FedEx Address Validation adds the ability to validate addresses through FedEx's API. Addresses are validated on the Customer Address card and the Ship To Address on a sales document.
Note: This functionality requires an additional dll to use. Please contact SalesPad Support to request the dll for your build of SalesPad.
Settings Setup
- Navigate to Settings and locate the Address Tools section.
- Select FedExAddressQueryHandler from the list of Address Query Handlers.
- Locate the FedEx Validation section under settings.
- Fill out each field with the appropriate FedEx credentials.
- Click Save.
Customer Address card
- Navigate to a Customer Address card.
- Input the desired information and click Save. The address will be validated upon the save.
Sales Document Addresses Tab
- Navigate to the Addresses Tab on a new or open sales document.
- If needed, the update the Ship To Address.
- Save the sales document. The Ship To Address will be validated upon the save.
Address Query Handlers - Specify the Address Query Handler to be used. This item has no default value.
Note: This must be set to FedEx Query Handler to use FedEx address validation. Without the FedEx Address Validation dll, this option will not be available.
DPV Shipping Method - DPV (Delivery Point Validation) indicates that an address can receive mail. When this setting is filled in, an address that has a valid DPV will have this shipping method set. This item has no default value.
FedEx Meter Number - FedEx user meter number used for authorization. This item has no default value.
FedEx User Account Number - FedEx user account number used for authorization. This item has no default value.
FedEx User Credential Key - FedEx user credential key used for authorization. This item has no default value.
FedEx User Credential Password - FedEx user credential password used for authorization. This item has no default value.
Post Address Validation Script - C# script that fires after an address has been validated. This item has no default value. Parameters: CustomerAddr Customer Address, SalesPad.Bus.SalesDocument sd, SalesPad.Module.FedExAddressVAlidation.WebReference.AddressValidationReply response
Validation Precision - Determines how precise the address validation should be. Exact means the entire address needs to be matched by FedEx, Medium means it will validate the street/city combination but not necessarily the house number. Defaults to Medium.