package Editor: When adding a new package new validation has been added so that the form will prompt you of an error if you enter a negative number.
FIXED: Warehouse Configuration/Customer Warehouse Configuration: Both modules will now perform a search when opened.
FIXED: Warehouse Workflow: Warehouse Workflow's Edit dialog box now has an appropriate title.
FIXED: Sales Restrictions: The dropdowns for 'Column Name' and 'Operators' now display correctly in localized versions of DataCollection.
FIXED: Data Collection Console: Activity Locks: Before the locks would refresh when pushing the 'RefreshAll' button but you would have to refresh the grid to see the results. This has been fixed so you can see what gets cleared when you press the 'RefreshAll' button.
FIXED: Security Editor: Improved the Refresh License button functionality. It will now tell you which licenses are about to get refreshed beforehand. Also the formatting is fixed so the messages are easier to read.
FIXED: Bin Lookup: Fixed general layout issues on the Bin Lookup screen. Added missing splitters, adjusted inconsistent padding, and added missing headers to all grids.
FIXED: Warehouse Configuration: Customer Warehouse Configuration - Splitter position saving correctly and default load scheme put into place to take into account different screen sizes.
FIXED: Warehouse Manager: Fixed general User Interface issues including padding, splitter, splitter position saving, grouping.
FIXED: Print Item Labels: Removed Search bar, added Framework grid search, fixed padding issues and added correct default search options.
FIXED: Print Putaway Report: User Interface - Fixed groupings, paddings and localization.
FIXED: Receipt Monitor: User Interface - Fixed Screen Groupings, header sizes, general padding and localization of all strings.
FIXED: Receipt Processing: Formlet will not respect Theme changes properly.
FIXED: Package Setup: New Package Type - Fixed the padding on Pop up window.
FIXED: Package Editor: Made user interface changes in padding and grouping so the screen is easier for the user to see and use.
FIXED: Mobile License Manager: Fixed screen padding and added an icon to the 'Reset Activations' button.
FIXED: Receipt Card: Splitter position will now save and reload and the splitter moves correctly now.
FIXED: Bin Lookup: Splitter positions are now saved correctly when closing the Bin Lookup screen.
FIXED: Receipt Card: Fixed the splitter control so that Receipt Properties are contained inside. The splitter also now will save its position if you close the Receipt Card tab.
FIXED: Grid Reports: Fixed error handling when grid report queries are unsuccessful. Message is now displayed informing the user why grid report failed to return data.
UPDATED: Workflow Setup: Workflow Rules have been temporarily removed from Workflow Setup as their implementation is not yet complete.
ADDED: Mobile License Manager: Added a mobile license counter so users can check how many mobile licenses they have available.
ADDED: Security: Grid Reports: Hidden Report Categories - Added drop-down menu allowing users to select existing grid report categories.
ADDED: Grid Reports: Added ability to print grid reports.
ADDED: Grid Reports: Added ability to add, update, and delete records using a grid report.
ADDED: Grid Reports: Added 'Reset Layout' button to the toolbar which resets the grid report to its default layout.
FIXED: Picking: Auto submit picks now works correctly for the last item on a document when used in conjunction with 'Auto Submit Picks' and 'Picking Increment Qty By Scan' settings.
FIXED: Mobile Receiving: The labels for auto-generation on serial and lot-tracked items will now display correctly in localized versions of DataCollection.
UPDATED: Session Timeout - Added a User message when a DC Mobile session times out.
Release Date 4/24/15
FIXED: Receipt Label Report: User fields now show up and are available in the Report Designer, allowing users to use them in the Receipt Label Report.
FIXED: Database Update: Certain procedures have been updated to no longer cause issues when installing DataCollection for the first time while using SQL Server with case-sensitive collation.
ADDED: Printed Reports: Added custom procedure functionality to purchase order, receipt label, item label, and bin label reports.
Release Date 4/21/15
FIXED: Database Update: Certain procedures have been updated to no longer cause issues when installing DataCollection for the first time with some systems.
