The FedEx Developer Portal allows integration with the FedEx REST API. The FedEx REST API replaced the SOAP-based FedEx Web Services.
FedEx Developer Portal
To use the FedEx REST carrier, an API Key and Secret Key must be obtained from the FedEx Developer Portal by following these steps:
1. Go to the FedEx Developer Portal by navigating to https://developer.fedex.com
2. Click the Sign Up or Log In button in the upper left-hand corner.
3. On the next screen click the Sign Up button to create a FedEx API account.
4. Once the account has been created, click the Log In button to go to the login page. Enter the user ID and password and click the Log In button to log in.
5. Once logged in, click the Manage Organization navigation option.
Click the Shipping Accounts tab and then click the Add Account button. Follow the instructions to add your shipping account to your profile. If you do not have a shipping account, you will be able to create it at this time.
NOTE: A shipping account is not required to obtain the API Key and Secret Key for the test environment, but it is required in order to go live with the FedEx REST API.
6. Once the shipper account has been added, click the My Projects navigation option.
Click the Create a Project button to create a new project. A prompt will request the reason for API access. Select the “Ships with FedEx and needs to integrate FedEx API into their system” option and click Next.
7. Next a prompt will request which APIs are needed. Click the Select button under the Ship, Rate & other APIs section to continue selecting APIs.
Select the following APIs, then click Next:
Address Validation API
Rates and Transit Times API
Ship API
8. Configure the project by entering the project name and countries you plan to ship to and from. The project name can be anything but is usually the name of the corresponding application. Enter “ShipCenter” for the project name. Select Yes or No for the SmartPost Returns and Freight LTL questions and click Next to continue.
9. A summary of the selections made is provided on the Confirm Details page. Review everything and accept the terms. Click the Create button to finish creating the project.
NOTE: The project name may show up under the default name, such as My Project 668, on the confirmation page even though a custom name was entered. The correct name will display once the project is fully created.
The ShipCenter project should now be visible on the My Project page in the FedEx Developer Portal.
10. Click the ShipCenter project link to open the API project overview page. The Test Key and Production Key tabs should be available. The API Key and the Secret Key must be entered in ShipCenter to obtain the access token.