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SDK Implementation Outline - Knowledgebase / LEGACY Products / SDK - Cavallo Technical Support

SDK Implementation Outline

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Important Notice

After October 29, 2019, SalesPad will no longer be supporting CardControl. Additionally, the application will cease to be a PA-DSS validated solution as of this date, and therefore CardControl customers would no longer be PCI compliant. 

Instead, SalesPad Desktop now offers built-in credit card processing via Nodus PayFabric. If you have questions or want more information on our credit card processing services, please contact your sales rep.


Other applications communicate with CardControl through the CardControl SDK (Software Development Kit). The CardControl SDK contains two toolsets for developers to leverage: the application API (application programming interface) and the web API. Developers can use these APIs as toolsets to hook other applications into CardControl. When an application would like to use the CardControl user interface to process transactions, create customers, or save new cards, the application API is used. For example, this is how SalesPad GP uses CardControl to process its credit card transactions.

When an application needs to communicate with CardControl through web requests (remotely, without any user interface), the web API can be used. This is often leveraged as a way for web stores to use CardControl to process transactions. The web API is composed of two windows IIS (internet information services) web services (SOAP, and REST).

Software Requirements

There are certain requirements that must be met to utilize the CardControl SDK. SalesPad developers will work with you to make sure this happens.

At a minimum there needs to be:

  • A server with .NET 4.5 installed
  • Login for a SQL server
  • SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) - An SSL certification that covers the desired hostname of the web services is required (if using the web API).

Complete requirements can be found here:

How is the CardControl SDK different from our other software?

Instead of being a general standalone piece of software, like CardControl or SalesPad, the CardControl SDK is a set of tools that developers will use to make their software talk to CardControl. This necessitates custom development and consultation, unlike a typical SalesPad GP install, for example.

What happens during implementation?
  1. SalesPad developers will work with your team to make sure your hardware and software for the SDK package meet the requirements.
  2. SalesPad developers will work with your IT staff to perform setup for SDK to the web services, if they will be used.
  3. Have access to SalesPad developers for all CardControl SDK related questions. Merchants will be responsible for custom development.
What are consultation hours?

These are hours that are quoted out for the consultation time with SalesPad developers. Hours are billed on a usage basis. All quotes are estimates. Please talk to your SalesPad Sales Representative for more information.

It is important to note that each merchant’s environment is unique and what every merchant wants to accomplish is different. Implementing an SDK requires expansive knowledge on each piece of data, how the application interprets the data, and the general field of business (e-commerce).The availability of SalesPad developers is extremely beneficial; there is a high probably that your IT staff or developers will have a range of questions, which is why we recommend consultation hours.

Is the SDK PCI Compliant?

While we revalidate CardControl under the PA-DSS requirements yearly (to remove it from a merchant’s PCI audit scope), the PCI council does not offer PA-DSS validation for any API. This is due to the custom software development work that an API implicitly guarantees. A merchant’s usage of our APIs will always be within the scope of a PCI audit.

What needs to be configured in order to use the SDK?

Our web API is composed of two things: a SOAP web service, and a REST web service. Both of these web services must be installed on a machine that meets all of the web service hardware and software requirements, which are quite numerous here. Installing both web services and properly configuring them for usage can be a complex process, which is why we assign a software developer to assist.

The application API does not require any installation.

What are you responsible for during the implementation?

IT staff from the merchant must be available to work with a developer from SalesPad for the installation and configuration of the web services (if in use). After this step is successful, the party responsible for the custom software development to leverage the CardControl SDK can contact their assigned consultant at SalesPad at any time for advice or guidance in regards to the SDK itself.

Further Resources

PA-DSS Implementation Guide CardControl Documentation

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