FIXED: Picking: DataCollection will now successfully forward sales document to a sales batch set in 'Pick Finished Batch' setting on systems with renamed DYNAMICS database.
FIXED: Receiving: The dropdown for Receipt Type will now display appropriate information in localized versions of DataCollection Mobile.
ADDED: Scan Parse Script: Added ability to parse out lot attributes on the Receiving and Inventory Adjustments screens. Added transaction type parameter to script handling so each transaction can have its own scan parse script.
Release Date 4/10/15
FIXED: Print Item Labels: Printing function is working properly and not showing the 'One or more margins are set outside the printable area of the page, Continue?' warning message.
FIXED: Receipt Monitor: The receipt monitor will no longer set batches created in SalesPad GP or Dynamics GP to every DC workflow, and will instead set them into a default workflow.
FIXED: Receipt Monitor: Re-sizing the columns on the left hand side of the Receipt Monitor now works correctly.
FIXED: Application Menu: The 'Settings' button will now show up as intended when using a localized version of DataCollection.
FIXED: Package Editor: Column labels for packages are named properly. 'Package' prefix has been removed from every column label.
FIXED: Smart Printing Config and Package Setup: Toolbar has now an consistent color.
FIXED: Receiving: Toolbar has now a consistent color.
FIXED: Sales Restrictions: Sales restrictions can now be saved and copied successfully.
FIXED: Receipt Monitor: Receipt Monitor will now refresh correctly when saving batches using the Receipt Card or forwarding them using the 'Forward to Next Batch' button.
FIXED: Picking: Users are now alerted when picking from wrong location.
FIXED: Item Lookups: DC Mobile will now check to see if an item is flagged as inactive in Dynamics GP and disallow site and bin transfers accordingly.
FIXED: Receiving: Receiving (and other DC Mobile modules) will now check and respect restrictions for bins, items and customers created in Warehouse Configuration and Customer Warehouse Configuration.
FIXED: Picking: Picking should now record quantities for non-tracked items in a non-multibin database properly.
FIXED: Packing: Mobile packing will no longer display the 'fully packed' message in error when packing serial-tracked items in a non-base UofM.
FIXED: Localization: Language libraries are now being installed properly by the mobile installer. This allows proper localization on DC mobile.
FIXED: Returns: DataCollection now does not allow over-fulfillment of return items.
FIXED: Returns: Fulfillment of items with non-base unit of measure is now handled correctly. In addition, DataCollection will now let the user know that document has been fully returned when trying to return non-tracked items on databases where multibin is turned off.
FIXED: Returns: 'Quantity entered exceeds the amount required. You cannot over return.' message will not be displayed when fulfilling serial-tracked items with correct quantity
FIXED: Returns: DataCollection now handles sales line quantities for returns the same way Dynamics GP does. Quantity fulfilled and quantity selected will not be updated for return documents.
FIXED: Scan Parse Script: Added the ability to display custom messages on DC mobile when using a scan parse script.
UPDATED: Setting: Stock Count Fields to Clear - Removed Site from the default sequence so that the default site will load instead of getting cleared.
ADDED: General: Added Actions menu to certain DC mobile screens. The Actions menu functions as a go-to menu for additional functions that can be performed besides Clear and Submit, such as logging and document forwarding.
Release Date 3/12/15
FIXED: Receipt Splitting: The Split Quantity column in Receipt Splitting now shows the tracking option in header rows.
FIXED: Warehouse Configuration/Customer Warehouse Configuration: Captions will no longer display twice on fields and checkboxes.
FIXED: Receipt Processing: Receipt Processing's batch search bar now correctly displays DC batches or GP batches if the user is using the basic console or has not set up workflows in the advanced console/warehouse management.
FIXED: Print Bulk Pick Ticket: The quantity limits fields does not allow decimals or negative numbers.
FIXED: Warehouse Configuration: Fixed 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error on save when no search had been previously performed.
FIXED: Warehouse Configuration and Customer Warehouse Configuration: The focus does not shift entirely when you move from one grid to another.
FIXED: General: Updated several areas to check for and read DYNAMICS databases that might have been renamed.
FIXED: Mobile Picking: Total to Pick now shows correct total when 'Suggest Next Item to Pick' setting is disabled in the console.
FIXED: Site Transfers: Users will now receive a more meaningful message instead of 'Please a the From Site' when entering a serial or lot tracked item and From Site is blank.
FIXED: Settings: Validate Serial Numbers - Serials are validated even when their total count exceeds 100 serial numbers.
FIXED: Mobile Shipping: Shipping module no longer allows overshipping of items.
FIXED: Mobile Package Lookup: Localized 'Select' button.
FIXED: User Field Editor: The caption 'Visible on Mobile' will now correctly display in localized versions of DataCollection.
FIXED: Inventory Adjustments: Adjustment quantity now always equals the number of serials entered when adjusting serial-tracked items.
FIXED: Inventory Adjustments: Fixed 'Econnect error executing taIVTransactionLineInsert: Transaction Qty passed in is <> to what was passed into taIVTransactionSerialInsert proc or taIVTransactionLotInsert proc (1581)' error when adjusting lot-tracked items with non-base unit of measure.
FIXED: Mobile Receiving: Fixed 'Econnect error executing taPopRcptLineInsert: The POP Type is invalid' message when trying to receive a PO again immediately after deleting the purchase receipt in Dynamics GP.
FIXED: Bin Transfers: Bin Transfers module on DC mobile is disabled on databases where multibin is turned off.
FIXED: Receipt Confirmation: Receipt Confirmation message 'No receipts found ready for confirmation' is not duplicated.
FIXED: Mobile Receiving: Fixed 'Sequence contains no matching element' error when receiving items on DC mobile. If specified, expiration and manufactured dates for lot items now apply to all lots for that item on the purchase receipt.
FIXED: Mobile Receiving: Purchase orders with voided purchase receipts can be received again to a new purchase receipt.
UPDATED: Settings: Changed field sequence and fields to clear settings' default values and descriptions to be more accurate and useful.
UPDATED: Security Editor: Removed the unused Receipt Audit and Receipt Line security settings.
UPDATED: Serial/Lot Attributes: GP Lot Editor button is now disabled when a non-lot tracked item is selected in order to avoid confusion.
UPDATED: Customer Warehouse Configuration: Customer number should now be a default value for the search function.
ADDED: Security: Print Item Labels: Search for Inactive Items - Added the ability to allow/disallow inactive items in the Print Item Label item search.
ADDED: Print Item Labels and Print Bin Labels: Added footer to display the summary for any column on the grid.
ADDED: Reports: Added the packing slip report and the ability to print it from DC mobile for picking, packing, and shipping transactions.
ADDED: Receipt Monitor: Receipt Monitor now has a button that will print (using a ReceiptLabel) a selected receipt.
ADDED: Receipt Monitor: Added a button that will forward a selected receipt to its next workflow batch if it has one.
ADDED: Mobile Lookups: Implemented the ability to save and reset column widths on grid lookups on DC mobile.
Release Date 2/26/15
FIXED: Mobile Receiving: Fixed 'Please fill in all fields' message when attempting to receive a purchase order with active scan parse script.
FIXED: Mobile Receiving: DataCollection will not allow receiving of closed or cancelled purchase orders.
Release Date 2/20/15
UPDATED: Mobile Receiving: Added a Receipt Header screen that allows for more versatile receiving. Available fields include Vendor ID, Vendor Document Number, Receipt Type, and Receipt Number.
UPDATED: Mobile Receiving: Added ability to create Shipment Invoice type Receipts. A Vendor Doc Number is required in order to receive a Shipment Invoice.
UPDATED: Mobile Receiving: Multiple Purchase Orders can now be added to an open receipt for the Vendor ID associated with the PO. An existing receipt can be updated by selecting it on the Receipt Header screen. During a transaction, if you continue to receive POs from the same vendor, the same receipt will be used.
UPDATED: Console Receiving: Added the ability to receive multiple POs from the same Vendor onto a single Receipt. If a Vendor Doc Num is specified for some lines, they will be grouped together on separate receipts.
ADDED: Setting: Enable Classic PO Receiving - When enabled, the receiving screen will skip the Receipt Header screen and continue directly to PO Receiving. With this enabled, only Shipment Receipts are created. Receiving multiple POs from the same vendor will still work and you can receive without a PO after you have started a receipt. This is enabled by default.
ADDED: Setting: Receipt Types Allowed - Controls the receipt types that are available on the Mobile Receiving Screen. Defaults to Shipment, Shipment Invoice.
ADDED: Setting: Receiving Select Field Sequence - A Field Sequence setting for the Receipt Header screen in Mobile Receiving.
ADDED: Setting: Receiving Select Fields To Clear - A Fields to Clear setting for the Receipt Header screen in Mobile Receiving.
ADDED: Setting: Require PO On Receipt - The Mobile Receiving screen will require a PO number in order to receive an item. When disabled, you can receive additional items as long as a Vendor ID has been supplied.
ADDED: Mobile Receiving: Purchase Order and Purchase Order Line Item User Defined Fields can be viewed and edited on the mobile screen.
ADDED: Security: Can View Purchase Order UDFs - Controls whether a user group has access to view Purchase Order UDFs on the mobile screen.
ADDED: Security: Can View Purchase Order Line Item UDFs - Controls whether a user group has access to view Purchase Order Line Item UDFs on the mobile screen.
ADDED: Security: Can Edit Purchase Order UDFs - Controls whether a user group has access to edit Purchase Order UDFs on the mobile screen.
ADDED: Security: Can Edit Purchase Order Line Item UDFs - Controls whether a user group has access to edit Purchase Order Line Item UDFs on the mobile screen.
ADDED: User Field Editor: Added option 'Visible On Mobile' for User Fields that controls whether that UDF will be displayed on the mobile scanner.
ADDED: Setting: Allow Auto Generate Serial Lot - Controls whether the Auto Generate button is available on the Mobile Receiving and Mobile Inventory Adjustment screens. Defaults to true.
ADDED: Settings: Implemented advanced Script Editor for DataCollection script settings.
ADDED: DataCollection: Manufacturing functionality moved to Core.
FIXED: Console Receiving: Receipt line output quantity is now formatted correctly.
FIXED: DataCollection Install: No longer prompted to uninstall during the install process.
FIXED: Mobile Receiving: Lot Attributes communicated back from a scan parse script will now be used when receiving a lot tracked item.
Release Date 2/11/15
BREAKING CHANGE: Picking Monitor: 'Picking Monitor' module has been renamed to 'Picking Audit' and needs to be re-enabled in the Security Editor.
ADDED: General: Dynamics GP 2015 support.
ADDED: Settings: Implemented advanced Script Editor for DataCollection script settings.
ADDED: Settings: Implemented advanced Script Editor for DataCollection script settings.
UPDATED: Mobile Field Sequence Settings: Field Sequence Settings can now be used to remove fields and to rename screen labels on DC mobile. To hide a field from the screen, add a hyphen "-" to the beginning of the line. Note that not all fields can be hidden. To rename a screen label, add a "|" character after the line followed by the desired screen label.
UPDATED: Console: Updated company name on splash screen for accuracy.
UPDATED: Inventory Lookup: Removed 'Rebuild Warehouse Allocations' button from Inventory Lookup since functionality has not been implemented yet.
FIXED: Stock Counts: Fixed bin lookup on mobile Stock Counts screen. The lookup will now pull in all bins for the specified item even if quantity available is zero.
FIXED: Stock Counts: A column has been added that will display the bin during item lookup. The bin column will only appear in multibin databases and should help differentiate between lines with the same item number.
FIXED: Picking: 'Pack Finished Batch' setting is now respected when picking and packing is integrated.
FIXED: General: DataCollection will now check for and use DYNAMICS databases that were renamed during GP installation.
FIXED: Picking: Over-picking is now not possible when there is quantity cancelled on the sales line.
FIXED: Stock Counts: Submitting a stock count request on DC mobile will trigger an update every time. This ensures that stock count quantities are updated correctly. The user will be notified if the serial-tracked item has already been verified.
Release Date 1/21/15
FIXED: Database Update: Fixed database update when running DataCollection on SQL Server 2005.
FIXED: IIS Installer: Fixed 'This setup requires the IIS windows component is installed (v7 or higher)' message when trying to install DC service on Windows Small Business Server 2008 that has IIS 7 installed.
FIXED: Mobile Packing: Fixed packing of service, flat fee, and misc. charges items. Fixed 'Document Fully Packed' message for Spanish language localization configurations.
Release Date 12/30/14
FIXED: Stock Counts: Fixed an issue with Stock Counts where counted and variance quantities kept getting incremented with multiple submissions from the handheld for the same serial number, even though the serial has already been verified.
FIXED: Mobile Package Editor: Fixed Package Lookup and Package Editor where menu bar was not showing up on devices running Windows Mobile 6.5 or newer. This caused issues with saving package changes or closing out of the Package Editor.
ADDED: Stock Counts: Added user notification for serial numbers that have already been verified.
Release Date 12/17/14
UPDATED: Mobile PO Receiving: Purchase Orders will now be added to an open receipt for the Vendor ID associated with the PO, if one exists.
ADDED: Mobile PO Receiving: Ability to view and edit Purchase Order and Purchase Order Line Item user fields on DC mobile.
ADDED: Security: Added 'Can View Purchase Order UDFs' option which controls whether or not a user group can view Purchase Order UDFs on DC mobile.
ADDED: Security: Added 'Can View Purchase Order Line Item UDFs' option which controls whether or not a user group can view Purchase Order Line Item user fields on DC mobile.
ADDED: Security: Added 'Can Edit Purchase Order UDFs' option which controls whether or not a user group can edit Purchase Order user fields on DC mobile.
ADDED: Security: Added security option 'Can Edit Purchase Order Line Item UDFs' which controls whether or not a user group can edit Purchase Line Item user fields on DC mobile.
ADDED: Console User Field Editor: Added 'Visible On Mobile' option for user fields that controls whether or not user field is displayed on DC mobile.
FIXED: Serial/Lot Attributes: Lot expiration and manufacture dates and serial lot user fields can now be added and updated on the Serial Lot Attributes screen in DC Console.
Release Date12/11/14
BREAKING CHANGE: Smart Printing Configuration: Fixed printing from DC mobile for item label, bin label, receipt label, receipt summary, and purchase order reports. Added 'On Submit', 'On Transaction Complete', and 'On New Bin Creation' print options to smart printing as well as the ability to assign printing configurations to user groups.
FIXED: Console Receiving: Fixed DBNull to varchar casting error when searching non-inventory items on the Receiving screen in DC console.
FIXED: Database Update: Added a check to the database update wizard that prevents the Login button from being continuously clicked and causing the application to crash.
FIXED: Receiving: Fixed partial receiving of non-tracked items on databases where multibin is turned off. The fix makes it possible to fully and/or partially receive non-tracked items on DC mobile and DC console.
FIXED: Mobile Picking: Fixed a 'Sales document does not exist' error message on DC mobile when trying to pick an item immediately after clicking the Clear button.
ADDED: Mobile Picking: Added a notification message when trying to pick a non-tracked item that does not exist in the selected bin on multibin databases.
Release Date 11/12/14
FIXED: Mobile Stock Counts: Fixed cursor focus when 'Auto Submit Stock Counts' setting is enabled. It now focuses on the next available blank control (usually Item Number field) instead of the Notes field.
FIXED: Security Editor: Passwords could potentially reset for all users when saving changes in the Security Editor.
ADDED: Bulk Pick Ticket Printing: Added 'Loading Data' graphic to the Bulk Pick Ticket Printing screen when searching for large number of documents.
Release Date 10/31/14
BREAKING CHANGE: Mobile PO Receiving: Renamed the existing Receiving screen on DC mobile to PO Receiving. Same functionality as the previous versions of DataCollection. Added new Receiving screen for receiving inventory without a purchase order.
FIXED: Active Users: Fixed DataCollection restarting after active user token becomes invalid or the application loses connection to the SQL Server.
FIXED: Mobile Picking: Fixed over picking error when picking serial-tracked items with different units of measure.
FIXED: Mobile Picking: Enabled the UofM field on the Picking screen. Fixed picking items with different units of measure.
Release Date 10/7/14
FIXED: Mobile Stock Counts: Fixed stock counts for lot-tracked items. Additionally, selecting a lot from the lookup on the handheld will only update that specific lot as opposed to distributing the quantities among all lots.
FIXED: Mobile Picking: Fixed 'Picking Fields To Clear' setting when Doc# field is specified. The Doc# field will not get cleared after document number has been entered or scanned.
FIXED: Mobile Receiving: Manufacturing and expiration date values will persist on per lot basis when multiple lots are saved on one receipt.
ADDED: Database Update: Added spwms.DataCollectionGrantPermissions procedure that can be run by an administrator on the SQL Server. It automatically grants necessary permissions to the DYNGRP for DataCollection tables, procedures, views, and functions.
UPDATED: Workflow Audit: Updated workflow forwarding audit to distinguish between DataCollection and SalesPad by adding a DC prefix to all audit entries created by DataCollection.
Release Date 8/27/14
FIXED: Smart Printing Config: Fixed Transaction dropdown not populating on the Smart Printing Config screen in DC console.
FIXED: Mobile Receiving: Fixed 'spwms.ItemBarcode_Update' item barcode translation procedure. The procedure calls the custom 'dccpItemBarcode_Update' procedure to translate barcodes and does not have any translation logic.
FIXED: DC Mobile: Fixed mobile licensing when device ID cannot be obtained from the handheld. If the device ID cannot be obtained, it defaults to the adapter MAC address.
FIXED: Receipt Processing: Fixed printing of non-tracked items on databases with multibin turned off. The items can now be viewed and printed.
Release Date 7/31/14
FIXED: Console Receiving: 'Receive To Bin' field properly is enabled or disabled based on whether or not multibin is enabled or disabled in database configuration.
FIXED: Console Receiving: Fixed 'Ambiguous column name' error on GP 2013 R3 systems when searching on the Receiving screen.
FIXED: Serial Lot Attributes: Fixed 'Must declare the scalar value @Manufacture_Date' error. Manufacture Date field now updates successfully.
FIXED: DC Mobile: Fixed a TargetInvocationException error on login to provide more details and fixed the possibility of an infinite loop when there is an error during login.
FIXED: Mobile Receiving: Fixed receiving purchase lines that have landed cost associated with them.
Release Date 7/15/14
FIXED: Mobile Picking: Fixed null reference error when picking on DC mobile when DC service is running on IIS server.
Release Date 6/27/14
FIXED: Warehouse Management: Warehouse configuration, sales restrictions, and bin restrictions are ignored if warehouse management license is not available.
Release Date 5/21/14
ADDED: Setting: Added 'Attempts To Acquire Handheld IP Address' setting where users can specify the number of attempts DataCollection makes before letting them know that it cannot obtain the scanner's IP address.
ADDED: Bulk PO Report: Added a printed report that includes lines from multiple purchase orders, the bins and quantities for each item, and any backorder quantities for that item.
ADDED: Mobile Bin Transfers: Added Quantity Type field to the Bin Transfers screen on DC mobile.
ADDED: Mobile Receiving: Added Receiving screen to DC mobile allowing the user to receive items without a purchase order.
ADDED: Mobile Picking: Added post submit script functionality to the picking transaction on DC mobile.
FIXED: Console Receiving: The 'Receive To Bin' field is now read only for databases where multibin is turned off.
FIXED: Screen Size: Added support for different screen sizes on DC mobile.
FIXED: Mobile Packing: Sales document lookup will not filter by workflow batch when batch is not set in DataCollection settings.
FIXED: Warehouse Management: Fixed allocation of services, misc charges, and flat fee items.
UPDATED: Item Barcode Translation: Renamed 'spcpItemBarcode_Update' custom procedure to 'dccpItemBarcode_Update' to follow DataCollection naming conventions.